Getting ghosted by support

No one else for hardware problems.

@JCS may be able to look into it and see what’s going on.


I can ping the support team if you (privately) provide me some identifying information e.g. email or order number. However, I don’t work in the support department and generally prefer to have them resolve the actual tickets.



Do you have any further news for my situation?


I pinged support again just now.

Update: The support manager informed me that they had replied and that the last correspondence they see is on 20 March.

Update 2: The support manager still recommends you email


Looks like the posts here got their attention. I was contacted by Mladen and Joao.

Thank you !


I sent an e-mail on the 19th of March, just before midnight…so I imagine that in their time zone it would have been on the 20th.

However, this was just an email forwarding the emails I sent earlier that they claimed they never got, and they didn’t bother to respond to it, which means I still have NO response to any information I have sent them since I discovered and reported that the phone works but only within 100 meters or so of a cell tower.

I did raise the question of whether the “dropped” emails might be because I was replying to an email from an individual’s email address (instead of More than likely, other people on the support team will never see those responses and when they look into something by checking, they’ll accurately report they’ve seen nothing from me.

(If that’s what’s going on I’d like to suggest they don’t reply on their individual e-mails, but rather reply from

I will try a fresh email to

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In principle they could CC support.

Or maybe some magic in the mail server.

But, as I’ve said before, I would advocate abandoning email for support purposes, in the longer term - as it has all of these issues and more.

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What would you suggest to replace email then?

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Refer the discussion above from about post 78 and rambling on through various replies.

TLDR: A web site.


I see, a ticketing system/knowledge base/helpdesk of some sort. I will mention about it to Purism Feedback.


I don’t think there’s any need. You can see that JCS was already involved in the discussion.


Okay, I abandoned the email composition. Hopefully this thread becomes obsolete in the near future.



Over a month ago, I sent my Librem14 to the Purism support staff for a diagnostic. And that is the last I heard about my laptop.

This is a very poor level of support.

I have serious doubts about the reliability of the hardware they are selling. My laptop would not boot at all, despite being fully charged. This machine is not cheap, and it was dead in a year.

Few new laptops would die on you after a year, but this is the reality for some of their machines.

This laptop was a complete money sink.



There have been some recent staff changes, so your case may need to be handled by someone else who is still working for Purism. I suggest recontacting Purism support for an update on your Librem 14 status.


I am one. I read of others here that have had trouble getting support.

This is another reason I don’t want to send in my L5 - poor support from paid supporters.

People in the forum can only do such and the results when issues point directly to poor quality product, out come the crickets. This L5 stays with me if for no other reason, keep as evidence.

How long is “patiently waiting”? I’ve waited so long, it appears my L5 is obsolete now :grin:


Start a ticket with Purism support first, then follow up with them when they reply back to you.

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AFAIK, she has a RMA number a while now, but is not using it (Sharon: please correct me if I’m wrong). I’m not sure if it is still valid.

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I would ask @JCS to give you a hand with this as he has their ear so to speak.

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Been there done that, got a email with a RMA.
I have read here where people sent their stuff back and didn’t hear back again.
It will cost to ship back and forth, and it will no doubt take weeks, and as history shows, a lot “pinging” and waiting.
It seems it happens right after the volunteers give up on one.
Blame has been put on the carrier, the carrier blames it on “old smart phone”. Blamers blame me. Meh. I fell for it - my bad on me.