Estimate your Librem 5 shipping

Order Date: 2021-10-31
Verification Email: 2023-08-21
Shipped: 2023-9-1
Received: 2023-09-13
Destination: USA


It seems that some users who ordered in 2022 received their Librem 5.

There is a “used” phone on sale which was ordered on 2022-10-19.


Order Date: 2021-10-09
Verification Email: 2023-08-21
Shipped: 2023-09-01
Received: 2023-09-05
Destination: USA


Hopefully you have been enjoying your Librem 5 for the last two weeks.

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Can someone please help me to understand the “lead time” for Librem 5. I see that most people are posting the recent shipping information and looks like only orders from 2021 are being fulfilled. This makes me confused. If I place an order now for Librem 5, will the phone not be shipped in “10 days” as stated on the " Purism Products and Availability Chart"?


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It should arrive you within 2 weeks after your order. Purism said all back orders are fulfilled (does not include those who did not response on e-mail). This thread is not important anymore, you can ignore that nobody of 2022 and 2023 orders wrote here.

I also think that there were not many orders in last 2 years, because price was 300$ higher and who knows what else. They also didn’t need to wait for years to get hands on this device. That could also be a reason why nobody cared about sharing shipments.


Yes, it looks strange. A possible explanation is that there were relatively few orders placed during 2022 and 2023, and none of those few have felt like posting about their deliveries here.

I do think it is likely that there were not very many orders during 2022, there was lots of bad publicity and lots of talk about people waiting many years for their orders, maybe not many people placed new orders then. Of course all this is just speculation, it would be really nice to see a post here from someone who ordered recently and got it delivered. If such a person is reading this, please consider posting here about your order and shipping date, to let us know that the short lead time is something that can happen in the real world. :slight_smile:


Order Date: January 10, 2020
Shipped & Received: August, 2023
Destination: Russia


So (at least for refurbished phones) the shipping times are really, really good now.
Luigi311 ordered one on 2023-10-11 and received the refurbished L5 on 2023-10-16. According to him in the librem-5 matrix channel.

I’m curious if this is also the case for factory new phones…


Probably around the same I’d wager. I’ve ordered a few smaller items from Purism in the past few months and both packages came in around 1 week.


Order 02.2024
Waiting …


Ordered 12.2023
Also waiting … :smirk:

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This topic has outlived its usefulness. You should contact Purism directly in order to establish the status of your order and expected shipping timeframe.

Shipping can be held up if you order other things with your Librem 5 and those other things have some kind of blockage. (For example, if you ordered the Librem 5 with AweSIM I imagine that right now they would hold that order due to the ongoing process to transition to a new network provider. etc. etc.)


Trust me that I have contact with them about the matter. Also, (in my case) it has nothing to do with parts being in back order. It has to do with a problem with DHL and Purism. Since december 2023 they have an issue with international shippings.


Right, international shipping with DHL will take a while to resolve, based on my recent conversation with Mladen.


The key question here is “a while”. It has been 3 months now,
The webshop banner states “expected resume in March”.
I do hope that this will be the case.

Meanwhile I keep telling me ‘be patient, be patient’.


I agree. This one should be closed, in my opinion, as its original purpose was to track the crowdfunded L5 deliveries.

Current shipping issues could be tracked in a new thread.


Maybe you can repurpose it for the AweSIM relplacement chip?

I just got mine yesterday. At least that’s what I think it is. I suppose I should open the package?