Basics - email?

If the phone is supposed to cover the basics then what is the email app? I looked at geary on the emulator but it’s an old version and doesn’t conform to the screen dimensions.

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What was the source of the Geary package? I think the default that tends to show up in the Software center is an ancient version, whereas most of the development is targeting the Flatpak release. So checking with the Flatpak release would probably provide a better experience

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I always use webmail so if Firefox is working then there are no problems. To be sure, I do not use Gmail but a local email provider with a webmail interface. Thus my email will not be in the hands of Snoople. Webmail is easily reachable from many different places (I have a lot of them).


Seems like this question could be read a few different ways. Like the “Librem Mail” software and service part of Librem One through Purism is delivered through a fork of the K-9 email mobile app the last time I looked. It seems to imply that you could put K-9 mail on the Librem 5 and access any email account that has POP or IMAP type access settings.

I’m not paying for the as of yet, so I can’t use the Librem Mail app yet. I put the K-9 on my Android just to see what features I might have if I did pay for that account.

I put in my info to get K-9 to handle my two Gmail accounts and a Yahoo account. I also put in info for some of my private email server accounts. I was also able to add the encryption parts to those email accounts which I generated using my Ubuntu PC.

All of its features looked good on a mobile screen. It had some intuitive defaults and sooooo many configurable options if you needed to go totally techie.

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I am also using the secure email but I am still a novice on that.

Problem here is I think K-9 is Android-only, so won’t work on the phone running PureOS. Any Linux email client should technically work, but not all will actually adapt to the mobile screen size nicely. Purism’s focus on turning desktop Linux into phone Linux has focused on the GTK toolkit, which most default GNOME apps use, and Geary is the only GTK email client I know of (or at least, GTK3).

KDE has their own project for phone-ifying Qt applications, so potentially the KMail client could work too (not to be confused with K-9), but then you’ll have a mix of Qt and GTK GUIs, so things won’t look as unified (nothing wrong with that, though). Or you can just install Plasma Mobile instead of PureOS and get a KDE experience instead of a GNOME experience.

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See the GUADEC video for glimpses on an adaptive Geary.


I bought into the account so yes, I was wondering how that was going to work.

PINE at the command line?


No way! strictly mutt


I use nmh for e-mail.

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KDE’s project is called Kirigami, and is quickly replacing alot of the old non-responsive toolkits used by plasma. Plasma settings for example uses alot of kirigami modules, while discover is completely krigiami. Their idea is that you can take a desktop plasma app and it will adapt to the phone’s screen, including rearranging UI elements and introducing slide out panels like in android.

Honestly, considering kirigami has been worked on for a few years now i don’t really understand why purism choose to go with libhandy, but either way it’s nice to see alternatives out there.


the last is neomutt

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Real men use telnet for everything. :rofl:

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Here is the mockup for the new adaptative geary interface:


I compiled my own mutt on the Ubuntu touch mobile E4.5. Works fine. And I will do the same on the L5, shouldn’t be any problem as the L5 runs a Debian flower.


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I suspect I’ll move to my fav arch linux and they have pre-built arm builds, no imX8 yet tho (only iMX6).

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1981, blast from the past:


running mutt in the terminal app on my Ubuntu phone E4.5



Okay, maybe I was misinformed about the Librem Mail client being a fork of K-9 Mail.

No, you’re right about that. Purism offers clients on iOS and Android. The Android mail client is based on K-9. But that won’t apply to the Librem 5