Let's crowdfund some development to get PureOS Crimson ready for L5!

In my experience, audio is way more reliable on PureOS for whatever reason. It doesn’t seem like Librem 5 is even much of a priority for mobian.

Also, people should try to only use operating systems recommended by the Free Software Foundation.


I will never use it Mobian in my Librem 5, nor to donate money for Mobian project. However i will support Purism Forever and even under the valley of death.

Purism make Gnome Mobile via Gnu PureOS not Mobian.


Purism doesn’t make Gnome anything. That all falls under the GNOME foundation and while Purism may contribute to it, though primarily, as with the overwhelming majority of packages, Purism only packages them together into the PureOS distribution.

Purism should not make things just for PureOS but rather continue to contribute in ways that benefit all distro’s that want to use their contributions including Mobian.


Purism did a lot of work to make Phosh possible, and have GTK work on both mobile and desktop.

That work is Free Software and upstreamed as much as possible, so it can be included in Mobian and other distributions.

Mobian is upstreaming everything to Debian – in fact their wiki now is simply absorbed by the Debian wiki; their stated goal is to have everything be part of Debian so that there’s no reason for Mobian to exist anymore.

PureOS is based on Debian. Therefore it benefits from the work of Mobian and Debian. Which benefited from the work of Purism.

The system is working as intended, and contributing to one means contributing to all :slight_smile:


Sounds good, but I fear that on Purism side all enthusiasm and ressources for the L5 are coming to a minimum or an end :frowning:

What counts are not things in the pasts but things we can not see in the future.

NO word from Purism to all this here give me no very bright and positive sign about the future of the L5


I have a few ideas for dealing with this “independent contractor” issue:

  1. Create a job contract post on the Fediverse (Mastodon, Lemmy, etc.) referring to the Road to Crimson GitLab meta-issue.
  2. As a community, decide on which specific aspect of the GitLab issue should be focused on first, then negotiate an open-source bounty for it to attract interest.
  3. Repeat step 2 whenever an issue is resolved until the Road to Crimson meta-issue is closed.

This breaks down Crimson into manageable, low-risk financial chunks, with frequent updates.


Personally, I would consider funding if MMS support with multiple Access Point Names was part of the plan. I have been unable to send MMS for more than 3 years (except once but I were unable to renew the experience), it’s really difficult not to make other end users laugh about me in 2024. Receiving MMS isn’t straightforward yet as I have to manually select the MMS APN. As far as I know, I’m not the only person to complain.


Yes, problem exists. And with absolutely no perspective that it would be ever fixed.

I do not think that a crowdfounding here solves the real problem they have with the L5. The problem seems to be much more grave than we see it.

The money would perhaps better spent to a Mobian or PMOS developer for the L5


Please can you elaborate? Ok I’ll see whether the money would be better used by Mobian.

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Purism seems to have ZERO interest in what we are discussing here. Sometimes NO words are also a statement.

Nobody official gave something like a perspective or a plan since months. Support does not answer or have any idea for issues and problems with hardware

Therefore I think it would be better to find a Mobian dev and give him/her the money with a concrete project and aim.



There are currently 27 days left in this campaign.
I believe Francois has stated in a one or two places that we should expect to news/movement after it’s over.


OK, we will see…

But I am beware of nothing for the L5 changes. Better be cautious than shocked

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I think this is a little disingenuous to say. It was suggested by Purism staff that they will not be engaging in Crimson-related tasks until sometime after the StartEngine campaign is complete.

From Francois (earlier in the thread):

We are currently putting our energy on hardware and will soon release new products because that is what we sell. In parallel, we are running the public offering campaign, which is doing pretty good so far. All this will help resuming software development to its full speed. That’s the plan. Crimson, Phosh, Calls, Chats, Librem One will be part of our top priorities.

I’m all for being critical of Purism for legitimate faults but this seems like a little much…


Purism states in their “Offering Memorandum” document (page 7, under the “Risk Factors” section) from their campaign page (https://www.startengine.com/offering/purism) that “Even if the maximum amount is raised, the Company is likely to need additional funds in the future in order to grow […]”. I have my doubts that the maximum is enough to sustain them but I do think it would be enough to get some traction to restart development and obtain those additional funds in the future.


Given the conversations I’ve seen across this forum, I have my doubts that Purism this campaign will reach the maximum amount they are offering. I do want Purism to succeed and do good things for users. I am unfortunately in a position where I cannot contribute to their campaign anymore, despite me saying so otherwise in other places.

Purism is guaranteed to fail if the community does not believe in them and I think we’re at that stage unfortunately. Purism needs money to be able to fund development but the community wants to see development from Purism so it seems unlikely they will pull through unless there are more people willing to bet on them.


I plan on preordering/acquiring the Librem 16 once Purism announces and releases it with hardware kill switches. I also read hints about Purism preparing quantum-resistant cryptography, so I have other reasons to stick around.

I no longer have any interest in investing, especially considering my previous experience (or lack of it) with StartEngine.


I have already donated to Purism, and provided ideas to dealing with the “independent contractor” issue mentioned by @guido.gunther. However, I am not interested in going out of my way to participate in the Fediverse for the first time to create a job contract post.


By the way a point I didn’t read yet. I really want to donate a bit (even if I cannot as much as others can). But I would like to do in Euro, not in Dollar. Currency exchange is always a pain and we loose more money on many little exchanges than one big, where all money is collected together.


My recent commission with @dcz was arranged with a conversion between USD and EUR, so if you are okay donating to them instead, I will donate an equivalent amount in USD to any organization on your behalf, based on xe.com mid-market rates.


Forgot to answer. That would be an option I like. I will write a PM to you when it comes to an action. The community has still no plan how to act and first I want to see such. A solo action wouldn’t make much sense.


forking what ?

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PureOS. In the case that Purism is no longer able to prioritize maintaining Crimson, the community can do so instead by forking the codebase.

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