Librem 5 calls broken

Today, calls are broken on my Librem 5 (yet again…). Making a call just shows ‘calling…’ and then eventually cancels. Have rebooted a couple of times, but the problem persists.

Does anybody know any way to fix it quickly? I don’t want to wait for a support ticket (the last response for my Librem 14 ticket was “most of our staff are away until January 3rd, but I have flagged this ticket for following up with them after they return”…)

If relevant, it’s using the europe version of the modem.

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Try toggling the respective hardware kill switch.

Well I guess we don’t know yet whats so wrong and probably need to find out first before fixing it.

  • What does the status bar say about your mobile connection?
  • Not sure what’s there but maybe there are some information in the settings app or in the mobile tweaks app?
  • Do incoming calls work?
  • Did you try to call a different number?
  • In what position are the hardware kill switches?
  • Is your software up to date?
  • Are you on PureOS Byzantium?
  • Are you sure everything in correct with the your MNO and whatever contract you have with them?
  • Did you do any changes related to your mobile connection?
  • Does mobile data work?
  • Did your MNO maybe disable 3G?
  • Did you try to use your SIM in another phone for comparison?
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Is this the same situation as with the thread you had in the fall (Phone calls broken)?

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Tried reflashing again, but still the same issue. Unlike that time, the FW version still shows, so doesn’t seem to be the same issue.

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Are you sure everything in correct with the your MNO and whatever contract you have with them?

Ah, damn, forgot to check this, appears there is a problem with the network provider with calls.
Nevermind then…


My solution to Librem 5 calling is to use the Librem 14 for calls. When we make a call with the Librem 5, the government gets into there and slows down our processor enough that it seems as if we can’t keep up with the sound of the call on the software level, even though you could listen to music or stream video or whatever and it’s fine on the Librem 5. I figure it might be part of the new world order government trying to force us all to use Android/iOS. You can see the same thing if you use a PinePhone, which is even less powerful and less functional than a Librem 5, but then put Waydroid on there and take a call in Waydroid. In that case, the call has near perfect audio quality and software performance.

But even though Pentium 4 computers with 2GB ram were able to Skype call friends for 10 hours just fine in 2006, that was before new world order government was invented. Because of how things are now, I take calls on my Librem 14, and then that makes them always work perfectly, because of the higher processing power.


So basically, because we are always training people to develop software in ways that are less and less skillful as time goes by, the specs of the computer have to get higher and higher in order to perform the same task. That’s why a 32 GB RAM computer in 2025 feels like a 2 GB RAM computer in 2006. In a similar way, by 2030 you will probably need a 256 GB RAM computer in order to browse the web. However, the rate at which we reduce the quality of software will likely spike due to LLMs, so it might instead be as soon as next year that we need 256 GB RAM to browse the web. Things are accelerating faster than ever before.


Are you sure your carrier hasn’t turned something off in their network? Are you using VoLTE?

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Calling works just fine for me

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May I ask what you did to fix it so it works?

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