Let's crowdfund some development to get PureOS Crimson ready for L5!

I sincerely hope so, but this “development pause” is a bit longer than desired…


I fear that all development ATM is totally stalled? How about the co-work between mobian and Purism ATM? Is it alive?

Mobian is down since some days so I cannot tryout any newer builds of it


Purism is in a cash-tight position (still significantly more assets than liabilities, a decent revenue stream with solid margins, very promising enterprise sales opportunities in the works, but very limited in liquid cash - hence the painfully slow trickle of refunds) and is working to clear debts, improve numerous operating efficiencies, and live within its means to better support the developers and accelerate development. Development is happening and there are several paid developers on staff, but many others are on limited hours or on standby.

Purism is working on some new initiatives (that require planning and some infrastructure work) to ramp up more direct contributions to the “fund your app” campaign, where users may crowd-fund individual applications to achieve development milestones, and visualize the direct impact their donations have via progress updates and release notes.


This sounds absolutely not good - it sounds very very bad. because developers are rare and if You dont feed them they will go for other projects where They can earn the money needed for life.

Purism has stated to become a hardware company…

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thanks for the reply and info. This is what I suspected, but it is good to hear confirmation. I am hopefull, and keeping fingers crossed.


Todd is 100% in support of a thriving software ecosystem that brings value to the PureOS ecosystem and gives back to the extended FOSS community. Development staff is incredibly talented and precious, and Purism will never relegate itself to being solely a hardware manufacturer. Once these financial hurdles are overcome, Purism will be postured for faster shipping (done), timely refunds (getting there), and rapid software development (getting there).


There is not even somewhat like a Beta of Crimson? And money to find is an hard job…

Better the OS development of the L5 would be done by another group like Mobian or PostmarketOS
And Purism is doing if possible the PHOSH components

Saves lots of ressources and money.


That,s why i,m very Nervous about losing @dos @dcz for Librem 5. Why? this both are Fancy Full Stack Programmer.

I going today to buy some part from Purism to helping a little, whatever if Amazon has more cheaper part i want Purism and Free Software!


You have taken what Purism actually wrote and lost all the nuance.

However this is digressing substantially from the original hyperbolic topic. So best to pursue this in more relevant topics e.g. Let's crowdfund some development to get PureOS Crimson ready for L5!


I’m convinced that all problems will be addressed. It’s just a matter of patience.
Keep up the good work!!!


So we were back on start:

We have a nice hardware with blackbox drivers and components, and an unmaintained? old Debian which nobody seems to maintain and develop? Delivered unhardened and maybe nobody has the time to look at the FOSS code for security holes or other problems. Nor they gave us any help in minimiznig the horrible energy consumption if You want to use it on a daily base.

I feel that Purism let us completely alone.

And that is NO problem we can solve with a crowdfounding campaign. If the devs are gone they are gone.

As an result for me I will try to get an maintained and active developed build for either Mobian or Postmarketos.

And for postmarketos I am also not too optimistic. Maybe a handful of active developers for dozens of devices they want to support. Maybe that also be hang in an uncertain state.

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ATM for the L5 I cannot see any roadmap or announcements. Only the information that they are short of money and they have the plan for becoming a hardware based company

As long as the base Debian is unhardened and obviously unmaintained old on the L5 there is enough room for us users to worry about this situations and have no actively maintained service on the L5 :frowning:

And not to forget the blackbox-drivers and firmware of modem and WiFi module inside

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Blackbox drivers are overrated a bit. With due diligence one can analyze those binaries, at least for backdoors. It’s definitely not impossible. Of course I’m not saying that burden should be placed on users, just that it’s not some kind of magic.


I pretty much do, as L5 is (intentionally) designed in a way that limits those particulars issues, since having an alternative to them is so unlikely. This is not to say that I wouldn’t like it other way but this at least is better with L5 than with alternatives.

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On the PP someone hacked the modem… and optimized it a lot. Maybe this is an at least equal situation in safety


PureOs Byzantium is based on Debian Bullseye which still gets security updates.
For example there was a security update for apache2-bin yesterday in Debian Bullseye which is already available in PureOS Byzantium for the Librem 5.


Just a hint about developing that is going on for Phosh:

While I write we got a new merge request. All I read is “mimimi, everything is dying” while you don’t even try to understand the complexity behind the scene (including things that are running currently). All these changes will instantly be added when we reach Crimson. Devs say “Crimson is coming after a little time after next hardware release” and you still keep “mimimi, nothing will ever change again”.

I totally understand your frustration, but it’s just annoying to repeat wrong or misleading things over and over again. Sit down, take a breath and wait what happens after next hardware release. Purism is known for delaying plans and bad communication. That’s nothing new. It’s even better these days (thanks @JCS). But you will see, things are going on as they always did before.


As Librem 5 it is formally a Gnu Phone this DO NOT have Driver-Blackboxes, but Firmware-Blackboxes. However if you try to use it FOSS or Opensource System on Librem 5 Like PMOS, Mobian or Whatever FOSSes systems then you will Lose the Control that will compromising the Security of Librem 5 with potentially more blackboxes than.

Purism is working to get a compatible GSModule to OpenFirmware. However the Pinephone and OpenFirmware work really Unreliable probably due to a Silicon Bug.


Out of curiosity: where did you get the phoshbot messages? Is this a public room?


Yes, it’s called “Phosh Changes”. I guess you can look for it and join. It’s not implemented to chat, but to get important updates centralized with links to git pages.