Keyboard what a joke!

swapping the keys in the keyboard layout and recompiling/flashing the EC firmware will accomplish this

Mac got it right. I would love to see a full size shift as it is such a heavily used feature

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Mac got the shift key right but they forgot the trackpoint


actually after 1 month i was able retrain mussle memory , and that shift location became normal to me.
however i agree that keyboard layout isn’t best.

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In order to swap keys in the EC firmware should I change the file
by swapping the K_UP - K_RIGTH_SHIFT and K_PGUP - K_RIGHT_SHIFT?

correct, swap those here:

That worked for me.

I followed these instructions for building:
(Except that it should say 'make BOARD=‘purism/librem_14’)

I followed these instructions for flashing:
(Except that I flashed the .rom I built: 1.5-dirty_2021-10-28)


dirty means you have uncommitted changes on top of that commit/build. If you were to commit your change(s), the version would be 1.5.1-<short commit hash>_<date of last commit>

I will do that next time. I will need to apply this patch each time Purism has an updated firmware rom I want to install. I will maintain a separate branch and will rebase that on top of master after pulling Purism updates.

It really feels great to be able to modify the firmware of my laptop. This is what free software is all about. Power to the user and the ability/right to repair.

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so whats the point of having the integrated numberpad if your cant use it… just for show?