I really want to like librem.one. I really wanted to pay for it, but I am not so sure anymore.
chat.librem.one is down. I cannot log in anymore via any client and sending of messages with the one client that is still logged in, has stalled now for more than 12hours. OK, it is a weekend, and I grant you the rest, hopefully it will be up again and reliable starting on MOnday.
Webfinger is still not set up correctly on librem.one. I have reported this to the support channel a couple of weeks ago: (https://social.librem.one/.well-known/webfinger?resource=acct:spaetz@librem.one works, but https://librem.one/.well-known/webfinger?resource=acct:spaetz@librem.one does not, but it should be working). This prevents other instances from finding my user (e.g. when they enter spaetz@librem.one in a mastodon search field). Again, I have reported this WEEKS AGO. It is still broken.
As I don’t like to nag about free services, I tried to upgrade my free subscription. It is not possible to change it from free to basic 1.99 a month, so I tried to increase it to the full (nearly) 8/month package. It said, ok, and click here to pay. I click and get redirected to shop.puri.sm where it says: “This does not seem to be your order”. I effectively have no way of upgrading my free subscription to a paid one! So, I tried to cancel my free account, delete it and recreate it with a paid subscription. But that won’t work as it still has pending orders (which will now be open until doomsday!)
So, paying for the service did not work (and no, I will not reregister an account with a different nickname). The matrix server was unreliable when I tried (and I am willing to blame it on a temporary glitch). But webfinger still being broken, weeks after I notified the support channel, indicated half-assed server administration. If I want an unmaintained server I can easily rent a vserver for $1/month myself.
I was willing to pay for the service, but only if it reliably works, and you let me.
UPDATE; just checked my matrix history, I noted the wrong webfinger configuration on Mo, Jan 18 2021 in the #support channel of chat.puri.sm.
P.S: The lack of a public timeline on the social.librem.one instance makes the need to subscribe to a user all the more pronounced, and without a proper webfinger resolution, the @librem.one username is essentially worthless.