Is There Any ETA For "PureOS Store"?

Thanks. I’m quite use to doing that at least once a day when starting up from Sleep/Hibernate/whatever.
Just had a phone call come in. Screen hung. Could not make it do anything. It went to that screen /w Mute, Speaker, Add call, Hold, and dial pad. The back (<) button doesn’t do anything. I am permitted to swipe down and get the Notifications screen and back again.

C’est la vie - just another day - another unique one and one only weird device.
Can’t Power down. It’s grayed out. Actually, I’m sitting here laughing. Yes, a hard reboot. I do that every morning cause it hangs overnight.

Your tip won’t go unseen - I’m sure it’s in perpetuity and will soon help others in their similar quests with Crimson.

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I hope there is a patch to the last fixed patch to patch the fix soon. :face_with_spiral_eyes:

Since you’re here - I’ll ask you about a side curiosity. Since I am not able to see the PureOS Store; is there another safe place to look for good programs that are safe for the L5?
I can find lots of “Software” via my PureOS desktop verses the PureOS link on the L5.

If I should open another post to ask, I think I’d be in trouble. :sweat_smile:


I don’t know, sorry.
Do updates load in the store even though the ‘apps’ don’t?

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I don’t know really!!! Sorry

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When putting in sleep by clicking on ‘‘sleep’’, manually, I had always problem at wakeup, but not by automatic sleep.


To catch up. All but “Learn” opened with tiles showing stuff.

I thought that there would be more than just what’s there. I counted 22 files that might install. Learn and Develop were blank - not empty blank “Editor’s Choice”.

22 isn’t much to choose from.

Too bad there’s no interest in developing software for PureOS.

That search needs some serious intervention. I search using ‘network’ and I get 4 hits with “What IP” being the closest thing to “network”, the other 3 not even close.
But, it shows “66 more matches” tap that I am only shown 5, 4 the same with one new. It is missing the other 61 of the matches.

I have done some searching as to where I might find programs that will work on L5, stalkers or no stalkers. I don’t care any more.

The “Store” is still terminally s l o w. It took 55 seconds to list 5 hits and that’s not using search, just the gratuitous fill-ins.

C’est la vie - but shouldn’t be.

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If you go to preferences and Show Incompatible Applications you will see more programs load.

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There is a dedicated topic for that:

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Wow. That’s a bit better. Thanks for the tip, but who would want something that doesn’t work (“incompatible”)?

I looked through a lot, but most is for desktops and/or laptops but not phones. Some might do well on my PureOS desktop though.

I would love to find something that let’s me marry up Windows desktop, PureOS desktop, a Ubuntu laptop, and L5. Instead of copying to/from USB stick and share that way.

Offside a bit, there use to be a program called Carbon Copy that let one control the desktop of other devices connected. Unfortunately it’s very proprietor and very old.

I used Warp to send from Windows to a unknown server elsewhere to the L5. A long way around it until Warp came up with a error that the support has no record of. Aggg!

Thanks again.~s


I think “incompatible” is a bit of a misnomer. They should have described it as “potentially incompatible,” “not officially adapted,” etc. Many existing PureOS (and other distros’) repos contain applications that do adapt to the small touchscreen, but haven’t been officially documented as doing so.

Over your home network, at least, that is already possible via the venerable ssh and sftp, which have been documented here in the forums and in the Librem 5 Community Tips & Tricks tutorials.

Outside of your home network, you can accomplish the same via the “Jumpdrive” application plus a cable, as I understand it. (Well… maybe not all your devices at the same time, the way you can with sftp.)

EDIT: Here is a screenshot of the Files browser on my laptop, showing saved bookmarks to the IP addresses of some other devices on my home network:
Screenshot at 2024-12-15 15-40-55
If I click on, e.g., “Rpi,” I’m prompted for the user name and password of the Raspberry Pi on my network, and then all the files on the Rpi are displayed in the Files browser of my laptop, as if they were physically there. I can then view, edit, add, delete, move, etc., any file. Vice versa: From the Rpi (i.e. logging physically into that device), I can also access the laptop’s files over the network, if I want.

All of the above works just fine with the Librem 5, too.



Yes, but I should have added or mentioned was …’ let’s me use a GUI to marry up…’ because ssh and sftp is more a bunch of commands to learn. I’m GUI friendly :laughing:


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Understood, but it’s dead simple to set up if you’re able to copy, paste, and execute a small number of commands (once!)… after which, you won’t even need a separate app; things will just happen when you click your bookmarked devices.

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It may be dead simple for those that play in that arena. I already looked in to it before.
The first line doesn’t work on Windows.

On your computer (the client): sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade

But I went off-topic here. Apologies to all,

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Ah, right… I don’t know how to do it on Windows. But you could start a new thread to get help on incorporating a Windows machine into your setup.


I find this to be a flawed perspective. If someone is already not comfortable in the terminal, theyre not likely to be equipped to properly vett what they are being told to copy/paste, thus leading them to copy/paste commands from the internet and treating that advice as a good thing is something I strongly disagree with. This sets people up to be exploited by people who post exploitative commands/scripts online to be copy/pasted.

It may be simple, but that doesn’t mean it’s advisable and doesn’t mean it is a good stopgap.

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FWIW, on windows 10/11 those steps can be skipped as the OpenSSH client is already installed.

These steps are skippable on windows:
On your computer (the client): sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade


sudo apt install openssh-client


Fair enough. It’s always advisable to investigate before blindly following advice on the internet.


On the other hand, downloading and installing a proprietary, commercial app isn’t guaranteed to be safe, either. :wink:

EDIT: BTW, I’m not implying that Sharon, or anybody else here, would be careless in this regard. Just speaking in generalities.


Try FileZilla. It has sftp support and gives you a GUI. Should be available on Windows too i.e. Windows can be a client, just as Linux can be a client.

Then all you need to do is start an SSH server on one of your Linux boxes (for which a tutorial exists in this forum, not that it is complex).

The alternative is sshfs which would allow you to use your regular Linux file explorer as the client. However that is a) Linux only and b) does require one command to be executed on the client side.

Edit: PS Either of these is secure enough to use over the internet but

  • you will have problems with firewalls and NAT and …
  • you will need to have strong passwords

so I am sort of assuming local LAN only.


My bad for not being more clear. I would be, but my goal is somewhat complicated. With that in mind, I’ve been looking in to possibilities, and what KDE Connect might do.

My ultimate goal would be to remote connect from one to the other, either my multi-boot Linux box (with PureOS, PopOS, and Ubuntu - I dropped 2 others) and my Windows box.

SSH is next resort if KDE doesn’t like my setup.

Yes - is just for LAN. The 'net remote is asking too much :face_with_spiral_eyes:


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