Librem 11 too hot?

I’ve had issues with the heat causing the touch screen to “touch itself”. After a few minutes of use, I have to hold it in front of a fan to use it.

Anyone else have this issue?

Tech support has been very unresponsive, after over 3 weeks and 3 emails (one demanding a return and refund)

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What heat do you mean? From the environment (ambient temperature)? From the device (from operation)? There may be some benefit to looking at the actual thermals i.e. what is the operating temperature of the device?

If from the device, is there a runaway process on the device?

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I couldn’t get PureOS mobile to work, would not run updates because of “unmet dependencies”, so I’m running Debian Gnome. PureOS mobile hasn’t been properly updates sense 9/2023.

Just finished running a test with a core temp meter running in the system tray.
For the test, I played AisleRot Solitaire for about 10-15 min.

I’m in Hawaii without AC in the wet season. Ambient temp is about 80ish in my shoe box apartment.
Once internal temp hits about 33C (92F), the touch starts becoming unresponsive and dropping the cards I’m dragging around. I bring up a menu with some difficulty and things “get selected” in the menu. Seems to be something near the center of the screen is selected, every time (maybe slightly up and left of dead center).
Looks like a hardware design issue.

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Can you fault isolate by doing a Live Boot of a vanilla PureOS USB flash drive?

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When I was originally trying to get things to work, the PureOS Mobile was having the same issue. One thing I tried to get the OS to work at all was to reinstall with regular PureOS, but didn’t get that far because… Touch Didn’t Work At All.
I also tried Linux Mint with Cinnamon and then installed Gnome over Cinnamon. Had the same issue on both. (rotation didn’t work with Cinnamon)

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I don’t know. Maybe your particular unit just has a hardware fault and you will need to persevere with Support.

(As an aside, if it weren’t a sealed device, you could remove the disk, put a different OS on the disk using another computer and then reinsert the disk. I mean you can do that anyway but most likely you would be voiding your warranty so, assuming that it is still under warranty, best to leave it to Support.)

External monitor / keyboard?

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I emailed support the day it arrived because it wouldn’t update the OS. Haven’t heard anything back at all.
Worst support ever. I’ll never buy anything from them again.

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Not disagreeing with you that support response times are sometimes unhelpfully high but … many people find, after investigation, that Purism Support did respond within a reasonable timeframe but the customer just didn’t receive the response (e.g. due to anti-spam).

@JCS, can you find out whether and when response happened?

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