Librem 5 Evergreen with EU modem for sale

I am selling my Librem 5 Evergreen Byzantium with EU modem.
Phone is from februari of this year, tested and has not been used since then. So the phone is brand new. Phone is located in the Netherlands.

500,-- euro excluding shipment


500,-- euro excl. shipping

Isn’t that a bit too cheap?

A friend of mine might be interested, I’ll ask…

Probably yes, but I want to sell asap because of my current financial situation

Are you based in Amsterdam? My friends wants to buy your L5.

I am near Alkmaar which is about 50km up from Amsterdam. Please contact me at for further contact / shipment or pickup.

Okay. Great! I will meet up with my friend tomorrow afternoon. We will get back to you by then. Probably earlier.

I gave your info to my friend. Hope he contacted you already or will do so shortly.

Have not heard anything yet. Is your friend still interested?

I think so. He is a very busy person. That might explain it.
I’ll send him a message…

Why you do not move this private discussion to a private mail exchange instead of polluting the forum with this?

I would be interested, too (in case @wimdows’ friend isn’t interested anymore). I’m in Germany.

I will wait a little longer. If I do not hear anything from @wimdows friend by tomorrow, I will contact you again.

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I still have not heard anything from @wimdows friend, so you can buy it if you like. Please contact me at

Sorry to hear that, orimigato. Probably because my friens had to go on a business trip to Sweden. Well, its his loss.

There will probably be another Librem 5 for sale before parity is reached.

@orimigato Can you tell why you haven’t touched it after testing it initially? Is the functionality not good enough to be a daily driver?

:rofl: There are a lot worse things in the forum.
At least this is on-topic with the OP.

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