Last update phone stopped working

It was fine this morning until todays update, reboot and then the keyboard stopped working can’t get into phone, Totally unresponsive., Boots and then keyboard don’t let me write password in.
What on earth


A few ideas to try out:

  1. Restart the phone again to see if the issue persists.
  2. Physically attach an external keyboard or a lapdock to revert the changes in the Terminal.
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Do you mean the on-screen keyboard that is prompting for the LUKS (disk encryption) password? Or you are not using disk encryption?

Or the on-screen keyboard that is prompting for the user purism unlock password?

Either way, the suggestion to try an external keyboard is a good one.

Alternatively, depending on how far into the boot you are, you can ssh in to the phone - assuming of course that you have already installed and configured an SSH server on the phone.

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Its then on screen (phone) keyboard that is not responding. Stopping at Disk decrytpion password. I cant get into the phone


How to connect external keyboard? Im using a public google computer right now.

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You will most likely need:

  1. A USB-C to USB-A adapter, with a male connector on the USB-C side and a female connector on the USB-A side, and
  2. Any old random USB keyboard (with a USB-A male connector).

All you need to do is plug in the adapter to the bottom of the phone and then plug in the keyboard to the adapter.


I still get the annoyance that after an update, it goes to the dimmest brightness, and I have to go into a completely dark room with no windows to see the gear icon to open and fix it.


Create a separate thread for your issue.

Same problem here, also stuck after the latest update.

I tried to connect to the lapdock and use that keyboard but that device apparently does not get recognized yet as the first step is to decrypt the phone.

Support request was sent yesterday but so far no response yet, any help from the community is appreciated. :saluting_face: If there are two with the same problem there might be more?

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Have you tried connecting the lapdock to the Librem 5 before turning it on? The order may matter for the boot up process and hardware initialization.

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Yes, good question and made no difference.

I also just tried to use a USB-A connector keyboard with the usb-c hub pro connected to the phone. When I connect the USB power source to hub the phone red light lights indicating it charges. No response to any keystroke on the keyboard.

I also have a reply to my support request so Purism technical team is aware and looking into this… maybe even reading along :wave:

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Okay, try removing and reinserting the battery, then see if the screen responds after that with touch input.

I updated my Librem 5 USA within the last 10 minutes and cannot replicate any issues in this thread after turning it off and on.

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This is what I did last night when the phone got stuck and after 25 mins it still did not proceed. Just tried again, problem remains.

Good for you, that means not everyone has the same problem with the updates…

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Alright, use this guide and follow it step-by-step.

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hmm that’s beyond my skill level as a linux n00b at this moment, plus that I have only Windows based machines, no linux devices besides my now frozen Librem 5.

Here is a remark made about running out of space for the root file system, not sure if that’s applicable for me but definitely something to check when my device is working again.

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If you have a spare USB drive, you can use it to flash a PureOS image, then boot it instead of Windows so you can continue to follow the steps mentioned above. These instructions below will get you to the end of the flashing process.

Download PureOS

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OK I downloaded pureOS on the fresh USB drive I got yesterday.

Upon checking everything before doing the reflash procedure, my phone is now completely dead. No response to any key press. Battery is checked and fully charged, making contact to the phone. Also, USB-C cable is powered and switched from a working other device to my Librem 5. No effect, phone remains dead.

I could really use some pointers here what to try next. Not my best Xmas.


Did not work.
And me, who is new on linux would need to ask here if there is someone who could assist me tru mirroring flashing my now unresponsive librem 5? I looked at it aand understood nothing. The phone itself is not found being connected to computer, niether macbook nor windows thinkpad. I have been in contact with support but nothing there but frustration. Sending me twice about the external keyboard witch did not respong at all. And twice sending me link to flash. But im no tech dude and dont understand. So is there a possibility to flash through mirroring? Please let me know. I told support to make something like that but no respense so far. Have no idea if it would work. But some phone companies have that resource availible. Connecting the phone and reinstalling where the webpage finds/looks for the phone and do the work.


did not work. Totally unresponsive. This sucks greatly! I want a new phone! And send the wrecked phone back to purism!!!


Looks like you and me are in the same boat. Let’s wait for a response before we totally panic and freak out.