Can't use L5 after update!

I’d say - if you already have your phone running again, then just leave it as is and use it normally. Updates should be safe (and in the worst case you’ll have to repeat the steps you’ve already done), but waiting with further updates until we announce here that the issues have been already fixed will probably take unnecessary stress away :stuck_out_tongue:


ok I already use appstore for my update. Thanks!

I automaticaly backup on my memory card. But with my little kmowledge, I thing that it should take the same time to ask you how I can see the data, the phone numbers, the agenda… with the memory card connected lap top than the time I took to repair the L5 -_-

so, do you think that I can wait before doing what you said to do? apt upgrade…

One of the good aspects of Purism’s approach is that you should be able to run the same software on your laptop as you run on your phone. So there is at least some chance that a copy of a data file from the phone will be directly usable on the laptop. (Of course you need to be careful to have the same version of the software if the format of data files changes.)

Backing up to the uSD card in the phone has some limitations as a backup strategy e.g. if the phone is lost or stolen then so is the backup! However it wasn’t clear whether this is what you meant.

Current Linux Kernel that you run is what matters and there is no difference (upgrade through GUI from now on will provide as well better user experience from day to day … for example having phosh 0.15.0-1pureos2 as already available, etc.), therefore only if you will proceed as I wrote down inside of post my #116. I think that there is some advantage of executing: sudo apt upgrade linux-image-librem5, before: sudo apt upgrade, as general CLI command that calls for all upgrades at once (for overview use: sudo apt list --upgradable). And that removing of all unnecessary Linux Kernels (like linux-image-5.15.0-1-librem5) helps greatly to gain significant amount of free “room” within /boot partition:

And, related to myself, as long as we have had Purism Staff involved here (and still have) I felt safe (and confident) as well (not to make any unnecessary mistake). Thank you all, especially to @mladen, @joao.azevedo and @dos!

EDIT: For example executing of:

Should give you the following output:
linux-image-5.16.0-1-librem5/byzantium in version 5.16.3pureos1 and this confirms to myself that versions of 5.16.2pureos1 (second one) and 5.16.1pureos1 (first one) already belong to previous apt upgrade. Simply put it is up to you to decide what to do, my thought was that that older linux-image-5.15.0-1-librem5/byzantium plays just static role within /boot, just by looking at its install date, as you posted it:

Here are already advices not to rush into anything, including official one from @joao.azevedo, so no need … my recommendation was just my opinion, nothing that matters any more as of now, as of you run your Librem 5 as expected.

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I am very affraid. Pureos store say that updates are waiting and ready. I don’t want to live what I’ve just lived this week. O.O

Which particular updates are listed as available?

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phosh mobile
calls version 42.beta.0
calls version 42.beta.1

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I got those today. They downloaded and installed almost instantly, so that probably means they’re very small.

You should be able to tap on each one, then scroll upwards to reveal its size. (At least you can do that for the already-installed apps. Calls, for instance, is only 1.4 Mb total installed.)

You shouldn’t have to worry if it’s not the kernel. OS updates have more room to grow and the OS itself doesn’t ever get significantly bigger. If you add a bunch of software that’s one thing, but its a different thing.


I think that I will wait the OK of the Purism team before any update like @dos said at #132.

sudo apt upgrade phosh phosh-mobile-tweaks −− and the other ones after you recognize them with: sudo apt list --upgradable. Or just write simple: sudo apt upgrade.

Only package that needs, just perhaps, to get smaller in size is this one: osk-sdl, @Marts just relax, nothing to really worry about, not at this point of time (even if related to upgrades over GUI, as you successfully bridged over … actually as you use the very same advantages of PureOS as @amarok does, he just chose another approach to get there but you are at the same level/peak now). As described/shared with us within the second most important post within this thread from @joao.azevedo:

And as I’ve learned hard way that there is no fear in love, like to share this advice toward you: “Mastering oneself makes you fearless.” Purism Team is doing just about perfect job in every direction, think I :upside_down_face:. Therefore please differentiate, understand and accept recent kind advice, below one, as “life goes/moves on and on”, just control it, rethink over if it is in your favor and if so join it, enjoy your life (and people that are or aren’t surrounding you …):

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I had the same problem. :sob: :sob: :sob:
How is possible that a disaster like this can happen with an update? I notice that the problem happened some days ago and I did the update some minutes ago. Why has the problem not been fixed immediately after the first warnings?
I’m not a computer expert and the problem happened, at least for me it’s not easy to solve.
Can I follow the procedure (which one? I see many adds…) using my desktop with Ubuntu distro?
Thanks to all for help.
If there is any italian user that can help me, I appreciate it a lot. :pray: :pray: :pray:

You need to tell us what distro and version you are running on the host computer from which you will be fixing your Librem 5.

If using Ubuntu then Step 1 will either work or fail depending on what version of Ubuntu you have. If you are running Ubuntu 21.04 (hirsute) or later then it will work. If you are running anything earlier then you should not proceed and should seek further advice.

If using Ubuntu then Step 7 needs to be sudo ./
i.e. add sudo in front of the command.

General advice for following the procedure in post #14

  • follow it carefully and slowly
  • if you get any error or any output that does not match what it should be then stop and seek further advice

On account of this, I think it is best to ignore your questions about software development - and we will focus on attempting to get your Librem 5 up and running!

I’m a developer with 30++ years on UNIX. That a kernel installer into such a small device does not check for free space and let you at the end with a non-boot-able system, is clearly a bug and should be fixed asap, even without waiting for an upstream fix. Or with a clear message to all users like “before installing any kernel check for at least nnn free Mbytes below /boot”.



You need to tell us what distro and version you are running on the host computer from which you will be fixing your Librem 5.

If using Ubuntu then Step 1 will either work or fail depending on what version of Ubuntu you have. If you are running Ubuntu 21.04 (hirsute) or later then it will work. If you are running anything earlier then you should not proceed and should seek further advice.

I’m using Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS…

you’re totally right

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I’ve had the exact same problem and just reflashed the phone following the instructions that can easily be found in this forum. The instructions are technical, yes, but there’s nothing particularly difficult about them.

Coming from the software development field myself, I have to say that s**t like this simply just happens. Especially when you have a niche product, the revenue of which can only support a small test team. In this instance the update obviously wasn’t tested on a sufficiently “mature” phone and nobody was aware that space can run out when you’re performing many kernel updates in a row without reflashing. I can’t blame them, I’ve had similar stuff happen on my watch. Hindsight is always 20/20.

In think it is important to point out that, while expensive, the L5 overall is by far the best privacy-focused Linux phone money can buy. IMHO, Purism has been doing an amazing job. Could they improve? Sure, but at the same time it’s obvious that you can’t expect the same perfection you see with devices that are produced in the millions (the revenue of which can support orders of magnitude larger development & testing teams).


So you have a problem then. Possible solutions that I can think of.

  • Upgrade your Ubuntu. On the one hand, being more current is a good thing anyway. On the other hand, you may have a specific reason for wanting to stick with LTS (in which case you would be waiting until April, probably a little later, before being able to upgrade, and that isn’t likely to work in this scenario).
  • Install the latest Ubuntu on a portable drive.
  • Create a live bootable version of the latest Ubuntu on a portable drive (e.g. flash drive), choosing the ‘persistence’ option. (This is probably faster and easier than the previous approach.) You use Startup Disk Creator for this.
  • Build uuu yourself using my instructions - which were specifically written originally for Ubuntu 20.04 so that could work well. (note: in this case there is no need to build Jumpdrive, you would only need to build uuu)
  • Find someone nearby who can do any of the above for you.
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