Camera development progress

Even this is a level too high. AI also could named as AIS while S means “simulation”. Even dump NPCs in games are currently called AI. But does that mean people cannot understand the difference? Yes, it is missleading, but people should know (also outside of nerd-bubbles) that we cannot create any true AI like in Terminator. And that’s the point: as far as someone get close to any true AI, they would call it “true” AI or “real” AI or similar. So I don’t see the point of this discussion. :thinking:

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Don’t worry, it will all come back into focus… :wink:

Related issue:


I will donate 100 bucks to @dcz for all the work done in Libcamera and Frontend, but also for archiving new features like Libcamera-gpu-accelerated plus 10 bits & raw.
Dorota-Czaplejewicz a Purism programmer. H e r o s :wink:


How you are doing that exactly. Please, if necessary, reply by PM.


Post can’t be empty

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Millipixels does not officially have those features just yet. I haven’t made a release, because they make hangups come out from hiding :frowning:

But the truth is that it’s coming. It could just take a while.


I like the new (todays) version of Millipixel very much. With the addition of the automatic options for focus, exposure and gain it has become an adequate app. Nice!

One question though: what are these vague variables top left of the screen? Are they placeholders for aperture, distance and iso? Am I correct in thinking they will be replaced by more intuitive values in the future?


“Exposure” is the exposure time (in no particular unit). Gain is the ISO gain. Focus is… well, it corresponds to the focal plane distance in some monotonic way. I’d have to check. At some point I expect to rename them, but it’s not so easy to nail them down in the first place.


It’s great to finally see these settings change automatically as you move around through different light levels. Nice work, @dcz, @dos, “@others?”!


Thanks for trying anyway! 

This wouldn’t have happened without a certain Mr. Machek.


Wow, so cool to see it adjust the numbers on the fly. Awesome update! Echoing @amarok, massive Thank you to @dcz, @dos, Mr. Machek, and all involved.


I had to quote myself in a digression, because those are a thumbs up and a smiley I typed on my L5 (in Angelfish).

What went wrong there?!

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I installed µPlayer to play the videos taken by the camera. µPlayer works great too.

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I see those elsewhere when receiver can’t recognize the codes for those emoji’s. Like if it was old or didn’t have images for then in it’s database, or the codes were garbled.

Other: how do you all find the sound quality in your videos? Mine seems to have a high pitched noise, like the L5 had a fan on, or a room aircon was picked up (neither exists). Could it be a sound setting wrong?

The auto feature is a big yes (thanks to all) but I noticed, it seems to amplify the orang-ish tinge of warm-white bulbs. Will there be an option to have auto-balancedwhite?

Same here.

Same here.

Where’s this package? Is the name I used correct?

purism@pureos:~$ sudo apt install uplayer
[sudo] password for purism:
Reading package lists… Done
Building dependency tree… Done
Reading state information… Done
E: Unable to locate package uplayer