L5 photography showcase 2024 (2025) - post pics here

For those of us who are photographers, camera hobbyists, take way too many holiday pics, keep image journal of their everyday life, believe that things do not happen if there is no visual proof or if you just like pretty things - or things that make you feel…

Let’s have our second annual Librem 5 photo showcase! :camera: :iphone:

A few guidelines (updated since last year):

  • Post only your pics on this thread. Make sure to ask permission from anyone recognizable beforehand (this is your responsibility).
  • Pics need to be taken with an L5 (preferably with the back camera, but front camera is acceptable too) during last year (2024).
  • Add some description, a few words of the content and/or the technical aspects.
  • Expectation is that the image is original size and not edited, but if you use Darktable, Glowup or similar image developing tools, you can post them too, but make a note of it in the text. This is not about being the most capable image creator - it’s about what can be done with L5’s cameras.
  • One image or series per post (so they can be individually hearted) but it’s ok to post multiple images in separate posts (but preferable to select only few of the best from last year)
  • You can strip jpg metadata, but L5 doesn’t have anything dangerous, so no worries there
  • You are encouraged to explicitly state a license with your content to indicate to readers if or how they can use these images. Using Creative Commons licenses is suggested as they are rather clear (selection help tool: https://chooser-beta.creativecommons.org/). Some examples: “CC BY 4.0” (can be used freely but you need to be attributed), “CC0 1.0” (universally free, public domain), and on the other end of the spectrum is “CC BY-NC-ND 4.0” (requires attribution, limits further use to non-commercial and no derivative works).

Let’s see what we’ve been able to capture with our phones…
(click images to open larger!)


Late autumn pics from Lapland hills. A bit fuzzy due to snowstorm. Along with the originals there are versions where I tried to get the color balance better and on the other just make it BW for possible background use. Both pairs show how much green tint there is and how light the center is.
All images CC BY 4.0 (JR-Fi@forums.puri.sm)


Brussels, Belgium. Some many delicious things. A comparison photo on what can be developed further from the L5 image (cropped, auto white balance, unsharp mask, enhanced highlights, enhanced color).
License: CC0 1.0


Where are the children? Helsinki, Finland. December 26th. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0.


Close up of Round Cactus:

Moving Cows:



Photos © 2024 by ASwyD2 are licensed under CC BY 4.0


Goat kids:

Photos © 2024 by ASwyD2 are licensed under CC BY 4.0


Regarding that last photo, is orientation working yet?

By “working” I mean that the camera app detects the camera orientation and sets the appropriate metadata tag to record that information.

If so then it is usually needed to apply the orientation before posting if you are going to strip metadata before posting. (I guess that’s a comment for the OP next year.)

By “apply” I mean that the image is physically rotated into the standard orientation (top left) and then the orientation metadata tag can safely be removed or ignored. (I personally use
mogrify -auto-orient for this, to do many or all images in a batch.)

If orientation is not working yet then of course you just have to rotate the image e.g. using GIMP or Shotwell or whatever you prefer.


No it is not


Some university buildings - blue and blue and blue and green. Jyväskylä, Finland. Color balance, white balance and exposure corrected (less green),

Path to… somewhere in Suomenlinna (J.R.R. Tolkien got inspiration here), Finland. Color balance, white balance and exposure corrected (less dark).

Both images: CC BY 4.0


It makes me sad to see all these otherwise great photos clearly exhibiting artifacts and loss of clarity due to poor image processing caused entirely by software deficiencies. Please put them at least through Glowup, it’s fully automatic and its output, though still not perfect, is much more representative of how the L5 actually sees the world! Since you’re posting JPEGs rather than DNGs others can’t do it themselves afterwards :frowning:


Could you please explain how to do that?

Edit: found explanation here: https://forums.puri.sm/t/glowup-glow-librem-5-photos-up/


With some of mine, glowup was not possible at the time (and [re-]installation is a hassle) and dngs get deleted when there’s no room. Sorry, ease of use and availability won.


What do you all think? Should this be more a #linuxmobile wide - here or some other forum?
Suggestion from PocketVJ aka magdesign: "@matthewcroughan@defenestrate.it @ollieparanoid @…" - Fosstodon (welcome to linux photography btw.)

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Up to you.

Des Plaines River at sunset. 29 January 2025

Setting done manually. Zero post-processing


Nice timing, getting the glowing clouds. Though, the showcase has been for pics from previous year, no worries - just try to save some for next January too :camera: