Byzantium backports unofficial

My installation has been singularly difficult and abnormal from others. At the moment all byz-backports have installed without warnings but for some reason there is no sound (and as a bonus video isn’t working if unmuted). Journalctl has various errors and fails but it’s hard to tell which are relevant and relevant to this issue.

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I also spend almost 3 weeks to make whole thing work(missing the kbd package). I got no sound issue too later after that, but I ran the second command that Galliley’s no soudn commands first

, then I re run the 3 commands. It worked.


Question, is the flickering issue in the backports the version issue or just the byzamtium not run the higher version well?

Also, is there anyway to only install Phosh-Osk-stub?


Really hard to understand your situation…
Could you check systemctl status and look for failed units like systemctl | grep failed. Next you can inspect the reasons of an each particular unit by systemctl status <unit-name>.

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Do you mean flickering when you scroll the list of applications? As far as I noticed it appears in Buzantium together with bakcports. So, it must be related to some libs like gtk-3… The same effect I observe in ALT Mobile. Purism could apply some patches to avoid it.
That is more interesting - Crimson backports do not affected yet and work smoothly!

It is hardly possible in Byzantium as far as a lot of core libs must be upgraded together. I think Crimson backports will be much more flexible.


i see. thanks.

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Nope. Again. And here’s the interesting part (after installing a couple of sound/audio related files that I’m not entirely sure had anything to do with anything), I noticed that sounds in sound setting testing do not work, nor from any media source, BUT, I can hear system sounds (like raising and lowering volume) and I noticed that microphone works too.

That systemctl returned nothing for failled.

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Well that was interesting. The solution was: there was sound - it just wanted to come out through the modem (apparently). I installed pavucontrol, which is a bit more comprehensive control of audio. Apparently, for some odd reason, all my apps (including the sound settings test sounds) were automatically trying to force sound out via the modem, instead of anywhere else (like speakers or handset or headphones). It shows up as an either/or setting in pavucontrol. Now I just had to select the other destination for sounds when trying to hear something. As I said before: annoying.


Oh! It is really interesting! There is some package that responsible for automatic output switches when you try to call someone, connect BT or just listen the music. callaudiod must be one of them… I will try to find exact name.

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According to apt info it’s only for routing audio during calls so I’m not convinced that it’s behind this. It could be just a happenstance. Now we know how to fix it, if not prevent it.

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In general, could you check that you have all deps in the list installed?

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Wys doesn’t seem to be the culprit. Checked, all there.

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