Librem 5 review

I locked down androids for years. this phone - so sorry, hardware is old, tech support unacceptable, migration - nonsense. battery life 4h and overheating phone that is 5y old hardware. There is no excuse for price-service ratio. And waiting for this joke for years at the price. It’s not daily phone, it does not perform.
I need people to hear me properly in meetings, device that does not need shutdown for data copy and glitches half of time because it heats up.
It produces ultimate freedom from service. That’s not what I require for work or daily use

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TalkingAboutSun: As far i know the unique Device capable mechanically to directly recording Sun or Eclipse it is Nokia N8 so i not sure if there are other devices with this capabilities, if someone know other devices please let me know. Maybe Nokia 808, i not sure.


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well there you go. now imagine granny setting up secure ssh on the phone to copy her photos. good luck on that one. ends at 4h heating battery so. usability wise ‘and what do I do with that’. Also hardware is newer. For all the competitors, what is stopping these guys and why they use old hardware beats me. iOS I do not prefer, locking down androids is easier.
I would rather get phone that works where company actually can handle software and hardware properly and proved customer service and tech support.
I never hear from these guys. They have no phone support, they have no phone or address per say, they are running as physical entity, like ghosts. They do not respond on emails. They ghost customers on normal bases. If you think I’m like only case, well not.
Pull public data, that’s their normal no customer service. Reviews are not in this company favor by any means. Tech support wise its ruined reputation. They never responded to our issues and we are just one customer, plenty more like that. Even on this exceptionally highly watched by this company forum which I find mostly useless, picking breadcrumbs and wasting time on overpriced device that does not perform I do not have time for this sort of thing I need to do work work instead of playing with half-bakes software-hardware old thing.


I’m sorry to hear that from you, its clear that you dont know whats going on with the Librem 5, i also see that users in this thread have not explained it well to you.
All the problems you mentioned above have an answer, sure.

I will tell you that the Librem 5 has everything to work Fancy.

Distinguised @FranklyFlawless do you know how enable MTP to get file transfer on L5 i just not remember atm how to for @lllibrem5 ?

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Previous comment from me on this: I believe that MTP already works in Linux with Linux as the host, so it is not a huge stretch to think that there is interest and knowledge to make it work with Linux as the media device.

And response from dos: It even works as a device and you can set it up on your phone if you really want to, it’s just that having it integrated out-of-box was not something that was being worked on.

So I would think that it is beyond granny to set up MTP. SSH is easier because it is already integrated into the Settings GUI.

If the host computer is Linux, there really is no reason to use MTP on the Librem 5.

If the host computer is something else (e.g. Microsoft Windows), there may be reason to use MTP on the Librem 5.


Or if people want it incredible easy: install KDE Connect on devices that should share files (including Android, iOS and Windows).

Also 4h battery? I reach more than 4 times that amount. 4h is more like the active phone that never goes into suspend mode or even turn screen off. Keep in mind, this is a fully desktop OS. How long are laptops running with bigger batteries? Android and iOS are just super polished about battery saving behaviors. That’s no easy task and huge steps are already taken with the experimental suspend feature.

You say software is not polished. That’s correct. UI/UX is as bad as 15 years old phones … but do you know that Android and iOS put billions of Dollars into their systems for over 15 years, while our systems just ate some millions on the lower end? You can’t blame Purism and the active developing community for being not as good as the giants of big tech. That takes time and was clear from beginning. Android devices are so cheap because they can sell billions of phones with just a little fee for Googles Android while Purism has not even sold 10.000 devices (I think) and has to take the little income to develop such a huge project. So of course they have to sell it for a premium price, otherwise they would act like Pine64 and do nearly no software development (task for community only).

Geo location also works. Did you turn off all hardware killswitches? If yes, you have to turn on at least one, otherwise sensor is deactivated. Did you turn on privacy settings for geo glue? Did you calibrate your geo correctly (sadly initializing process is not intuitive enough - I guess software can improve this). Maps are working in Europe … I don’t know how well or bad they’re in USA. I guess other US-citizens can tell you more about.

Firefox issues? Are you speaking about GUI? Community (mostly Emma) has improved it. You can fix it easily now and this in the way you like Firefox GUI most. Still questions? Ask in this thread.

So what issues left? Support → Can’t argue against your points.
Slow hardware? On one hand true, on the other one it’s the best hardware everyone could get hands on with all the other requirements in mind. It just shows how broken our “free market” is behind the shiny gate and is not Purisms fault at all. If you want to blame something, than blame the capitalism that forces black-box devices/components. In a cooperative market we would already have perfect GNU/Linux phones for 15 years with high end hardware and perfect UI/UX.

All the things have their reason why they’re as they’re (at least phone related). I hope you understand it at least a little bit better now. I know not every point will make you happy and the entire phone isn’t maybe something for you in its current stage. But someone has to begin with and I’m happy to be a little part of it. Using it already daily for over one year.


Well that has being 4+ years to make it there today. It’s not rocket science to develop this. Why it’s not there today would be question not to me but to that company. I’m the customer with malfunctioning phone who can not get tech support from the vendor

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Would that kill someone/something to produce documentation for problem so and so here is step by stem and copy that script to terminal. Plenty examples of this online for many debian based systems, in fact they have doc for debian and other Linux on same page stating script for Debian to install or update so and so. Instead there is ‘cute’ vizheo that is useless for the customer. How that supposed to be good customer service or supposed to reduce my time troubleshooting beats me.
Tech support does not respond that’s the fact.
And if these people do not know if someone buys android the generated account to download basic additional software would be from That would be software to transfer sms and contacts for example. If they do not like google I can see that, if they ghost and do not respond customer email because it’s generated gmail from android phone and I have to explain this now days to someone from that company all that does it raises the question how qualified are they to be in this business if they want to onboard customers from other platforms and have them use their phone.
They do not respond to email from secure encrypted providers either. I see no excuse for this at all


it does not take long to see that in this thread I profile 2 accounts affiliated with the company as alt account of ex or current stuff/affiliate.
IT show where the priorities are and how they work with the customer base. Outlook like so is … they would do well focusing their efforts in right places if they want to be in this business and do well. Sadly it is what it is and they do not get the message not only from me but from others for years and make excuses why things are the way they are instead of owning it and addressing it
That does not paint the bright future. As a result the reputation is well deserved. It is also clear that this company stuff is disinfecting this forum heavy handed and monitors feedback same day.
Put that effort into managing your customer that already paid you, see the point?
If not, good luck then. It means my time is spent more productively on locking down more modern android and investing into someone else where I can get the results and not chit-chat

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By the way for an investor it’s cheap to get a device and see where the company is to make decision go-no go angel. No go angel. Cause that device cost is cost of hour-2 of someone’s time.
And they see in matter of minutes what did company pay to a dev, ref 1000 in CA tells a lot. Scan of this forum confirms the same. Misaligned priorities and persistence in doing so. That would be human generated summary, the rest is machine while human is properly resting outsourcing their time to machine to scan the ‘great outdoors’

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there are plenty of legitimate and fair criticisms of Purism. It’s very understandable, in my opinion, for you to be frustrated.

You are not getting responses from tech support–a possible solution: ask people for help here on the forum! A good number of us here have put major efforts into making the Librem 5 work for our own needs (with mixed results :grimacing:), so it’s very possible that someone here can help you from their own generousity.

Instead of only airing your grievances against Purism, maybe you will find it more fruitful to ask for help with the specific issues that you are facing?


forum was scanned already
copy files using wire is by design phone reboot. interesting, not fixable.
making that into a server means multiple hours of my time and fuss with the thing doing alpha testing, ready to go script it not here it’s in peaces out of someone’s generosity addressing particular customized by individual configurations and their custom OS version whatever they are running on at the moment and not out of the box re-imaged version (latest that is as of this week they have announced).
CI/CD pipeline they do not have, and do not keep up documentation for their updated os here is scripts to run to make basic functions to call, transfer-migrate from another phone, call, text, navigation, migrate contacts and messages. the basics, I’m not asking a lot.

battery and excessive heating that is caused by re-imaged system - that’s tech support clear cut, whatever they have deployed.
picking bread crumbs, it’s too much time at the moment.
and I can not use navigation in precision mode with their hardware, that has to do with spatial data quality they chose to use. that’s beyond my control , it’s their host choices. they only way I can make navigation to work in my area with that phone - that’s google. I do not get the benefits, I can not use theirs cause map for the city happened to be missing. I’m not doing the map, cause I looked at api already, I’m not that generous to do and merge the state data, sorry, that’s asking too much

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Of course not, youre good.


There is a Hardware Bug on Evergreen body which increases temperature sensitivity to user, so to bypassing this bug enable Suspend to Ram to 1 minute, this will balance the temperature.

Also Byzantium lack some of GPU acceleration which increase temperature, so please do not use Firefox for many reason on L5, do not Waydroid, do not Flatpak.

Take Omega-3 to slowdown aggressiveness for Librem 5 and Purism.


It’s not rocket science to develop this.

Perhaps, but how many other companies have succeeded in the Linux phone space?
Even if you might argue that Purism has not succeeded (I would disagree), I don’t think any one could make a case that they haven’t been waaaay more successful than other, bigger companies (Canonical, Mozilla, etc).


we are talking about company making phone. many. chose to use linux, it is normal thing, also many companies do this as it’s 0 licensing cost coming at other cost. nothing unique from business perspective about using open source to make product X that involves hardware type ABC and software AAA. nothing new.
how does company X approach the business and where are their priorities is what makes it or breaks it and who can they get behind.
It is also not new to put business under the new management. Plenty examples of that. Where new management priorities are makes it or breaks it.
Business that makes chose to make the product problems their customer problems has price-value tolerance. If product is way above the market customer makes their choices. And others look what they are getting themselves into. Nothing wrong with that.

Someone has mentioned here some problems. Would that take me too much time to make that semi-prototype into something that may do some basics - no. For use sometimes - depends on hardware degradation, it’s 5y old. In phone business how many have 5y old phone? How many have 10y old phone to get some money out of that purchase. Here ya go, do the math.

Want to do something, do it stop talking about it. Where min valuable product focus should be I said. If company can not figure out that in 4+ years it does send strong message.


That single feature is no rocket science. But what is with thousands of tasks that are no rocket science? They have to set priorities and manage the few resources (money) they have. If you start building a house and someone comes after 4 month and is asking you “where is the warm water” while you still have no functional roof … I hope you understand. Until last year we don’t even had a functional camera or functional suspend (not even experimental). We had a rotating lockscreen, that made it impossible to login. Things need their time, if you like it or not. That’s the reality. You can’t blame a company for not being multi billion dollar heavy. You can blame them for bad support, maybe for misleading advertisement, but not for not being big enough to bring the future to us just yesterday.

But they have to pay a lot of money to each developer each month to write open source firmware to hardware that’s bad documented. They have to write new apps to make all the mobile stuff. And on top of that all the other improvements, things like libhandy and so on. You underestimate the work that’s needed for all the basic stuff.


that’s the matter of focus on proper mvp and doing it. it’s the basics.


Yes, and without the things you don’t see, you would not even be able to turn on your phone.

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I do not, and some here seem to get the message which is good. It also does confirm the conclusion about priorities, company had 4+ years to get things straight. That’s a while. if company did not have what was necessary to produce mvp key word here is valuable they face the consequences, and those came. If someone gave them a second look because it happened to be, take the feedback. Can not - good luck, customer has their priorities and do those include babysitting depends on the customer and their free time. That would form quite narrow customer base.


You’re just speaking about yourself. A very “me” view of things. I am also a customer and a lot of other people are too. They could fix some of your things in no time. But than other people would complain that their stuff is not done after 4 years. Things that are necessary for you are not for others. I don’t care much about file transfer in the way you want to have it. I don’t care about the “video” (whatever video you refering the whole time, I don’t know) and I don’t care about the app store issues. I install apps via apt-command, transfer files with a 3rd party app etc. But I want also 90° rotating lockscreen which many other people may do not care much about, because there are still a lot of backend tasks that are more important. A proper camera API for example or alarm that will wake up suspended phones.

We all have different needs and you cannot blame Purism to not just focus on your personal needs.