When I attempt to use Geary, I am asked for the default keyring password. I don’t know what this password is. I was never prompted to create it (I think). I searched this site for a possible default/startup password and did not find one. I did managed to compose one mail but Geary crashed when I attempted to send the email.
GNOME keyring stores all the passwords that you create in any apps on your device. So if you set up an email account in Geary, and told Geary to save your user name and password, then GNOME keyring saves it so that you don’t have to enter your email login data every time.
You may have simply used your L5 PIN to save the data in GNOME keyring, and then forgot about it. Or the keyring may be asking you to create a password in order to store the data.
The only thing I can think of is that you must have either created a password and then forgot about it, or that you left it blank and saved it as blank (if that’s possible with Seahorse). Did you try that?
That keyring popup will show up every time you power up the L5 with networking enabled, or initiate network access after it has been turned off.
I have installed Seahorse but the tree part of the screen only shows a small amount and I cannot move the divider to the right so I have no access to the tree elements.
In addition, I don’t want to turn this thread into a discussion about Seahorse.
@rsmereka I would delete/move the current key, to restart the complete szenario Move the current key from “~/.local/share/keyrings/Default_keyring.keyring” to another location and restart the phone.
And if you want to disable the complete gnome keyring …
Copy “/etc/xdg/autostart/gnome-keyring-secrets.desktop” to the users autostart under “~/.config/autostart/” and edit the file (or mulitple files) from keyring - insert/add:
Now for this user is the deamon disabled -on next boot.
If you added an email account to geary the app should ask you to add a password for it, this happened to me, the issue is that the lockscreen should unlock the keyring and it doesnt, tge issue is here https://gitlab.gnome.org/World/Phosh/phosh/-/issues/397
Thank you uzanto. I read the thread of the link , but unfortunately is too complicate for me. I didn’t understand how/if they solve it.
Above ‘execrable’ suggested to move a file to an other directory. I’ll see if I’m able to do it. Unfortunately I’m not friendly with the command line…
Isn’t solved yet, as the Seahorse gui is broken right now, you can remove the keyring and start again doing this:
Open the terminal and type rm /home/purism/.local/share/keyrings/Default_keyring.keyring then open Geary and you will be prompted to add the email account password again, then the keyring one, try to use one that you can remember.
If you can connect the phone to a monitor and keyboard and mouse you can change the password easily with Seahorse.
Hi uzanto,
your indications worked. As you wrote it asked the new psw.
Unfortunately now there is problem in sending e-mail; it put e-mails in the outbox and stay there
Same thing happened to me. I moved the Default.keyring (that I also didn’t remember asking me for), then when I restarted the phone and entered geary, THEN it asked me to create one.
Althougyh it is possible that the first time it asked me to create a “keyring” I confused it with asking me for one of my regular passwords and gave it that.