Does Purism Respond to RMAs?

Never, based on my experience.


Really! Do tell. About how long has “never” been so far?

Puri could be a great company with the right Captain at the helm. In Twitter, I saw a twit that suggested Musk (with a video showcasing) his new Tesla phone would go into production. I think it was a parody - hard to tell. Hope it’s true.

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My experience as a Purism customer started at January 6th, 2019, which was the date I preordered the Librem 5. Since then, I have sent in my Librem 14 back to Purism twice, with the first occurance during warranty to install a 3-cell battery with a second NVMe M.2 2280 bracket mount, and the second occurance out-of-warranty to install a CMOS battery, along with replacing the aforementioned 3-cell battery with a new equivalent. Between these two events, I have never asked for any status updates, and Purism has never provided me any.

Once Purism has fulfilled their tasks, they send the customer’s devices back with a DHL email stating they have been shipped, at least for Canadians and packages containing Lithium-ion batteries.

The tracking link you provided shows arrival of the package as of last Tuesday, yes. Hours of onsite operations are 0600-1400PST, Monday-Thursday. I have requested delivery confirmation from onsite operations, which will be back in the office Monday morning.

If I am asked to provide delivery verification, I will generally request related information such as RMA number, tracking number, etc. Forwarding the existing email thread seemed like the easiest route to me. This request was not to imply that the situation required a full-blown investigation.

If receiving does not, they should. I requested confirmation.

Purism is undergoing significant support staffing and infrastructure adjustments, and there is currently a support ticket backlog which is being prioritized. Please excuse the delays and dust as construction is completed.


I wish I had a response on my RMA request, which has been submitted on June 3, 2024.



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Well. I don’t mind waiting if there is light at the end of tunnel, and it’s not a train like it has been for almost 2 years now.
All I see are the backs of support. No lights.

To not bother them by taking up their time asking ‘how’s it going’ is not your style. I’m disappointed.

Extremely poor support. Actually, so far Zero support. They have the phone, and based on ‘Purism support’ history they can do as they please, or not do as the case seems, when or if ever they feel like it.

I trusted the suggestions that I send it to Purism. Never again.

Any company building communication products should learn how to communicate with their customers.

I can only conclude, by support’s silence that they no longer have the time, staff, or know-how to fix the phone. Those resources are being used to push for a foreseeable profit through more sales at the expense of existing customers. Ponzi?

Customers should never suffer because of very poor business management.

It’s not a customers place to have to track down and ask if they are working on the 'ware. It is Purism’s job to communicate. I bet if I ordered a L5 that I would receive a immediate email from ‘no-reply’ that I now own a L5 with a note that ‘shipping is TBA’.



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Feel free to continue sharing your opinion, although I will mention it may be unnecessary to declare/preface them within your posts.

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Not sure what you mean by that but:

@amarok @irvinewade @FranklyFlawless
I have emails from @support with a detailed analysis of what they have tested and results.
It’s not looking good. :cry:
On the flip side, I would have always wondered if I just packed the phone up and buried it my drawer and didn’t try the last resort (@support).
I surmised from their results that it is no longer going to work with our carriers in Canada that support L5 text with pics. Remember, it did send text with pics - then suddenly it went crazy.

As soon as I mention the L5 to a carrier, their assimilated brains attached to the collective, cannot compute and go for the path of least resistance and ‘‘We’re sorry - we do not support’’ xyz. They only support the leashes by the duopolies.

According to my carrier Koodo, the manufacturer (Purism?) has to update to comply with new settings. Yet they offer settings and You (reader) and others here have worked with me to get the settings the way Koodo displays them, to no avail.

One kiosk agent said they would give me a account for 48 hours to test it.

Off to answer the @support questions. :hand_with_index_finger_and_thumb_crossed:



Okay, that leaves you with a few options left:

  1. According to TELUS/Koodo, wait until Purism updates the Modem Manager profile.
  2. Migrate to a different telecommunications carrier.

Just a UPDATE:
To answer my own question, ‘Yes Purism does respond to RMA’s’ … for me anyway.

I have had some good rapport from Purism @support.

The last email said they are testing the modem as it is possible it needs a new one.
‘Adam’ has done a great job of keeping me updated on the progress of the L5 testing.

Even though I despise what digital devices like phones are designed to do, I miss receiving texts with pics (grand kids).



Great, mark your post as a solution.

We’re not done yet.


Just to keep ya’ll in the loop.
Just received confirmation that the L5 is shipping home via (unfortunately) DHL .
Getting antsy and started out never wanting a cell phone AKA leash. Now I can’t wait.
Apparent cure was a “Modem firmware updated”.
The test will be if I can send/receive text w/ pics. And doesn’t hang when disconnecting from charger and, and …

If it doesn’t do the text/pic thingy, I have a fellow at a kiosk for phones, and he said he could set me up on temp access to carrier as a test for 48 hours, and another if that fails. He said “Don’t worry, I’ll get ya set up one way or the other.”

I only worry about “don’t worry”, and “set up” :rofl:


Another update.

I received my L5 back from @support about a hour ago.
Though DHL sent 2 notices that I could opt out of signing for it by clicking a link. I didn’t opt out and still, they silently dropped it off outside the door. No knock, tap - nadda. No signature. I could say it was never delivered. I know, they take a pic. But that means they could jut take it back and use it.
Some people don’t follow rules I guess.

Any way, it’s here. “Modem firmware updated”.
Now I’ll look up about when battery goes in verses when Sims go in order, and see what happens. :hand_with_index_finger_and_thumb_crossed:


Result of all of this grief - L5 cannot send/receive texts with pics.
Sends/receives text OK, but not with pic attached.
So, it might be L5 doesn’t have a place for the settings the carrier requires.

The 4 fields L5 doesn't seem to have are:

Field Entry Details
MMS Port 8799 Same as above
MCC 302 Mobile Country Code: Unique identifier for the mobile phone operator/carrier.
MNC 220 Mobile Network Code: Another unique identifier.
APN Type default,supl,mms Note: Do not leave any spaces when entering “default,supl,mms” for services used on APN. When an application accesses the network, it provides an APN type when it requests access for data. If “default,supl,mms” is not an option, choose “internet&MMS;” option from list.

I’d appreciate it if someone knows a way to wedge the last 4 (Port/MMS/MCC Port//MNC 220/APN Type) pieces of data the carrier seems to require.

Είναι όλα ελληνικά για μένα.

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1 With the SIM card inserted (and if it’s not yet inserted, make sure you power down before inserting it, then power back on), what does Settings > Mobile > Access Point Names show, after you then click on the “gear wheel” to see more settings? (Expected: “Koodo” and whatever their APN is.)

2 In Chatty, under Preferences > SMS and MMS Settings > MMS Carrier Settings, is anything prepopulated based on the inserted SIM? (Expected: yes, but if not, fill in Phone, MMSC, and APN values provided by Koodo.)

3 In Terminal, run the command mmcli --modem=any, scroll down toward the bottom and look for “operator ID.” The 6 digit value corresponds to MCC and MNC. Yours should show “302220” if the SIM card caused it to be set for you already.

4 For APN Type, I suspect that that’s pretty standard, so it is probably set somewhere in the internals automatically based on the SIM. (Just a guess.)

5 For the MMS port number, that might be standard, too, or set automatically, but I’m not sure. I guess you’ll find out if MMS is still inop after checking/setting the above.

It may be possible to set the port number specifically some other way, but I don’t know for sure.

And after checking/setting the above, you might also want to restart.

FYI, there is a file called mms inside /home/purism/.mms/modemmanager, but I’m not sure if it’s possible (or effective) to add additional entries there. I would avoid that for now.

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Two methods:

  1. Chatty:
  1. ~/.mms/modemmanager/mms:

The value of CarrierMMSProxy for @Sharon should be

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Very nice. Koodo’s customer service should be given these instructions, in case they get other Librem 5 users.