Customising things

Ah: sudo dpkg -i enteryourthemenamehere.deb

(either in the directory where the deb resides or with the proper path in the command.)

Beg pardon.

The problem isnā€™t installing the deb the problem is where are you getting the deb file from? If you go on gnome-look say for the Nordic theme, as far as I can tell there isnā€™t a deb file I can findā€¦not one with apt search eitherā€¦so does that mean I cannot install it?

I have no idea.

Where are you finding the *.debs? Please detail .

Here is the magical command for finding deb themes using apt:

apt list *-gtk-theme

EDIT: turns out if you use search in the forums you can find some good stuff. :joy:

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There are a limited number of them, but suffice to say that there are a few to choose from including the DarkFire one.

That is how I found the adw-gtk3-dark.deb on github. :slight_smile:

Most of the themes on gnome-look appear to have links to github pages as well.

Havenā€™t been able to install themes using the download and extract install method they describe so not sure what Iā€™m doing wrong there.

Sorry, I havenā€™t tried that method.
Have seen this page:

Yep, tried that canā€™t get it to work.

Hmm. Too bad.
I was happy to install the adw-gtk3-dark theme and tweak the colors with Gradience. I like the rounded buttons (for now), but couldnā€™t stand their original blueness.

Woops quoted the wrong github page for that adw-gtk3-dark theme:

Hmm. It seems that I installed DarkFire as a deb, and that I just copied the files that came with the adw-gtk3-dark theme. That appears to have worked as expected - didnā€™t do anything special, as far as I recall.

The instructions on the adw-gtk3 theme says, the files should be copied to ~/.local/share/themes/ or /usr/share/theme, not to both. (Just to make sure.)

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Forgive me if I missed it when searching. Is there a documented way to set the lockscreen background independent of the home screen/desktop background?

You can accomplish it this way.

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Thank you! Not sure how I missed that those instructions included the option for 2 separate backgrounds the first time through.

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Do you know where i can the name for the pulldown panel. I want to try to put a custom background on it but i canā€™t find its name.:thinking:

No. Sorry.

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I tried both locations, but Iā€™m good with Greybird dark. I also disabled the highlight current line in gedit otherwise dark themes make the text unreadable. You do that with gsettings.