How Do I Resurrect Network, WiFi, Mobile,

Phone worked. Could send/receive text w/ or /w pics.

Next day, there is no network, no mobile no WiFi, and unable to shutdown without leaving "Librem(*) ad on 24/7.

To find out how to fix/patch the above issues.

I doubt it happened due to any update/grades since I didn’t OK it.

EDIT Add following:
When tapping on any file icon, Settings, for example this happens.

Tap and the loading Settings Gear logo takes 6 - 10 seconds to load then goes to the Debian(?) blue screen for 24 30 seconds.

Screen finally opens.

Network, Mobile both load a error.

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Today, I also saw some similar issue(s) as you have been describing lately. My L5 is fully up to date running Byzantium. Rebooting did not bring WiFi back. Shutting down and after a little time booting again also not. I also noticed one time that the phone did not shut down at all, the Purism logo stayed in the middle of the screen. In the end I took out the battery and waited until both the L5 and the battery were cooled down. I inserted the battery again, booted, and WiFi worked fine again.
What puzzles me is that even shutting down and starting the phone again did not bring the WiFi back. My phone was pretty hot and I had been charging it with a different charger than the original Purism one that was provided with the Librem 5.
This information is not helping you, I guess, but at least you are not the only one seeing this behavior. Next time if this happens, and I have some more time, I will investigate the logs.


Dont despair that with the arrival of GLES 3.0 the Librem 5 will have more horsepower which will get a better BALANCE of Temperature and Battery. Pure OS Crimson backports… = )


Pulseaudio not starting on reboot

These issues are the problem that I think you are having.
Hope this helps


No one should have to know how to do all that work. And Puri still have the       s to sell these -things- to any unsuspecting customers. I thought that only the duopolies had no morals, ethics or fair standards.

Mine was not hot. It even stopped showing the coloured lights top right.

You’d be wasting your time. I have earned the right, after almost two years of daily grief of unreliable fixed patches and patched fixes; tweaking this, twonking that to call this thing pure unadulterated junk.

You’re replying OFF TOPIC to my post. Please, keep your Crimson advertisements out of my posts. I’d appreciate it.
It just goes off-topic and the question gets lost in posts about off topic discussion. I already had to walk away from one post and start this one and almost immediately, it goes off the rails so easily.
Thank you. :saluting_face:

I don’t have audio problems. Perhaps you’re replying to them in the wrong topic? This is about ❛❛How Do I Resurrect Network, WiFi, Mobile❜❜ and doesn’t include audio issues.

There goes another day down tank. :angry:


We’ve all been trained by Android and Apple phones (and even Windows PCs) to remove the power in many failure cases. :smiley:

I feel sorry for the phone users who can’t remove the battery, because eventually some hardware/software issue will require such an action.

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Prayer and fasting? (Or wait for judgment day.)


AFAICT, it is the same issue, different symptoms. It might not be, but I am fairly certain that it is.
I had the exact same problem and it went away with a :whisper-whisper: reflash and updating the kernel.
I’m not saying you should reflash, but one way I dealt with it, was to leave the Wifi switch down when plugging in to a power source.
Hope this helps :saluting_face:

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Wow. I did that almost as you say, I powered off, turned the switch down (off) then powered on. Once the screen desktop showed up I pushed to WiFi switch up and Voila! ASwyD2 is my hero It works! :tada:

Now why didn’t I think of that :rofl:.

You solved it, but what a way to fix it.
