GNUnet Messenger for the Librem 5

General info: Be aware that the application might draw quite some CPU usage when first installed and running because it’s trying to initialize the DHT with a lot of communication between other peers. Went up to 100% CPU usage on mine during testing. ^^’

But there is already some discussion between GNUnet developers to tune services depending on power state and power restrictions like running from battery. Also it should go down after a while.


Try to uninstall flatpak, as @thejackimonster already suggested. Then run pkill -f gnunet, or restart your phone.
Delete ~/.var/app/org.gnunet.Messenger/ as it will remove all of the data/config/cache that app left behind.

Then you should have a clean slate as before you installed it. Make sure to install it from FlatHub, and not PureOS repository.


@thejackimonster @narezina

I got working now…Thanks Both.

This App is Amazing, for sure.


Hopefully next releases won’t break as much compatibility internally. ^^


Next release will have some new features. You will be able to share attributes which are linked to your account/identity with selected contacts and that way it will also be possible to share a custom profile picture.

Current progress on this looks good. There are still things to adjust and all of this to work properly will require a new release of GNUnet, I assume. So I’m not sure when this will arrive. But at least it looks much more comparable to any other popular messaging application every day.


Thank you.
:rocket: thejackimonster
I would like to see Spanish Support on next release.


Well, I don’t speak Spanish. So I can’t do the translation myself. But I’ve implemented the support for localization via gettext already. That means you could go into the repository and write a .po-file for Spanish and contribute it (for example you can send me the file per mail or similar). I would probably merge it.

It just might require some continuous contributions whenever the UI changes or gets new labels to translate. But I think even if it’s not 100% complete, there might be other people to contribute as well.


Looks like i going to send you the es.po file by email, however looks like that some string is missing i not sure, can you add or refresh the main file .po translator.?

Editado: i can not wait for next release for sure…

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I’ve pushed an update. Not all new files were covered yet and I also completed the translation for English and German.


Thanks you. I already sent to you a es.po file to you email, do you got?

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yes, got it. You can just send me the updated one and I will push that. Also I would add your name to the contributors/authors file if that’s okay. Either nickname or real name if you send me that via mail. However you prefer. ^^


Great. I will send to you an updated es.po file tomorrow.
Thank you for the Unique App for an Unique Phone!


Just leave Spanish Feature like Easter Egg on Changelog. :wink:



Gnunet Messenger v0.10.0

Gnunet Core v0.21.2

0 * Implement tagging and filtering messages
1 * Adjust media previews and optimize memory footprint
2 * Implement sharing profile attribute and profile picture with contacts
3 * Fix several UI issues and memory leaks
4 * Improve UI to waste less vertical space for smaller screens
5 * Add localization for English, German and Spanish

By Tobias Frisch


The release 0.10.0 is already available as flatpak via Flathub. There are still issues with accessing the camera via pipewire on the Librem 5 and potentially other hardware. But this mostly seems to be related to pipewire (using it for video) being still in development (including libcamera and libportal to wire up a standardized API for selecting sensors).

From my knowledge there are efforts merged in postmarketOS to get that working but I haven’t tried them yet myself. Hopefully they can also find their way into PureOS eventually.

The next feature I’m currently working on in the mean time is the functionality to open a voice chat with other contacts in a chat room. More details about it will be in the upcoming blog post.


GNUnet Messenger: June blog is out!

By Tobias Frisch

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I’ve implemented quite a bit of changes over the last month to implement a voice chat. You can read about it in my blog post from July.

I’m still waiting for the next GNUnet release though because there have been changes that break compatibility between peers. So that’s why there’s not a new release out yet.

I’m definitely more confident about stability of the GTK application now. Because I think I found a solution to sync different threads from GNUnet, GLib and GStreamer without a huge hell of mutexes. ^^’

So next release should become pretty neat!


The blog post from August is out. I’ve managed to implement video streaming for the live chat, including screencast using libportal. Probably still needs some optimization but feature-wise this will be included in the next release.

Video encoding is done via software on the CPU for now. So it should also work on the Librem 5 which only offers hardware accelerated video decoding.


There has been a new release with all the latest changes. However it seems to be the case that video encoding and decoding is currently not available inside the flatpak (likely because some dependency is missing for the build of gst-plugins-ugly and gst-libav). So these build fine but the GStreamer nodes x264enc and avdec_h264 are still not available.

I assume this can be solved by building x264 and ffmpeg inside the flatpak. But this will pretty much inflate build times and increase the package. I think ffmpeg can theoretically be shared with other flatpaks as extension. So maybe this can be solved more efficiently. I wish a solution like this would exist for the whole GStreamer plugin library. So none of this would be required to build inside the flatpak to be usable. ^^’


Wow. Thanks you. :pray:

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