Ghosted with no refund for phone - do not trust this company!

So you don’t need Purism around to provide support or OS updates? If so, maybe a PinePhone would have been more cost effective :wink:

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We really don’t need Purism around for support and OS updates. We need someone around for support and OS updates. The code is all opensource. But we don’t necessarily need Purism. I prefer honest suppliers and am not afraid to pay when I receive value. Purism is not going to get another penny from me. I have money to spend and I have unmet needs when it comes to electronic privacy. Too bad Purism isn’t qualified to do the job. You can fix a lot of things. But dishonesty isn’t one of them. Reverse the refund policy for those who purchased Librem 5’s before the original retroactive (and immoral) change was made. Keep the original promise Purism. Follow the law for those who have made purchases since then. Admit the previous mistakes when it comes to refunds and promise not to do it again in the future. Until Purism takes these steps, the company is not worthy of survival.

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So, I don’t really want to get dragged into this debate but I just wanted to say I appreciated @danielr (at least in their reply to my post. I didn’t read the following 100+ posts) having a rational and especially non-emotional post. I see your points and see that they make sense, even if I don’t agree with your conclusions, but I also don’t think we can reach a unique and objective conclusion because we aren’t in the heads of Purism people and have only incomplete events and observations as evidence.
I’ll just say for the sake of the future of software freedom in general that I hope my feeling is correct, and yours is wrong.


It’s as if you never actually read the complaints people have made and the discussions they have already had with Purism.

Because its not fair to look in the past, and compere it with the future. I see that purism served steady Phones, build with chips brought to higher prices on the Spot marked to serve costumers from the past who brought items to less lower construction price as, it was calculated. Or with up to days inflation and issues on supply chains.

If you will have a big concert you need to pay before for Power, Location and playing Artist, even before you can see that show. And if you buy a ticked some try to sell it for far more at the gig on the black marked. But if the Gig fail you only get a small amount back, like if you travel and have some issues with hotel, flight or strand view. For all that kind you have the ability to get an insurance and sometimes its part of your law in your country and customer protection force before to do so. Its so because everything is dealt by a contract and if you not read, ask or communicate parts of that contract before you order or start a travel or run a gig. You might have issues.

Other companies may just got insolvent, and you see nothing or ask for a fresh additional payment to assign the higher prices. I think purism do fine, even if not perfect. I can understand if they can not refund immediately or fast, because all the money stay in future manufactured parts - with lead times over a year and shipping contracts.

You might laugh, but here in Germany we have that issue on some Markets, if you calibrate your car and you want it with an air conditioning system you have to wait additional twelve Month, or a specific color is not available or parts of your heating system for houses to change from gas powered to heat pump.

Yes the payment for those examples is handled different and the risk and who carry it with money too. And it could be done different from purism, and i think it will be in the future. But right now the company have that burden of that long unfulfilled phones. But hey we reach the End of that Act and purism can focus on new Hardware.

I can understand many are sad about the reality that they do not got the money back, as fast as expected or have that kind of phone right know, they dreamed about. And how the others and the world turned on in the time they waited on that device.

Its just to build a better future you need to build capabilities in the past, or now. And we have to change that Way the (other) companies try to force - not to own the devices and Data anymore just to consume toxic communication offered by closed source Networks behind under-the-belt-closed-source-algorithms.