Let's crowdfund some development to get PureOS Crimson ready for L5!

The idea behind this thread was not to pay a fulltime-dev until PureOS is fully developed. The idea was to push it just the last stage up to Crimson that we can get further updates (GNOME-software etc).


I fear that this will not work. There is so much work to do for realeasing Crimson. If it is only some weeks of work it will be ready long ago.
That there is no official build, no alpha, no beta gives us maybe an impression how far the Crimson release will be

Better calculate 2 devs for at least 6-12 months of work

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Guido (Phosh-dev) said “it’s not much to do” and you not involved into any related software development: “12-24 month of work” (1 person). It’s clear who to trust.


“not much” is a very relative amount :wink:

We wait on this “not much” since a time “more much” :frowning:

And obviously this “not much” is not doable ATM and there is also no time frame for it


Not much means that it’s a job for one person in a little time frame. But definitely not 1-2 years. That we still wait has nothing to do with the amount of work, but with the work that is currently going on (close to zero). The reasons are known. And since we came not further with discussion than “we want to do something”, we also have not paid anyone to start the development.

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Honesty I am - for me - sure that the problem is not able to be solved by a crowdfounding. The devs seem to be laid off or sent partially to home and there is absolutely no foreseeable timeframe nor an commitment about nothing.

As Purism is a regular listed company I can understand (I also have my own business) what this normally means. They seem to have a lot more and bigger challenges than “not much” time

Press we all thumbs they can get out of this bad situation soon.

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And the challenge was named as “we want to release our next hardware first”. Of course there is more behind (money and other strategies), but that does not mean that Crimson is technically far away.

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Technically maybe … but we live in a world of delivery :wink:

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But “delivery” was not the topic (between our todays discussion) - it was “paying dev fulltime” (your argument at the beginning). :wink:

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Yepp, and here we are on start. I think that there is no t e c h n i c a l reason to not develop Crimson further. There must be a much more grave problem maybe consisting of layoffs/sendathome/nomoney/nohumanressources

And these cannot be resolved by a crowdfounding of some thousand dollars. Or with some hours or day of work.

This may be a problem by changing the business model and maybe more

And then we speak of absolutely other terms of money

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As I said before, crowdfund was never the idea to solve any issue … it was just an idea to get access to all the other updates.

And sure, there are other reasons and I bet it’s mainly an internal decision over a real problem. Just made to the worst possible situation (short in front of Crimson).

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I see no way to make a crowdfounding where the money aims exactly the Dev who has to do it. And exactly the amount he or they needs. And all of this without any feedback from Purism up to now :wink:

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Nobody said it has to be a Purism dev. Source code is public and everyone can contribute. We can pay any random developer and tell what he exactly has to do to get our money. I don’t see your problem.

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I can’t understand why most of your messages point to negative aspects.
To me you only see that your glass is half empty instead of it being half full.

You aren’t being helpfull to Purism, the community and not to yourself.
You’ve voiced your worries in plenty of messages.
Maybe it’s time to sit back and wait and see how things will progress.


Would be an interesting experience if somebody hires an Dev, he takes the sources from Purism, build a new build an send it back to them. Then they take this as an new release, publish it and take all the responsibilites coming with this.

Better I reserve for this a story chair and a big portion of PopCorn and see what happens…

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If helpful means that I without any sorrow see a half filled glass where there is no further perspective and dream about things that SHOULD be and not WILL be…

Then I am not helpful for You

I think that all this uncomfortable questions and statements are the right of a customer who paid his money for a product and the find that the product has … some bigger problems…has absolutely the right to ask what will happen with this product in the future

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Here is a summary of my current priorities in regards to this “Crimson crowdfunding campaign”:

  1. Match @Ick’s one-time donation.
  2. Wait until @francois-techene provides an update about Crimson after the StartEngine campaign ends on April 30th, assuming no further SEC filings occur.
    • If no update is provided within one week of the campaign end, suggest open-source bounties for the checklist items in the Road to Crimson meta-issue on GitLab.

My offer to match the one-time donation to any organization is protected until news of a Crimson update is published, and/or there is a new product release such as the Librem 16. In either case, I will assume Crimson has funding by Purism, and with the latter, I will very likely be upgrading from my Librem 14, subject to a thorough product security audit.


You realize that from the standpoint of people who have unfilled refund requests or phones that never worked or are having issues dealing with support, or perhaps other people holding back due to concerns with this sort of thing, that this is simply asking people to throw good money after bad?


My post was intended for the forum in general, and I assumed anyone waiting for a refund would think to themselves that “this obviously doesn’t apply to me”. I have edited the post to avoid further misunderstanding.

I also assume you understand that the context of my suggestion is Purism’s cash-strapped situation. Please add your own ideas on how to improve their ability to fulfill refunds.


Place them in a separate thread so this topic remains focused on crowdfunding Crimson.