Librem 5 media (photos and videos)


Comparison of a Librem 5 with a Fairphone 4 (green) and an Iphone 6 (white).
The Librem 5 is the thickest and heaviest one, but is slightly shorter that the FP4. Really feels like holding a computer in your hands :wink:


It really is a computer :smiley:


What I meant is that it weights almost as a laptop :D. But it is true that it’s a fully-fledged computer: the thing I like the most is the terminal, which is also the app that offers the best experience and works most reliably among the ones I’ve tried so far.

For me, the Librem 5 together with a laptop dock can replace my regular laptop for most of my needs. That is truly awesome!


From here:


“I wanted to look back at what changed in phosh in 2022 and figured I could share it with you.” -Guido Gunther


Purism to Participate in CES 2023:


How it comes that Purism works together with an IoT/Big Data company to participate in CES 2023? Sounds like most possible opposite goals you could have matched together. :sweat_smile:


To me it looks more likely that they are able to make tablet for Purism (just another speculation of mine). Anyway, as at least one of their devices run out-of-the-box on Linux Debian, I like this get together.

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Sounds like a fair question. One could certainly speculate, as @Quarnero does, that they are working on or have worked on something with Purism.

IoT is not in and of itself bad at all. An IoT device that runs privacy-respecting software is fine.

Even Big Data can be non-evil in some very limited circumstances.


Even IoT that is privacy-respecting is a security issue if it is not needed to be designt as IoT. But it is even more interesting, that Purism got advertised as “with security and privacy in mind”, while there is no word about Teksun this way.

However, I don’t want to blame anyone for that. It will have some reason we don’t know and that’s fine. I was just curious about it.

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That’s true - but with your blackbox IoT devices, you have no idea about any of the risk that you might be importing into your network. Privacy could be poor. Security could be poor. At least with open source you have the possibility of assessing your privacy risk and assessing your security risk.

I have exactly zero knowledge of Teksun’s product range. They may have a mix of good products and bad products - as assessed from a privacy and security point of view. Or all bad. Or all good. Who knows?

One thing that I have noticed generally (i.e. other companies selling devices to connect to the network) is that time-to-market and functionality often trump security. Security is not a priority.

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Hello, everyone !

I have published a field report with the Librem 5 after about 2 years!

It is written in German, you can use Chrome’s translation function :slight_smile:


Thanks, thats a good state of the union post :slight_smile:

Webapps: I did not tried it yet, but it looks like an interesting approach/improvement.

The camera version with autofocus is quite an improvement. Yet it introduces some crashes and lock-ups, so it will take some weeks until it will arrive for all users…

GNSS does work in some way, you need to enable “Ortungsdienste” via Settings -> Privacy. GNOME Maps shows then my location. Did you tried PureMaps from Flatpak yet? It should support navigation.

Signal is still a mess. I’m using a combination of Flare, Axolotl, Signal Desktop and a second iOS device. Telegram is much better, even with that not really responsive app…

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I appreciate that the author seemed to know what (s)he was talking about. Too bad convergence was left out, though.

That’s true, but he (it’s a man) was few weeks not up to date - at least what he wrote to camera. There are first versions with capturing movies and auto focus. But in general he was right.