Cli access to L5 usage output

I’m curious is there a way to access the output from the L5 Usage app in the shell? I’m interested in the temp and sensor data. Running usage seems to consume a lot of resources. I installed lm-sensors which I’ve used on my desktop linux. But, it seems like the Usage app doesn’t use lm-sensors. So, I’m wondering what it uses to pull Temp data. I’d like to be able to access that from command line.

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Try the command sensors.


is the command that becomes available when lm-sensors is installed. lm-sensors is not part of the default OS image for the L5. So I wondered what app is used by Usage to read sensor readings?

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All the info is available under /sys somewhere

e.g. I have these aliases in my $HOME/.bash_aliases file to quickly see the battery and temp status:

alias batt='cat /sys/class/power_supply/max170xx_battery/capacity'
alias temp='cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone*/temp'

Temperature is expressed in milli-degrees I suppose, but I didn’t bother adding anything to divide the values by 1000. I’m also not checking which thermal zones are the CPU cores, which is the battery, just dumping the values.

Example output:

$ batt
$ temp

Thanks @pajuky ! I am not familiar with alias. Good to learn about it and that is a nice quick way to check!


Hmmm… I must have acquired lm-sensors when I installed GNOME System Monitor. (I have both Usage and System Monitor installed.)

The command works on my laptops, where I have System Monitor installed as well.

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I hadn’t thought about system monitor on the L5. Does that work well for you? Do you like it?

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Yes; here’s a demo on the L5.

I actually like both apps for different purposes.

I suppose if you install it, you could create a desktop “app” to simply run the sensors command with a tap of a launcher. I’ve made several such apps.

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