How do I find the age of a L5 modem?

Here you go:

Relevant timestamp is 0:35.

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Your remark makes me wonder if your modem firmware is up to date.
Did you check this (maybe in earlier attempts to make it all working)?

Also, the big plus about the L5 is that a modem can be ordered and replaced by yourself. You need to have some minor skills to do it and there is a video how to disasemble the L5 (the one Frankly has posted).
At the moment however I would focus on the firmware: is it up to date.

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As I read off my L5 modem, it’s Qualcomm inc. Not Broadcom, or Broadmobi or Broadanything.

Geeze, can any device be any more discombobulated! I’m wondering why it’s become such a issue. If Puri put in old stock, they should know what they put in, old or new.


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That displays “Qualcomm” but the company is Broadmobi.

According to the community wiki, largely written by forum member @amosbatto:

The BroadMobi BM818 is based on the Qualcomm MDM9607 modem from 2016…

(As an aside, note that some parts of the wiki may be dated, such as references to an alternate modem, which ultimately was never offered. Some sections may also have been written prior to production and release, based on available information at the time.)

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You may want to mask your phone number and IMEI in that screenshot, by the way. (To do so: edit your post, delete the image you uploaded, re-upload an image redacted using GIMP, Drawing, etc.)


I have no idea, nor idea how to find out. The attempts I made to get up-to-date haven’t been very successful. sudo apt upgrade and sudo apt update.

  • I may have found the existing date of firmware in image below.
  • There is some numbers that might be a date in the bm818 tool “FW version”
  • Don’t we have to communicate with to get a firmware update if needed?

I highlighted possibilities of dates in sepia.


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The correct way to find out is to supply the information that is output by the BM818 Tool to Purism Support who can tell you whether a more recent version is available and if so tell you how to get and apply the modem firmware update.

Here’s an example of what the output looks like: Can't receive phone calls anymore - #18 by rekotc Yes, the modem firmware version is quite a mouthful.

(Fortunately or unfortunately) That only updates the software on the disk (Linux operating system plus applications). That does not update the device firmware of the modem or of any other separate hardware components within the phone. The only way to update the modem firmware is via Purism Support (if an update is available).


Just supply the whole string to Purism Support i.e. all three lines of information in their entirety.

Edit: In case it matters, I recommend also mentioning the modem variant to Purism Support. I imagine that you have -A1 (North American variant).


I am using the device in Canada. Network? I guess you mean who the mobile provider is, it’s Koodo, sub of Telus.

I checked BM818, System > Mobile Settings, and Mobile Settings and none use use the description “modem variant”.



The 20220930 is the correct date. You do have updated firmware.


Your modem firmware is up to date.

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So that ends it. That was the last thing Phone and MSS could be.

I can’t say how I feel about that. No permitted. But this is here by puri so I’ll use :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: instead

I think it is necessary to crack open a bottle of wine now - and it’s not to celebrate.
Again :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Not :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: with the players here, just Puri itself.

Thanks FL and everyone else that tried.


I am not trying to pacify you at all but I think you have a defective device.
I know this does not mean much but I am sorry for all the problems you have had and I think that the only way to solve them is to either (1) forget about a phone; (2) buy a spydroid; (3) send yours back for repair; or (4) buy a new Librem5. None of these are “good” options after spending all that time on this one but I think that those are your options.

(P.S Librem5 is on sale right now)
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I would think asking the age of the modem would be too much modem’s personal information.

That’s why I support the passage of a Machine Instruction and Portability Accountability Act. (MIPAA)


Surely this is just a setup for a “dad joke” and everyone is missing the obvious answer:

Count the rings.


There is another ‘may be’ about the Modem itself:

  1. List item - Number 1 probability is the MMS was working up to about the middle of Feb. That’s when several carriers updated their systems. Their point was that if the phone stopped sending MSS, they have spyphones for sale that will work.
    I have done everything I should, flash, delete and re-do it’s settings. I’m told the it is the latest firmware.
    The only remaining probability is that the firmware isn’t up to date enough, or modem can’t handle the needed changes to firmware.

It’s very hard to forget $1500.00 and 15 months of grief.

I see people, walking a dog on a tight leash, and the other hand holding a cell to their head.
Makes me wonder, the dog owner bought the leash and dictates where the walk will take them.
Isn’t that what cells do - guide the owner. Who pays for the human leash? And, who owns the leash?

Yes. I have a RMA. I also read a lot of stuff here over time and read about people waiting a very long time for phone, or refund, or … and to me, it says ‘caveat emptor’

I know, and they are on sale for $600… I doubt they’ll work with the updated/graded carriers changes. The firmware may be the culprit in that it too, or on it’s own, may not comply with the ongoing carrier changes, if changes are the problem… No way of telling.

There are other options but I don’t want to go there. Trying another carrier is one way.

I believe you. Thank you very much for your input. It goes a long way.


That isn’t the only remaining possibility. It is also possible that either the MMS config is no longer correct or that the MMS software on the phone is doing something wrong/incompatible (for your specific mobile service provider).

For example, one issue is that some mobile service providers use a different APN for MMS as compared with the APN for normal data - and the Librem 5 may not yet have the right support for that.

My guess is that the age of the modem is not the issue here i.e. red herring.

:smile: I’ll pay that!

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That’s what I thought because it is so easy to blame the megaTechs - they don’t have to respond. But assimilated forum masters or whatever at Koodo point to the settings, and contrary to it being me not following instructions, I can read and type, and copy and paste and go in circles just to say I did. Note the number of times I followed instructions, and yes many didn’t work not because I goofed up, KI didn’/t; itwas because of the instructions. got ‘add this’ ‘change that’

The settings are what the provider wants. Period. How wrong are they? Look around see how many people are outside with their cell high up in the air looking for a connection. None. The settings work for them. But they have modern devices.

The device MMS worked before. It worked, meaning it received and sent MMS. Coincidentally, a big ‘Ready to install’ came up from Puri. A while later, Koodo told customers they were upping their software and gave everyone notice that devices 6 years and older "may not function properly’ and in the same breath, said they would sell customers a phone that would work. Talk about extortion!
The L5 thing worked about 2 weeks beyond the deadline, but they had also mentioned it would happen over short time.
Then, Puri upped-something and the phone no longer MMS’ed.

Puri should get over itself. It’s not the second coming, can’t walk on water nor turn water in to wine (though I wish). Personally, I find the ads, IMO, are misleading but I probably can’t say that here so.
A ad says “We believe that you should be able to use your phone as long as you want to.”
I believe that too. Oh, I can use for a very long time. But once I hit 2048 high score - it’s of no interest and now no use any more. For what. Garble to/from voice. No MMS which is important in order to remain in touch with others.

All 15 months of grief with this tells me, after following all the tips, tweaks, instructions as they changed, tell me the problem is the device, not Koodo, not the Gronk, it’s the device. IMO, it is not compatible with the changes by mobile providers. Not the one I have.

The most recent Firmware (FW) is, I’m told the updated version. Update to what? U.S. devices?

The device has been, since day one, a nauseating bucket of grief.
Puri will not admit to being wrong about anything. That is eroding the image they want us to see.

'nuff said.


I take

Yeah. Sure - keep on blaming 3rd parties. Puri should man-up and admit when they can’t provide a phone that works. The settings are correct so blaming the carrier for being wrong all the time is cry-bullying.

No wonder many reviews have a poor opinion of the L5, and maybe it’s really about the L5, & how it’s promoted verses how it’s supported, or actually, not supported.

I doubt very much that the carriers settings are wrong IMO, the phone that is 15 months old is obsolete already because the modem and/or it’s software cannot cope with the changes around it. Something professional phone can do - in this case the carrier carried their setting for more than 6 years…

For Puri to turn it’s back and walk away (ghosting) on customers just further erodes the image it has remaining. I don’t see a future for Puri. Puri should be finding our what is wrong with Puri modem not complying with general MMS, phone audio, and

I wager the techs spent most of their modem efforts to work with Librem AweSIM carrier.

Puri should display a caveat with the fanciful ads that the devices may or may not work outside the U.S.

The ad says " Peace of mind with a phone that does not track you" Of course the phone doesn’t track people, the software does all that.

Shame on Puri,

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Why? The phone doesn’t work.

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