Enough is enough with Firefox

Well FSF still not updated the Icecat binary but icecat still maintained by FSF Heros.


GNU Icecat on github? the same platform that build copilot ?
RMS said about the great harm GitHub has done to the free software community

Why not GitHub?


For more techy people, I recommend trying sxmo interface with postmarketOS. In that case, you won’t be using systemd or gnome.

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Of course, what one should be aware of is that “Icecat” comes from automated scripts that basically add brand-removal patches to Firefox ESR.

If you check with the official source code repository, it really isn’t maintained. It absolutely hasn’t kept up with known bugs (e.g. last CVE fixed that wasn’t part of Firefox ESR was in 2021/12/07), etc. gnuzilla.git - GNUzilla and IceCat . The last material change to Icecat was in 2022/11/16 that including code to help “resist fingerprinting”. Here is their public mailing list: bug-gnuzilla Archives — activity is near 0.

The official repository doesn’t show any work on HW acceleration.


You may be right Privacy2, but… you know. On some Level you can make a fork from Source Code. Update future security issue with community ( i know this is really hard), and just do not delver any new options, to some Software. In this case you may have not any fancy DRM, Video or Server changed interaction behavior which will your be banned by a slow feeding of data from Servers by Alphabet, Meta or Google. But its fully compatible with plain HTML and 90% of the old Web, just not with the fancy one.

Its the same for Applications SDKs and accessing APIs of Mainstream Megacorps like Meta, Apple, Amazon, Facebook or Tennet.

Back 2 Browsers, they are dying and become obsolete. So i think we can take have that risk and stay in a future where we have to use some app to access special Mainstream Content like Videos on Alphabets place or Data from Meta… and just use a highly fast updated Application. Right now the usual User do not use a Browser any more. Kids do not know what a File is or a hierarchy of files and folders, cause they just let the phone os search (to share that data with the internet), to find and open a file. And of course this Kids do not know what the Internet is, what HTTP was, what was Usenet or BTX and just skip it… and will not known about URLS… so we have to take care on alternatives in future.

Personally i would suggest to just write scripts for accessing Information indirect by Bots, and have a sandbox liked check to the accessed files before a further processing and a display to your holy computers.

Browsers are dying and be the new FLASH… however its a multi level Tool to access and describe Information like Math and Language to Humans or Turing Machines.

Edit: By the Way: If i download a Video File, the Script did not need to have Hardware acceleration, if i have that Video as File and my mplayer or vlc has… which in the end will display/render that file for me. I still love RSS ;D

This is the dumbest thing that I have read in, at least 20 years. This reminds me of the kind of discussions I had with devs around the time gmail was released about how file hierarchies are wrong because information is not hierarchical as most info can have multiple classifications and therefore the users should just let the system search for their email. Which resulted in that garbage heap of unusable nonsense called gmail because devs had this grand insight into information theory that every normie knew was bs.

The kids are doing just fine. Just like us, they start at the surface layers garbage abstractions of poorly thought out software they are presented with and if they don’t need to know about file hierarchy they don’t have to, if they do, they learn super quick. As for browsers, same answer. Two years ago everyone was on twitter and no one knew what Mastodon or the Fediverse was and all it took was Elon to buy twitter and a whole bunch of zero iq communist sympathizers that didn’t have a clue how to use a computer learned how to install and use Mastodon clients within a week. Browsers aren’t going anywhere.

Dear lord.

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You may be interested to know that GNU IceCat had many recent commits relating to privacy front-ends; they use “Privacy Redirect” instead of “LibRedirect”. Activity otherwise remains nearly non-existent.

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