How would I go about running Whatsapp on Librem5?

I’m guessing this suggestion:

…wont hack it either then.

Unfortunate… Depending on how the internals work, it may be sufficient to do LD_PRELOAD=/path/to/my/ chatty
Otherwise, a more full libpurple client would be the way to go.

Chatty is another frontend for Libpurple

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That was already pointed out by @ruff. Problem is Chatty doesn’t implement the plugin loading mechanism of libpurple, so it probably can’t be used as a general libpurple frontend.

If I can do this, then we can get VOIP running via Jitsi or something on the L5, then I can continue on with the L5.

Where would we do feature requests? :wink:


Not in the slightest . Whatsapp is owned by facebook . The company I am leaving behind when I get my L5 Fir batch . twitter , google . none of that will be on this device. I no longer have any google services except a youtube account and google play for android. Which ill probably be closing both if this device is a legit daily driver.

I cant get far enough away from those anti american degenerate companies.

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I am confused about Anbox on the L5. How is it that it’s not the answer? I thought Ambox was able to handle WhatsApp within the L5 without compromising security. Can somebody help me with this?

Don’t look at me. I was hoping the same thing. (But expecting it to be too good to be true.)

Say what?!

Depends on what you mean by “without compromising security.” WhatsApp is still owned by Facebook. If anbox sandboxes it (as I believe it does), then it won’t have access to (most?) of your phone. However, I think the real issue is Facebook having access to your communications, something anbox can’t help with. I know WhatsApp communications are supposed to be encrypted, which means I can’t see what you say to your friends/spouse/whomever, but that doesn’t mean Facebook can’t.

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I think that the real issue with WhatsApp is that it gets your contact list and then can build a relationship map about you: all of the people with whom you communicate, with whom they communicate and then they can use device fingerprinting to build out that relationship map to include your preferences, political, commercial, cultural etc.


Yes, exactly, so I should have just said “the problem is Facebook sees whatever WhatsApp sees.”

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Well… but at this point the damage is done. Whasap has already built that map. The fact that I would be using it on a L5 doesn’t add anything new to it. I guess the question is would Whasap work “normally” on L5? What happens after is a personal matter.

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(under Anbox)

I think you are going to have to wait until a few more people have their phones. At this stage I would guess that noone knows. I can tell you I won’t be volunteering to install the Whatsapp app though. Someone will no doubt try it.

Definitely. Linux and freedom are all about choice - and you are free to choose to share your communications and the identity of your ‘relations’ with Facebook and the government and …

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Thanks Kieran. Whasap is no the only thing I use to communicate with people. Whasap is a must use in my environment but not for sensitive material/conversations. If Anbox is what they say it is then it should be a thing to get working on the L5. I’m talking about marketing.

i would say that personal ‘freedom’ extends until you reach the point of having to decide if you’re going to sell your ‘neighbour/friends/family/etc.’ … anything more SHOULD require CONSENT from the people you want to involve in this ‘process’.

having individual-freedom doesn’t mean you get to impose your views/opinions on anybody else, much less drag them into being ZUCKED without their consent …


A fair point. A philosophical point perhaps better for another category.

In this particular case, all the ‘relations’ have sort of consented to be zucked by virtue of being signed up to Whatsapp at all.

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i wouldn’t say that is true since most people don’t even know what ‘whatsapp’ is or how it works or who owns it … unless everybody is aware true consent does not exist …