Mobile-Friendly Firefox Customizations for Librem 5


I have been working with CSS (cascading style sheets) to make Firefox more mobile-friendly for the Librem 5, and I think that I finally have something really nice to show off here. There are several different options available, some are similar to the Firefox mobile apps for Android and iOS. Much of the code is conditional so that when the Librem 5 is rotated into landscape mode or connected to an external display, tv, or lapdock (like the NexDock) the mobile style reverts to the traditional Firefox desktop style.

Nearly all of the code in this post comes directly from the postmarketOS mobile-config-firefox gitlab project and from the user MrOtherGuy on github (and reddit). I think that my edits to their code and my original code ideas are good enough to share now, and I think that at least some of you will agree.

If you’re interested in reading and understanding how CSS customization of Firefox works, you may want to start with the FirefoxCSS subreddit.

Steps to get started:

  1. Enable this Firefox preference:


You can do this in one of two ways:

The about:config method:

  • Navigate to about:config in the urlbar

  • Copy and paste the preference into the searchbar on the page

  • Double-click the preference to toggle it from false to true or click the toggle button on the right

The user.js method:

  • If you don’t already use a user.js file to customize Firefox, create a text file named user.js and paste the following text into the file:

    user_pref("toolkit.legacyUserProfileCustomizations.stylesheets", true);
  • Copy the file into your Firefox profile folder, located here:

  1. Create a folder in your Firefox profile named chrome (all lower case)

  2. Create two text files inside the chrome folder named userChrome.css and userContent.css (case sensitive)

Now you are ready to start customizing.

There are two ways to use the userChrome.css file:

Method 1: type/paste all code into the userChrome.css file

Method 2: use separate css files for different styles and import them into the userChrome.css file

I used to use method 1, but now I prefer method 2, since it is easier to enable and disable individual styles without affecting the rest. To disable something without deleting it, you use forward slash and asterisk symbols. Everything in between /* and */ gets treated as a comment.

I hope that I have explained this well enough for those of you who are unfamiliar.

Now on to the actual code:

mobile-config-firefox by postmarketOS and edited by me:

/* Copyright 2022 Oliver Smith
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0 */

@media (max-width: 700px) {
    /* Spawn the menu above the navigation bar (now that we've moved it to the
     * bottom). Without this, it still spawns above, but only with a small
     * height. This is due to the position="bottomcenter topright" attribute in
     * the HTML, which we can't override via CSS. */
    #appMenu-popup {
        /*margin-top: -390px !important;*/
        margin-bottom: 62px !important;
        padding-left: 10px !important;
        padding-right: 10px !important;
        /*height: 310px;*/
        /*max-height: 310px;*/
        height: 330px;
        max-height: 330px;
    #appMenu-protonMainView vbox.panel-subview-body {
        /*height: 300px !important;*/
        /*max-height: 300px !important;*/
        height: 318px !important;
        max-height: 318px !important;
    #appMenu-multiView box.panel-viewstack:first-child {
        /* Use the whole space in the menu, instead of slowly increasing the
         * height via animation. This animation is broken anyway due to the
         * above menu size hack */
        height: calc(100vh - 100px) !important;
        max-height: calc(100vh - 100px) !important;

    /* Menu content
     * - configure it to have most important functions for mobile
     *   on one page, without scrolling. (Scrolling was only possible with the
     *   scrollbar on the right anyway, which is awkward when expecting to be
     *   able to scroll with fingers.)
     * - submenus are hidden, because attempting to scroll inside them with the
     *   finger causes firefox to segfault. This is likely due to the menu
     *   positioning hack above, looks like FF can't determine the height
     *   properly. Help with fixing this is appreciated, the bookmarks and
     *   history submenus would be useful. However even without the submenus,
     *   the history and saved bookmarks can at least be accessed conveniently
     *   through the navigation search.
     * - fullscreen is hidden: not available in FF for android either, the
     *   screen is almost used completely already, causes problems with UIs
     *   that don't expect apps to go fullscreen (i.e. in Phosh, as soon as
     *   the on screen keyboard is triggered, the top and bottom bars of Phosh
     *   are over the FF in fullscreen) */
    #appMenu-fxa-status2, /* FF login */
    #appMenu-fxa-separator, /* FF login */
    #appMenu-protonMainView toolbarseparator, /* all separators */
    /*#appMenu-save-file-button2, /* Save file can be done from Print too */
    #appMenu-passwords-button, /* accessible from settings */
    /*#appMenu-extensions-themes-button, /* accessible from settings */
    #appMenu-bookmarks-button, /* submenu */
    /*#appMenu-history-button, /* submenu */
    /*#appMenu-more-button2, /* submenu */
    /*#appMenu-help-button2, /* submenu */
    .subviewbutton[shortcut]::after { /* menu shortcuts ("Ctrl+T" etc.) */
        display: none !important;
/* Copyright 2022 plata
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0 */

/* Move navigation bar to bottom */
@media (max-width: 700px) {
    #browser {
        -moz-box-ordinal-group: 0 !important;

    /* Hide navigation bar in kiosk mode (to prevent bug #29). We can assume FF
     * is in kiosk mode when fullscreen and max-width conditions are met,
     * because at this max-width the fullscreen button is hidden
     * (see appMenu.css). */
    #TabsToolbar[inFullscreen] {
        display: none;

    /*  */
    #TabsToolbar > .titlebar-buttonbox-container {
      display: none;
    /* Fix panels sizing */
    .panel-viewstack {
      max-height: unset !important;

/* Copyright 2022 Oliver Smith
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0 */

@media (max-width: 700px) {
    /* The only way I (ollieparanoid) found to make this not glitchy, was to
     * reduce the bookmark panel to the minimum amount of useful controls and
     * hardcode width and height. Patches to improve this welcome, but make
     * sure that you don't introduce new UI glitches by doing extensive
     * testing. */

    #editBookmarkPanel {
        margin-top: -390px !important;
        height: 200px;
        max-height: 200px;
        max-width: calc(100vw - 100px);

    #editBookmarkPanel box.panel-header,
    #editBookmarkHeaderSeparator {
        display: none !important;

    #editBookmarkPanelContent {
        max-width: 250px !important;
        width: 250px !important;
        padding-right: 20px;

    /* Hide the screenshot and the line below it. The page is right there when
     * you bring up the menu, no need for a screenshot. Also it has a glitch
     * when taking the screenshot in mobile portrait view, half the screenshot
     * is just black. Let's rather use the space to edit the bookmark
     * information. */
    #editBookmarkSeparator {
        display: none;

    .editBMPanel_tagsRow {
        display: none;

    #editBookmarkPanelBottomButtons {
        width: 250px !important;
        min-width: 250px !important;
        padding: 0px !important;
        justify-content: flex-start !important;
        margin: 0px 0px 20px 0px !important;
/* Copyright 2022 Oliver Smith
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0 */

@media (max-width: 700px) {
    .findbar-container {
        display: flex;
        flex-direction: row;
        flex-wrap: wrap;
        /*height: 150px !important;*/
        height: 40px !important;

    .findbar-textbox {
        /* Overwrite fixed size, so the X on the right shows up */
        width: 100% !important;

    .findbar-container checkbox {
        /* Add space around the buttons, looks nicer and makes it easier to hit
         * them with the finger. */
        padding: 10px 0px;

    /* Save space */
    .find-status-icon {
        display: none;

/* Copyright 2022 Oliver Smith
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0 */

@media (max-width: 700px) {
    /* Hack to prevent popups from flickering around. It looks like e.g. the
     * editBookmarkPanel has two heights otherwise, and draws one frame with a
     * short height and one frame with the proper one. */
    #mainPopupSet {
        position: fixed !important;
        top: 0px;
        left: 0px;
        right: 0px;
        bottom: 100px;
/* Copyright 2022 Oliver Smith
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0 */

@media (max-width: 700px) {
    /* Now that the navbar is at the bottom, we need to set an offset to have
     * the notifications (like the one for installing addons) displayed
     * on-screen. */
    #notification-popup {
        /*margin-left: -200px !important;*/
        margin-top: -500px !important;
        height: calc(100vh - 250px) !important;
        max-width: 100vw !important;

    #downloadsPanel-mainView {
        max-width: calc(100vw - 10px);

    /* Menu that appears when long-pressing the back-button */
    #backForwardMenu {
        margin-top: -250px;
        height: 200px;
        min-height: 200px;
        max-width: 100vw !important;

    /* Hide some context menu items */
    #inspect-separator {
        display: none !important

    /* fix flickering of the protections, permissions,
     * widget overflow and identity popups */
    #identity-popup {
        max-width: 100vw !important;

    /* fix the protections popup getting
     * too wide, making controls naccessible */
    #protections-popup-mainView {
        min-width: 100vw !important;
        max-width: 100vw !important;

    /* fix flicker on extension menus.
     * The compromise is that the overflow menu always use
     * all available height.
     * The -80px is here to prevent covering the main bars */
    #widget-overflow-mainView {
        height: calc(100vh - 80px) !important;

    /* Fix widget overflow to fit ublock0_raymondhill_net-browser-action */
    #widget-overflow {
        padding-bottom: 25px !important;
    #widget-overflow-mainView {
        height: 357px !important;

/* Copyright 2022 Oliver Smith
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0 */

/* Reduce minimum window width */
:root {
    min-width: 300px !important;
/* Copyright 2022 Peter Mack, Oliver Smith
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0 */

@media (max-width: 700px) {
    /* Even when not in private browsing mode, reserve space to the right of
     * the tab bar for the private-browsing-indicator (that mask icon). This
     * gives the tab bar a consistent width in both the regular and the private
     * browsing mode, so the increased width hack below looks good in both. */
    /*#titlebar {
        padding-right: 30px;
    hbox.private-browsing-indicator {
        position: fixed !important;
        right: 0px;
        bottom: 50px;
        display: block;

    /* Increase tab width, to have more space for displaying the title of the
     * website and to make the "all tabs" button show up. */
    /*#tabbrowser-tabs {
        --tab-min-width: calc(100vw - 116px) !important;

    /* Rotate the arrow on the "all tabs" button to point upwards, since the
     * tabs and searchbar were moved to the bottom. */
    /*#alltabs-button {
        transform: rotate(180deg) !important;

    /* All tabs menu: hide scroll buttons */
    #scrollbutton-down {
        display: none !important;

    /* All tabs menu: hide the search and the separator below it. */
    #allTabsMenu-tabsSeparator {
        display: none;

    /* Similar hack to what's in appMenu.css to properly spawn the "all tabs"
     * popup above the navigation menu */
    #customizationui-widget-panel {
        /* Further up than appmenu, because the "all tabs" button that spawns
         * this menu is above the hamburger button that spawns the regular
         * menu. */
        /*margin-top: -360px !important;*/
        margin-bottom: 15px !important;
        padding-left: 10px !important;
        padding-right: 10px !important;
        /*height: 320px;*/
        /*max-height: 320px;*/
        height: 333px;
        max-height: 333px;

    /*#allTabsMenu-allTabsView vbox.panel-subview-body {
        /* Use the whole height */
        /*height: 300px !important;
        /*max-height: 300px !important;
        /* When messing around with tabs, it gets into a state where it does
         * not use the whole height anymore, it becomes a tiny window. Removing
         * this attribute fixes it. */
        /*-moz-box-flex: initial !important;

    /*#allTabsMenu-allTabsView vbox.panel-subview-body:first-child {
        /* the allTabsMenu has a vbox.panel-subview-body inside another one.
         * With -moz-box-flex: initial, it will show a scroll bar in each, but
         * we only want one scrollbar. */
        /*overflow-y: hidden !important;

    #allTabsMenu-multiView box.panel-viewstack {
        /* Use the whole height */
        height: calc(100vh - 100px) !important;
        max-height: calc(100vh - 100px) !important;

    #allTabsMenu-allTabsViewTabs {
        /* Make sure tabs with long titles don't exceed the all tabs menu */
        width: 0;
        max-width: calc(100vw - 20px);
/* Copyright 2022 Oliver Smith
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0 */

/* Reduce minimum window width */
#urlbar-container {
    min-width: 150px !important;

@media (max-width: 700px) {
    /* Remove various buttons left and right of the URL bar:
       - forward-button: also reachable via longpress of back button
       - home-button: not important enough
       - customizableui-special-spring: empty space
       - library-button: also reachable via PanelUI-menu-button
       - sidebar-button: not useful on mobile (we try to gain horizontal space)
       - fxa-toolbar-menu-button: firefox cloud stuff, also reachable via
    /* #back-button */
    /* #reload-button */
    /* (urlbar) */
    /* #PanelUI-menu-button */ {
        display: none !important;

    #urlbar {
        padding: 0px 5px;

    /* Smaller font: show more of the URL */
    #urlbar-input {
        font-size: 9pt !important;

    /* Focused urlbar: hide all icons around it, so we have more space to edit the URL */
    #urlbar[focused] #remote-control-box,
    #urlbar[focused] #identity-box,
    #urlbar[focused] #tracking-protection-icon-container,
    /* #urlbar-input */
    #urlbar[focused] #reader-mode-button,
    #urlbar[focused] #page-action-buttons {
        display: none;

    /* Label of "identity icons", e.g. firefox specific pages look weird
     * when ellipsed, e.g. "F..x" instead of "Firefox". So just hide this
     * label. The icon itself is still visible. */
    #identity-icon-label {
        display: none;

    /* Move urlbar results to cover the whole displayed website, instead of
     * being below the urlbar. */
    .urlbarView {
        position: fixed !important;
        inset: 0px 0px 84px 0px;
        width: 100% !important;

        background: var(--arrowpanel-background);

        margin: 0px !important;
        margin-inline: 0px !important;
        border-inline: 0px !important;

        overflow-y:  auto !important;
        overflow-x: none !important;
        scrollbar-width: none;

    /* Bookmarks toolbar. Firefox shows it for some reason when opening a
     * private browsing window, even if it is not enabled in the normal
     * window view. Hide it for mobile, it eats precious space and can't be
     * organized properly on mobile anyway. Using the searchbar to filter
     * through bookmarks is much more efficient. */
    #PersonalToolbar {
        display: none;

/* Even though amazon is removed as search engine in policies.json, it gets
 * installed when FF starts for the first time. Hide the button in "This time,
 * search with" inside the urlbar. Match localizations like with this
 * regex. */
button[id^='urlbar-engine-one-off-item-Amazon'] {
    display: none !important;

my altered version of the browser.css file that moves the tabs to the bottom:

/* Copyright 2022 plata
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0 */

/* Move navigation bar to bottom */
@media (max-width: 700px) {
    #browser {
        -moz-box-ordinal-group: 0 !important;

    /* Hide navigation bar in kiosk mode (to prevent bug #29). We can assume FF
     * is in kiosk mode when fullscreen and max-width conditions are met,
     * because at this max-width the fullscreen button is hidden
     * (see appMenu.css). */
    #TabsToolbar[inFullscreen] {
        display: none;

    /*  */
    #TabsToolbar > .titlebar-buttonbox-container {
      display: none;
    /* Fix panels sizing */
    .panel-viewstack {
      max-height: unset !important;
    /* Tabs below */
    #titlebar {
        -moz-box-ordinal-group: 2; /* Fx <112 compatibility */
        order: 2;

    /* Adjust menu popup spawn height */
    #appMenu-popup {
        margin-bottom: 20px !important;

    /* Adjust all-tabs popup spawn height */
    #customizationui-widget-panel {
        margin-bottom: 60px !important;


some code by MrOtherGuy:

/* Source file made available under Mozilla Public License v. 2.0
See the above repository for updates as well as full license text. */

/* This should hide tabs scrollbuttons in a manner that preserves the ability to move tab strip when reordering tabs */

#tabbrowser-arrowscrollbox {
    --uc-compat-scrollbutton-margin: 1px; /* compatibility for non_floating_sharp_tabs.css */
    --uc-scrollbutton-up-background: linear-gradient(-90deg,transparent,var(--lwt-accent-color) 35%);
    --uc-scrollbutton-down-background: linear-gradient(90deg,transparent,var(--lwt-accent-color) 35%);

#tabbrowser-tabs:not([movingtab]) {
    --uc-scroll-visibility: hidden;
#tabbrowser-tabs[overflow] {
    --uc-scrollbox-base-margin: -31px;
    --uc-scrollbox-margin: calc(var(--uc-scrollbox-base-margin) + var(--tab-shadow-max-size));
:root[uidensity="compact"] #tabbrowser-tabs[overflow] {
    --uc-scrollbox-base-margin: -25px;
#tabbrowser-arrowscrollbox:not([scrolledtostart="true"]) {
    --uc-scrollbox-overflow-start-margin: -1px;
#scrollbutton-up ~ spacer {
    visibility: visible !important;
spacer[part="overflow-start-indicator"] {
    -moz-box-ordinal-group: 0; /* Fx < 112 compatibility */
    order: -1;
    margin-inline-start: var(--uc-scrollbox-overflow-start-margin,-0.5px) !important;
spacer[part="overflow-end-indicator"] {
    -moz-box-ordinal-group: 2; /* Fx < 112 compatibility */
    order: 2;

#scrollbutton-down[disabled="true"] > .toolbarbutton-icon,
#scrollbutton-up[disabled="true"] > .toolbarbutton-icon {
    opacity: 0.4;
#scrollbutton-down {
    position: relative;
    z-index: 1;
    visibility: var(--uc-scroll-visibility,visible);
    background-clip: border-box !important;
    background-origin: initial !important;
    background-repeat: no-repeat !important;
    opacity: 1 !important;
#scrollbutton-up {
    margin-inline-start: calc(0px - var(--tab-shadow-max-size,0px)) !important;
    background-image: var(--uc-scrollbutton-up-background);
#scrollbutton-down {
    margin-inline-end: calc(0px - var(--tab-shadow-max-size,0px)) !important;
    background-image: var(--uc-scrollbutton-down-background);
.scrollbox-clip {
    margin-inline: var(--uc-scrollbox-margin,0px);

/* Need to reset some things for other scrollboxes */
.menupopup-arrowscrollbox {
    --tab-shadow-max-size: 0;
/* Source file made available under Mozilla Public License v. 2.0
See the above repository for updates as well as full license text. */

/* Always show tab close button on hover and never otherwise */
.tabbrowser-tab .tab-close-button {
    display: none;
.tabbrowser-tab:not([pinned]):hover .tab-close-button {
    display: flex !important;
    align-items: center;
/* Source file made available under Mozilla Public License v. 2.0
See the above repository for updates as well as full license text. */

/* Apply this customization only on smaller screens */
@media (max-width: 700px) {

    /* Why 100vw? Tab closing requires width animation to end and "none" can't be animated */
    .tabbrowser-tab[fadein]:not([style^="max-width"]) {
        max-width: 100vw !important;

/* Source file made available under Mozilla Public License v. 2.0
See the above repository for updates as well as full license text. */

/* Adds icons to main menu items which were removed in Proton */
#appMenu-fxa-status2[fxastatus] > toolbarbutton::before,
#appMenu-protonMainView > .panel-subview-body > toolbarbutton > image {
    fill: currentColor;
    -moz-context-properties: fill;
    margin-inline: 0 8px !important;
#appMenu-new-tab-button2 {
    list-style-image: url("chrome://browser/skin/new-tab.svg");
#appMenu-new-window-button2 {
    list-style-image: url("chrome://browser/skin/window.svg");
#appMenu-new-private-window-button2 {
    list-style-image: url("chrome://browser/skin/privateBrowsing.svg");
#appMenu-bookmarks-button {
    list-style-image: url("chrome://browser/skin/bookmark-star-on-tray.svg");
#appMenu-history-button {
    list-style-image: url("chrome://browser/skin/history.svg");
#appMenu-downloads-button {
    list-style-image: url("chrome://browser/skin/downloads/downloads.svg");
#appMenu-passwords-button {
    list-style-image: url("chrome://browser/skin/login.svg");
#appMenu-extensions-themes-button {
    list-style-image: url("chrome://mozapps/skin/extensions/extension.svg");
#appMenu-print-button2 {
    list-style-image: url("chrome://global/skin/icons/print.svg");
#appMenu-save-file-button2 {
    list-style-image: url("chrome://browser/skin/save.svg");
#appMenu-find-button2 {
    list-style-image: url("chrome://global/skin/icons/search-glass.svg");
#appMenu-settings-button {
    list-style-image: url("chrome://global/skin/icons/settings.svg");
#appMenu-more-button2 {
    list-style-image: url("chrome://global/skin/icons/developer.svg");
#appMenu-help-button2 {
    list-style-image: url("chrome://global/skin/icons/info.svg");
#appMenu-quit-button2 {
    list-style-image: url("chrome://devtools/skin/images/search-clear.svg");
/* Use account-button icon for signed in sync item */
#appMenu-fxa-status2[fxastatus] > toolbarbutton::before {
    display: flex;
    content: "";
    width: 16px;
    height: 16px;
    background-image: var(--avatar-image-url);
/* Add somewhat hacky separator to zoom controls so it looks consistent */
#appMenu-protonMainView > .panel-subview-body::after {
    content: "";
    display: flex;
    border-bottom: 1px solid var(--panel-separator-color);
    margin: var(--panel-separator-margin);

#appMenu-find-button2 ~ * {
    -moz-box-ordinal-group: 2; /* Fx < 112 compatibility */
    order: 2;

some code by MrOtherGuy and edited by me:

/* Source file made available under Mozilla Public License v. 2.0
See the above repository for updates as well as full license text. */

/* You should enable any non-default theme for these to apply properly. Built-in dark and light themes should work */
:root {
    /* Popup panels */
    --arrowpanel-background: black !important;
    --arrowpanel-border-color: #dc8add !important;
    --arrowpanel-color: #dc8add !important;
    --arrowpanel-dimmed: rgba(220,138,221,0.6) !important;
    --arrowpanel-dimmed-further: rgba(220,138,221,0.3) !important;
    --panel-background: black !important;
    --panel-border-color: #dc8add !important;
    --panel-color: white !important;
    --panel-separator-color: #dc8add !important;
    --panel-item-hover-bgcolor: rgba(220,138,221,0.5) !important;
    --panel-item-active-bgcolor: #dc8add !important;
    --panel-banner-item-background-color: #dc8add !important;
    --panel-banner-item-hover-bgcolor: #dc8add !important;
    --panel-banner-item-active-bgcolor: #dc8add !important;
    --panel-banner-item-update-supported-bgcolor: #dc8add !important;
    --panel-banner-item-info-icon-bgcolor: #dc8add !important;
    --panel-banner-item-color: #dc8add !important;
    --panel-description-color: #dc8add !important;
    --panel-disabled-color: rgba(220,138,221,0.6) !important;
    --uc-menu-bkgnd: transparent !important;
    --uc-menu-color: #dc8add !important;
    --uc-menu-dimmed: #dc8add !important;
    --uc-menu-disabled: #dc8add !important;
    --menuitem-disabled-hover-background-color: #dc8add !important;

    /* window and toolbar background */
    --lwt-accent-color: #dc8add !important;
    --lwt-accent-color-inactive: #e8b1e8 !important;
    --toolbar-non-lwt-bgcolor: black !important;
    --toolbar-non-lwt-textcolor: #dc8add !important;
    --toolbar-bgcolor: black !important;
    --toolbar-color: #dc8add !important;
    --tabpanel-background-color: black !important;    

    /* tabs with system theme - text is not controlled by variable */
    --tab-selected-bgcolor: #dc8add !important;

    /* tabs with any other theme */
    --lwt-text-color: white !important;
    --lwt-selected-tab-background-color: #dc8add !important;

    /* toolbar area */
    --toolbarbutton-icon-fill: #dc8add !important;
    --toolbarbutton-icon-fill-attention: white !important;
    --toolbarbutton-hover-background: #dc8add !important;
    --toolbarbutton-active-background: #dc8add !important;
    --lwt-toolbarbutton-icon-fill-attention: white !important;
    --lwt-toolbarbutton-hover-background: #dc8add !important;
    --lwt-toolbarbutton-active-background: #dc8add !important;
    --toolbarseparator-color: black !important;

    /* urlbar */
    --toolbar-field-border-color: #dc8add !important;
    --toolbar-field-focus-border-color: #dc8add !important;
    --urlbar-popup-url-color: white !important;
    --urlbar-box-bgcolor: var(--button-bgcolor);
    --urlbar-box-focus-bgcolor: var(--button-bgcolor);
    --urlbar-box-hover-bgcolor: var(--button-hover-bgcolor);
    --urlbar-box-active-bgcolor: var(--button-active-bgcolor);
    --urlbar-box-text-color: inherit;
    --urlbar-box-hover-text-color: var(--urlbar-box-text-color);
    --lwt-brighttext-url-color: #00ddff;

    /* urlbar Firefox < 92 */
    --lwt-toolbar-field-background-color: #dc8add !important;
    --lwt-toolbar-field-focus: white !important;
    --lwt-toolbar-field-color: white !important;
    --lwt-toolbar-field-focus-color: white !important;

    /* urlbar Firefox 92+ */
    --toolbar-field-background-color: #dc8add !important;
    --toolbar-field-focus-background-color: #dc8add !important;
    --toolbar-field-icon-fill-attention: #dc8add !important;
    --toolbar-field-color: white !important;
    --toolbar-field-focus-color: white !important;

    /* sidebar - note the sidebar-box rule for the header-area */
    --lwt-sidebar-background-color: black !important;
    --lwt-sidebar-text-color: black !important;

    /* findbar */
    --focus-outline-color: #dc8add !important;
    --input-border-color: #dc8add !important;

/* buttons and checkboxes */
    --button-bgcolor: black !important;
    --button-color: white !important;
    --button-hover-bgcolor: #dc8add !important;
    --button-active-bgcolor: #dc8add !important;
    --button-primary-bgcolor: #dc8add !important;
    --button-primary-hover-bgcolor: #dc8add !important;
    --button-primary-active-bgcolor: #dc8add !important;
    --button-primary-color: white !important;
    --in-content-primary-button-background: #dc8add !important;
    --in-content-primary-button-background-hover: #dc8add !important;
    --in-content-primary-button-background-active: #dc8add !important;
    --buttons-destructive-bgcolor: #e22850;
    --buttons-destructive-hover-bgcolor: #c50042;
    --buttons-destructive-active-bgcolor: #810220;
    --buttons-destructive-color: #fbfbfe;
    --checkbox-unchecked-bgcolor: black !important;
    --checkbox-unchecked-hover-bgcolor: black !important;
    --checkbox-unchecked-active-bgcolor: black !important;
    --checkbox-checked-border-color: transparent !important;
    --checkbox-checked-bgcolor: #dc8add !important;
    --checkbox-checked-color: white !important;
    --checkbox-checked-hover-bgcolor: rgba(220,138,221,0.9) !important;
    --checkbox-checked-active-bgcolor: rgba(220,138,221,0.9) !important;
    --uc-checkbox-checked-bgcolor: #dc8add !important;

    /* icon glow */
    --uc-icon-glow-primary: #dc8add;
    --uc-icon-glow-secondary: white;
    --uc-icon-glow-hover-primary: #dc8add;
    --uc-icon-glow-hover-secondary: white;

/* line between nav-bar and tabs toolbar,
        also fallback color for border around selected tab */
#navigator-toolbox {
    --lwt-tabs-border-color: none !important;

/* Line above tabs */
#tabbrowser-tabs {
    --lwt-tab-line-color: none !important;

/* the header-area of sidebar needs this to work */
#sidebar-box {
    --sidebar-background-color: black !important;

/* (context_menus_more_proton.css) */

/* OPTIONAL Set custom context menu colors below */

menupopup:not(.in-menulist) {
    --panel-background: black !important;
    --panel-color: white !important;
    --panel-separator-color: #dc8add !important;
    --panel-border-color: #dc8add !important;
menupopup > menuseparator {
    border-color: var(--panel-separator-color,ThreeDShadow) !important;

menupopup {
    --panel-item-hover-bgcolor: var(--button-hover-bgcolor) !important;
menupopup > menuitem,
menupopup > menu {
    appearance: none !important;
    background-color: transparent !important;

#context-navigation > menuitem[_moz-menuactive]:not([disabled]) .menu-iconic-icon,
menupopup > menuitem[_moz-menuactive],
menupopup > menu[_moz-menuactive] {
    background-color: var(--panel-border-color) !important;
    color: var(--panel-color,inherit) !important;
menupopup > menuitem[disabled][_moz-menuactive],
menupopup > menu[disabled][_moz-menuactive] {
    background-color: var(--menuitem-disabled-hover-background-color) !important;

/* (dark_context_menus.css) */

panel richlistbox,
panel tree,
panel button,
panel menulist,
panel textbox,
panel input,
menuitem {
    -moz-appearance: none !important;

panel menulist {
    border: 1px solid transparent;

panel richlistbox,
panel tree,
panel button,
panel menulist,
panel textbox,
panel input,
panel #searchbar,
#main-menubar > menu > menupopup,
#context-navigation {
    color: var(--uc-menu-color) !important;
    background-color: var(--uc-menu-bkgnd) !important;
    border-color: var(--uc-menu-disabled) !important;

panel input {
    background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.1) !important;
panel #searchbar {
    background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.1) !important;
    padding: 0 !important;
panel #searchbar input {
    background-color: transparent !important;

panel menulist:hover,
panel menulist[open] {
    border-color: Highlight !important;

#editBMPanel_folderMenuList > menupopup > menuitem {
    color: var(--uc-menu-color) !important;

panel treechildren::-moz-tree-row(selected),
panel button:hover,
menuitem[_moz-menuactive] {
    background-color: var(--uc-menu-dimmed) !important; color: var(--lwt-text-color) !important;
menu[open] {
    background-color: transparent !important; color: inherit !important;

menuitem[disabled="true"] {
    color: var(--uc-menu-disabled) !important;

menuitem[disabled="true"]:hover {
    color: var(--lwt-text-color) !important;
/* Source file made available under Mozilla Public License v. 2.0
See the above repository for updates as well as full license text. */

/* Make bunch of things in the main UI round */

:root {
    --toolbarbutton-border-radius: 12px !important;
    --tab-border-radius: 14px !important;
#urlbar-input-container > box:hover,
#urlbar-input-container > box[open],
#main-menubar >    menu,
.close-icon > image,
#page-action-buttons > :hover,
.search-one-offs button,
.toolbaritem-combined-buttons > toolbarbutton,
menupopup {
    border-radius: 10px;

.tab-background {
    border-radius: 14px !important;

.panel-arrowcontent {
    margin-inline-end: 0 !important;
.panel-arrow {
    margin-inline: 17px !important;

menupopup {
    -moz-appearance: none !important;
    overflow: -moz-hidden-unscrollable !important;

.tabbrowser-tab[beforeselected-visible]::after {
    border-color: transparent !important;

#nav-bar {
    box-shadow: none !important;
    margin-top: 3px;
.tab-line {
    display: none;

.tab-background[selected] {
    border-top-width: 3px !important;
    border-bottom-width: 3px !important;
    border-left-width: 3px !important;
    border-right-width: 3px !important;
    border-radius: 14px !important;
.tabbrowser-tab[selected] {
    z-index: auto !important;

toolbar toolbarbutton:not(#back-button):not(.bookmark-item):not(.titlebar-button) > .toolbarbutton-icon {
    border-radius: 12px !important;

menugroup:hover > menuitem {
    border-radius: 16px !important;

/* Urlbar and searchbar shape */
#urlbar-input-container {
    border-radius: 12px !important;
#urlbar-background {
    border: none !important;
    border-radius: 12px !important;

/* Findbar shape */
input.findbar-textbox {
    border-radius: 9px !important;
    font-size: 14px !important;
/* Source file made available under Mozilla Public License v. 2.0
See the above repository for updates as well as full license text. */

/* Apply this customization only on smaller screens */
@media (max-width: 700px) {

    /* Show a number before tab text */
    /* Actually, let's show the tab number after tab content, right-align it,
         and fix its position directly on the tab close button */
    #tabbrowser-tabs {
        counter-reset: nth-tab 0; /* Change to -1 for 0-indexing */
    .tabbrowser-tab:not([pinned]) .tab-content::after {
        content: counter(nth-tab) " ";
        counter-increment: nth-tab;
        position: absolute !important;
        position: fixed;
        right: 24px;
        top: 12px;
        width: 0 !important;

    /* Shorten tab content width so that tab number is more visible */
    .tabbrowser-tab[selected]:not(:hover,[pinned]) > .tab-stack > .tab-content {
        width: calc(100vw - 150px) !important;

    /* Hide tab number when hovering so that tab close button is clickable */
    .tabbrowser-tab:not([pinned]):hover .tab-content::after {
        visibility: hidden !important;

    /* Adjust tab close button opacity, border, and shape */
    .tab-close-button {
        position: absolute !important;
        margin-right: -8px !important;
        opacity: 0.5 !important;
        border: 2px solid white !important;
        height: 36px !important;
        width: 36px !important;


some code by reddit users /u/BatDogOnBatMobile, /u/moko1960, and /u/It_Was_The_Other_Guy and edited by me:

/* Source from reddit users /u/BatDogOnBatMobile, /u/moko1960, and /u/It_Was_The_Other_Guy */

/* Apply this customization only on smaller screens */
@media (max-width: 700px) {

    /* Show Tab Manager button even when tabs aren't overflowing -
         can instead use browser.tabs.tabmanager.enabled;true as well
         or skip this part if you want to retain the default behaviour */
    #alltabs-button {
        display: -moz-box !important;

    /* Tab Manager button (v) tab counter */
    #TabsToolbar-customization-target {
        counter-reset: tabCount;
    .tabbrowser-tab:not([pinned]) {
        counter-increment: tabCount;
    #alltabs-button > .toolbarbutton-badge-stack > .toolbarbutton-icon {
        visibility: collapse !important;
    #alltabs-button > .toolbarbutton-badge-stack {
        position: relative !important;
    #alltabs-button > .toolbarbutton-badge-stack::before {
        content: counter(tabCount);
        border-bottom: 1px solid var(--toolbarbutton-icon-fill);
        color: var(--toolbarbutton-icon-fill);
        opacity: var(--toolbarbutton-icon-fill-opacity);
        position: absolute;
        bottom: var(--toolbarbutton-inner-padding);
        left: 50%;
        transform: translateX(-50%);
        padding: 0 3px;

    /* Tab Manager menu tab counter */
    #allTabsMenu-allTabsViewTabs {
        counter-reset: nn_tabs 0 !important;
    .all-tabs-button::before {
        display: -moz-inline-box !important;
        -moz-padding-end: 8px !important;
        content: counter(nn_tabs) !important;
        /*font-weight: bold !important; */
        font-size: 12px !important; 
        margin-top: -2px !important; 
        margin-right: -2px !important;
    .all-tabs-item {
        counter-increment: nn_tabs !important;


some code by me:

/* custom rules */

/* Apply this customization only on smaller screens */
@media (max-width: 700px) {

    /* Remove Tab Manager button
        (overridden by tab_counter.css) */
    #alltabs-button {
        display: none !important;

    /* Remove tab overflow indicators */
    spacer[part=overflow-end-indicator] {
        display: none !important;

    /* Remove spacers on left and right of main tab view */
    #tabbrowser-tabs[haspinnedtabs]:not([positionpinnedtabs]) > #tabbrowser-arrowscrollbox > .tabbrowser-tab[first-visible-unpinned-tab] {
        margin-inline-start: 0px !important;
    .titlebar-spacer[type="post-tabs"] {
        display: none !important;

    /* Remove items from urlbar */
    #page-action-buttons {
        display: none !important;

    /* Urlbar font resizing */
    #urlbar-input {
        font-size: 10pt !important;
    #urlbar[focused] #urlbar-input {
        font-size: calc(var(--urlbar-height) - 9px) !important;

    /* Hide Inactive tab close button (x)
         to prevent accidentally closing tabs when selecting them */
    .tabbrowser-tab:not([selected]):hover .tab-close-button {
        visibility: hidden !important;

    /* Disable tab loading burst
        (because it's annoying) */
    .tab-loading-burst {
        display: none !important;

    /* Tabs Toolbar and Container tab line color
         (hides container tab line above tab by making it the same color as the Tabs Toolbar) */
    .tabbrowser-tab[usercontextid] > .tab-stack > .tab-background > .tab-context-line {
        background-color: var(--tab-bgcolor) !important;

    /* Menubar color
        (hides the line at the top of the screen when Menubar is hidden) */
    toolbar[type=menubar] {
        background-color: black !important;
        color: var(--toolbar-color) !important;

    /* Navbar bottom border color */
    #navigator-toolbox {
        border-bottom-color: black !important;

/* Various items color */
#tabbrowser-arrowscrollbox {
    background-color: var(--arrowpanel-background) !important;
    color: var(--arrowpanel-color) !important;

/* Tab throbber color */
.tab-throbber[busy]::before {
    fill: var(--lwt-text-color) !important;

/* Inactive Tab throbber color */
.tabbrowser-tab:not(:hover, [selected]) .tab-throbber[busy]::before {
    fill: var(--lwt-accent-color) !important;

/* Inactive tab color on hover */
.tabbrowser-tab:hover > .tab-stack > .tab-background:not([selected]) {
    background-color: var(--lwt-accent-color-inactive) !important;

/* Inactive tab text and close button (x) color */
.tab-close-button:not([selected]) {
    color: var(--lwt-accent-color) !important;

/* Inactive tab text and close button (x) color on hover */
.tabbrowser-tab:not([selected]):hover .tab-text,
.tabbrowser-tab:not([selected]):hover .tab-icon-image,
.tabbrowser-tab:not([selected]):hover .tab-close-button {
    color: var(--lwt-text-color) !important;

/* Tab text and close button (x) color */
.tab-close-button {
    color: var(--lwt-text-color) !important;

/* Tab close button (x) color on hover */
.tab-close-button:not([selected]):hover {
    background-color: var(--lwt-accent-color-inactive) !important;

/* Container tab line color */
.tabbrowser-tab[usercontextid] > .tab-stack > .tab-background > .tab-context-line {
    background-color: var(--tab-bgcolor) !important;

/* Back button (←) color */
#back-button > .toolbarbutton-icon {
    border: none !important;
    background-color: var(--arrowpanel-dimmed) !important;
    background-image: none !important;

/* Back button (←) color on hover */
#back-button:not([disabled]):hover > .toolbarbutton-icon {
    background-color: var(--lwt-accent-color) !important;
    color: var(--lwt-text-color) !important;

/* Forward button (→) color */
#forward-button > .toolbarbutton-icon {
    border: none !important;
    background-color: unset !important;
    background-image: none !important;

/* Forward button (→) color on hover */
#forward-button:not([disabled]):hover > .toolbarbutton-icon {
    background-color: var(--lwt-accent-color) !important;
    color: var(--lwt-text-color) !important;

/* Urlbar color */
*::selection {
    background-color: var(--urlbar-popup-url-color) !important;
    color: var(--lwt-accent-color) !important;
#nav-bar {
    background-color: var(--arrowpanel-dimmed) !important;
    background-image: linear-gradient(#0e0e0e,#0e0e0e) !important; 
#urlbar:not([focused]) #urlbar-input-container {
    filter: saturate(3);

/* Bookmark button (★) post-animation color */
#star-button[starred] {
    color: var(--lwt-text-color) !important;

/* "Saved to Library!" color */
#confirmation-hint {
    --arrowpanel-border-color: var(--lwt-accent-color) !important;
    --arrowpanel-color: var(--lwt-text-color) !important;
    --arrowpanel-background: var(--lwt-accent-color) !important;

/* Navbar buttons color */
#navigator-toolbox :-moz-any(.toolbarbutton-1, toolbarbutton.bookmark-item:not(.subviewbutton)):hover:not([disabled]),
#navigator-toolbox :-moz-any(.toolbarbutton-1, toolbarbutton.bookmark-item:not(.subviewbutton)):-moz-any(:hover:active, [checked], [open]):not([disabled]) {
        color: var(--lwt-text-color) !important;

/* Main menu button (≡) color on hover */
.subviewbutton:hover {
    background-color: var(--arrowpanel-color) !important;
    color: var(--lwt-text-color) !important;

/* Findbar color */
.browserContainer > findbar {
    border: none !important;
    background-color: var(--toolbar-bgcolor) !important;
    color: var(--toolbar-color) !important;
    box-shadow: none !important;
input.findbar-textbox {
    border: 1px solid var(--toolbar-color) !important;
    background-color: var(--toolbar-bgcolor) !important;
    color: var(--toolbar-color) !important;
    box-shadow: 0 0 3px var(--toolbar-color) !important;
.findbar-find-next {
    border: none !important;
    background-color: transparent !important;
    color: var(--toolbar-color) !important;

/* Status panel color */
#statuspanel #statuspanel-inner {
    border: none !important;
    height: 23x !important;
    background-color: transparent !important;
#statuspanel #statuspanel-label {
    border: none !important;
    background-color: var(--arrowpanel-background) !important;
    color: var(--arrowpanel-color) !important;
/* Apply this customization only on smaller screens */
@media (max-width: 700px) {

    /* Hide Newtab and New-tab buttons */
    #tabs-newtab-button {
        display: none !important;

/* Apply this customization only on smaller screens */
@media (max-width: 700px) {

    /* Hide non-overflow Newtab button */
    #tabs-newtab-button {
        display: none !important;

    /* Display overflow New-tab button by default */
    #new-tab-button { 
        display: initial !important;

/* Tab min-width resizing */
#tabbrowser-tabs .tabbrowser-tab[fadein]:not([pinned]) {
    min-width: 90px !important;
/* Apply this customization only on smaller screens */
@media (max-width: 700px) {

    /* Hide unpinned inactive tabs */
    .tabbrowser-tab:not([pinned]):not([selected]) {
        visibility: hidden !important;
        min-width: 0 !important;

    /* Expand unpinned active tab */
    .tabbrowser-tab:not([pinned])[selected] {
        min-width: 100vw !important;

    /* Hide Newtab and New-tab buttons */
    #tabs-newtab-button {
        display: none !important;

/* Apply this customization only on smaller screens */
@media (max-width: 700px) {

    /* Hide unpinned inactive tabs */
    .tabbrowser-tab:not([pinned]):not([selected]) {
        visibility: hidden !important;
        min-width: 0 !important;

    /* Expand first unpinned tab */
    #tabbrowser-tabs:not([haspinnedtabs]) > #tabbrowser-arrowscrollbox > .tabbrowser-tab[first-visible-unpinned-tab] {
        max-width: 100vw !important;

    /* Expand unpinned active tab */
    .tabbrowser-tab:not([pinned])[selected] {
        min-width: calc(100vw - 40px) !important;

/* Apply this customization only on smaller screens */
@media (max-width: 700px) {

    /* Hide unpinned inactive tabs */
    .tabbrowser-tab:not([pinned]):not([selected]) {
        visibility: hidden !important;
        min-width: 0 !important;

    /* Expand first unpinned tab */
    #tabbrowser-tabs:not([haspinnedtabs]) > #tabbrowser-arrowscrollbox > .tabbrowser-tab[first-visible-unpinned-tab] {
        max-width: 100vw !important;

    /* Expand unpinned active tab */
    .tabbrowser-tab:not([pinned])[selected] {
        min-width: calc(100vw - 80px) !important;

/* Apply this customization only on smaller screens */
@media (max-width: 700px) {

    /* Hide unpinned inactive tabs */
    .tabbrowser-tab:not([pinned]):not([selected]) {
        visibility: hidden !important;
        min-width: 0 !important;

    /* Expand first unpinned tab */
    #tabbrowser-tabs:not([haspinnedtabs]) > #tabbrowser-arrowscrollbox > .tabbrowser-tab[first-visible-unpinned-tab] {
        max-width: 100vw !important;

    /* Expand unpinned active tab */
    .tabbrowser-tab:not([pinned])[selected] {
        min-width: calc(100vw - 120px) !important;


The single-tab modes are my attempt to make Firefox more closely resemble the Firefox mobile apps for Android and iOS. The “space for 1/2/3 items” refers to empty space that the tab will not expand to fill, which is useful if you want additional items in the tabbar. These items can be the Tab Manager (enabled by tab_counter.css and necessary for switching tabs), the New-Tab button (enabled by new-tab-button.css), or pinned tabs. I like to pin the blank page when Firefox starts so that I can close tabs quickly without accidentally closing the last tab by mistake. It also makes the tab centered in the tabbar and gives Firefox symmetry.

After creating the css files listed above, choose one of the userChrome.css files below or make your own variation.

userChrome.css (desktop style with minimal changes)
/* Source files available here:


@import "color_variable_template.css";

@import "colors.css";
@import "appMenu.css";

@import "browser.css";

@import "editBookmarkPanel.css";

@import "findbar.css";

@import "popups.before-ff-108.css";

@import "popups.css";

@import "root.css";

@import "tabmenu.css";

@import "urlbar.css";

@import "alt-browser.css";

@import "custom_rules.css";

@import "hide_tabs_scrollbuttons.css";

@import "tab_close_button_always_on_hover.css";

@import "iconized_main_menu.css";
@import "round_ui_items.css";

@import "single_tab_mode.css";

@import "single_tab_mode_with_space_for_1_item.css";

@import "single_tab_mode_with_space_for_2_items.css";

@import "single_tab_mode_with_space_for_3_items.css";

@import "hide_newtab_+_new-tab_buttons.css";

@import "numbered_tabs.css";

@import "tab_counter.css";
@import "new-tab-button.css";

@import "tabs_larger_min-width.css";

@import "tabs_fill_available_width.css";

userChrome.css (hybrid mobile-desktop style)
/* Source files available here:


@import "color_variable_template.css";

@import "colors.css";
@import "appMenu.css";

@import "browser.css";

@import "editBookmarkPanel.css";

@import "findbar.css";

@import "popups.before-ff-108.css";

@import "popups.css";

@import "root.css";

@import "tabmenu.css";

@import "urlbar.css";

@import "alt-browser.css";

@import "custom_rules.css";

@import "hide_tabs_scrollbuttons.css";

@import "tab_close_button_always_on_hover.css";

@import "iconized_main_menu.css";

@import "round_ui_items.css";
@import "single_tab_mode.css";

@import "single_tab_mode_with_space_for_1_item.css";

@import "single_tab_mode_with_space_for_2_items.css";

@import "single_tab_mode_with_space_for_3_items.css";
@import "hide_newtab_+_new-tab_buttons.css";
@import "numbered_tabs.css";
@import "tab_counter.css";
@import "new-tab-button.css";
@import "tabs_larger_min-width.css";

@import "tabs_fill_available_width.css";

userChrome.css (full mobile style with support for one pinned tab)
/* Source files available here:

@import "color_variable_template.css";

@import "colors.css";
@import "appMenu.css";

@import "browser.css";

@import "editBookmarkPanel.css";

@import "findbar.css";

@import "popups.before-ff-108.css";

@import "popups.css";

@import "root.css";

@import "tabmenu.css";

@import "urlbar.css";

@import "alt-browser.css";

@import "custom_rules.css";

@import "hide_tabs_scrollbuttons.css";

@import "tab_close_button_always_on_hover.css";

@import "iconized_main_menu.css";

@import "round_ui_items.css";
@import "single_tab_mode.css";

@import "single_tab_mode_with_space_for_1_item.css";
@import "single_tab_mode_with_space_for_2_items.css";
@import "single_tab_mode_with_space_for_3_items.css";

@import "hide_newtab_+_new-tab_buttons.css";
@import "numbered_tabs.css";

@import "tab_counter.css";
@import "new-tab-button.css";

@import "tabs_larger_min-width.css";

@import "tabs_fill_available_width.css";

Remember to disable files you don’t want by commenting them out in the userChrome.css file.

For instance, if you do not want the toolbars to be moved to the bottom of the screen, then disable the following files by adding slashes and asterisks like this:

@import "browser.css";
@import "alt-browser.css";

Remember to enable files you do want by uncommenting them in the userChrome.css file.

For instance, if you want to apply my color style, then enable the following files by deleting the slashes and asterisks directly above and below them:

@import "color_variable_template.css";

@import "colors.css";

Note: The Tab Manager and Main Menu popups can be scrolled with a scrollbar on the right side of the popups, and the Main Menu popup has a New-Tab menu option, which makes the New-Tab button in the tabbar unnecessary.

While I have not tested on PinePhone or PinePhone Pro, this code should work on any Linux computer.


Colorful Screenshots:


Thanks! :slight_smile: Could you add a screenshot of the result, please?


I’m getting this error when trying to upload screenshots from my Librem 5:

Sorry, there was an error uploading that file. Please try again.

Does anyone know what the problem is?

Edit: For anyone wondering, the error was resolved by moving the image files into the Downloads folder (~/Downloads/). So this error is about file location not the file itself.


Is this PROFILE.NAME a folder or file?

1 Like

Thanks for the explanation and files. Is there any point to download the files and not to cut&paste them?

1 Like

Great work! What does the desktop style change? Because mobile style is a way too much in my opinion. And do I really have to create all *.css files if I’m sure to just use “desktop style”?

1 Like

I didn’t even upload them as files, just copy/pasted them into the post. So yeah, just copy/paste the files into your own files with the same names. If you change the names, you must change them in the userChrome.css file that imports them.

The one that I posted as an example differs from the others by not using the single-tab-mode, Tab Manager, or numbered tabs. It still moves the toolbars to the bottom of the screen, but it keeps the scrollable tabs and new-tab button.

You only need to create the files that you want. I recommend creating them all and simply disabling the ones you don’t want. If you look at the three userChrome.css files that I gave as examples in the original post, you can see how to disable specific files by commenting them out.

For instance, if you don’t want the toolbars on the bottom of the screen, you can disable that feature by commenting out the browser.css and alt-browser.css files in the userChrome.css file like this:

/* Source files available here:


@import "color_variable_template.css";

@import "colors.css";
@import "appMenu.css";
@import "browser.css";
@import "editBookmarkPanel.css";

@import "findbar.css";

@import "popups.before-ff-108.css";

@import "popups.css";

@import "root.css";

@import "tabmenu.css";

@import "urlbar.css";
@import "alt-browser.css";
@import "custom_rules.css";

@import "hide_tabs_scrollbuttons.css";

@import "tab_close_button_always_on_hover.css";

@import "iconized_main_menu.css";
@import "round_ui_items.css";

@import "single_tab_mode.css";

@import "single_tab_mode_with_space_for_1_item.css";

@import "single_tab_mode_with_space_for_2_items.css";

@import "single_tab_mode_with_space_for_3_items.css";

@import "hide_newtab_+_new-tab_buttons.css";

@import "numbered_tabs.css";

@import "tab_counter.css";
@import "new-tab-button.css";

@import "tabs_larger_min-width.css";

@import "tabs_fill_available_width.css";

1 Like

Is my file path right?

Cause it is not working for me.:man_shrugging:

1 Like

No, the /PROFILE.NAME/ is a placeholder for the actual name of your profile. Firefox generates random names for the default profiles. If you look in the ~/.mozilla/firefox/ folder using a file manager or terminal, you should see at least one or two profile folders with random names like this:



Those are two profiles that were automatically generated when I deleted everything in my ~/.mozilla/firefox/ folder and then started Firefox.

You can run this command in a terminal:

ls ~/.mozilla/firefox/

The randomly generated names should stand out as your profiles.

You can also run this command:

cat ~/.mozilla/firefox/installs.ini

That will show your default profile like this:


I hope this clears it up.


Thanks for the reply. I just wanted to know how much work I should put into it and I guess I will give a deeper look.

But I already saw something interesting we should speak about it:
In [ProfileCode].default-esr folder is already a file with userChrome.css. I copy-paste what’s inside:

 * It will be overwritten on upgrade. You should edit the file located in
 * /etc/mobile-config-firefox/ instead (most package managers won't replace
 * files under /etc if they've been edited).

So shouldn’t we install it in etc/mobile-config-firefox instead? There are also those two files btw.

1 Like

I don’t think mobile-config-firefox is an installed package on PureOS like it is on Mobian or postmarketOS. My Librem 5 has an older version from 2021 that doesn’t seem to update, and it is not available as a package when searching the PureOS repo using apt. I think that Purism manually installs it onto devices before they ship them out to customers so that Firefox, if installed, can be used without major problems.

So I think that it doesn’t really matter, because it will not be updated and overwritten, but I would suggest making backups of things in general.


I have the mentioned files already there:

purism@pureos:~/.mozilla/firefox/5zhqn2bz.default-esr$ ls -l chrome
total 20
-rw-r--r-- 1 purism purism 9689 Apr 23  2022 userChrome.css
-rw-r--r-- 1 purism purism 7841 Apr 23  2022 userContent.css

and they have been perhaps installed by this package:

apt info firefox-esr-mobile-config
Package: firefox-esr-mobile-config
Version: 3.0.0-1pureos1
Priority: optional
Section: x11
Maintainer: Arnaud Ferraris <>
Installed-Size: 48.1 kB
Suggests: pureos-webext
Enhances: firefox-esr
Download-Size: 9,916 B
APT-Manual-Installed: yes
APT-Sources: byzantium/main arm64 Packages
Description: Default mobile-friendly configuration for Firefox ESR
 This package provides a set of configuration files aimed at making Firefox ESR
 more mobile-friendly. It provides:
  * default preferences values
  * custom userChrome.css

What is your advice now? Thanks

1 Like

I gave already a look into those files and saw that they come from same source user0 posted here. However not every change has been done. You can make a backup and try user0’s files or just combine as you wish.

In my case I will do few changes to fix some little issues and made more space etc. Since I’m using it on 150% and don’t mentioned to go above, I used some other size values then other people should use.

Here’s my setup btw. I just need to find one last thing to fix last flickering issue.

With Squeekboard I also have access to last page, next page, reload page and fullscreen mode (very useful for landscape browsing).

1 Like

To be honestly and as I’m not a CSS expert, I will leave it untouched. Apart of the flickering I’m fine with the current situation.


I have touched CSS-files for the first time one week ago. You can’t do anything wrong if you created a backup of the original file. If something doesn’t work, it will be ignored. And Firefox is nothing critical as long as you can restore it with your backup. If your reason is only “I don’t want to break things” … just do it. :slightly_smiling_face:.


I would recommend doing what I do myself. Keep a backup of the code in a safe place. If your Librem 5 ever updates the mobile-config-firefox package, you will notice it next time you use Firefox. Then you can just copy and paste the files back into your Firefox profile.

1 Like

How did you change the colors of the statusbar Squeekboard items?

1 Like

I just noticed that it makes more sense to move a piece of code from the numbered_tabs.css file into my single_tab_mode files with a unique value in each one, in order to have the tab content fill the tabs properly while leaving just enough room for the tab number.

This is the piece of code:

    /* Shorten tab content width so that tab number is more visible */
    .tabbrowser-tab[selected]:not(:hover,[pinned]) > .tab-stack > .tab-content {
        width: calc(100vw - 150px) !important;

Here are the new versions:

/* Source file made available under Mozilla Public License v. 2.0
See the above repository for updates as well as full license text. */

/* Apply this customization only on smaller screens */
@media (max-width: 700px) {

    /* Show a number before tab text */
    /* Actually, let's show the tab number after tab content, right-align it,
         and fix its position directly on the tab close button */
    #tabbrowser-tabs {
        counter-reset: nth-tab 0; /* Change to -1 for 0-indexing */
    .tabbrowser-tab:not([pinned]) .tab-content::after {
        content: counter(nth-tab) " ";
        counter-increment: nth-tab;
        position: absolute !important;
        position: fixed;
        right: 24px;
        top: 12px;
        width: 0 !important;

    /* Hide tab number when hovering so that tab close button is clickable */
    .tabbrowser-tab:not([pinned]):hover .tab-content::after {
        visibility: hidden !important;

    /* Adjust tab close button opacity, border, and shape */
    .tab-close-button {
        position: absolute !important;
        margin-right: -8px !important;
        opacity: 0.5 !important;
        border: 2px solid white !important;
        height: 36px !important;
        width: 36px !important;

/* Apply this customization only on smaller screens */
@media (max-width: 700px) {

    /* Hide unpinned inactive tabs */
    .tabbrowser-tab:not([pinned]):not([selected]) {
        visibility: hidden !important;
        min-width: 0 !important;

    /* Expand unpinned active tab */
    .tabbrowser-tab:not([pinned])[selected] {
        min-width: 100vw !important;

    /* Shorten tab content width so that tab number is more visible */
    .tabbrowser-tab[selected]:not(:hover,[pinned]) > .tab-stack > .tab-content {
        width: calc(100vw - 30px) !important;

    /* Hide Newtab and New-tab buttons */
    #tabs-newtab-button {
        display: none !important;

/* Apply this customization only on smaller screens */
@media (max-width: 700px) {

    /* Hide unpinned inactive tabs */
    .tabbrowser-tab:not([pinned]):not([selected]) {
        visibility: hidden !important;
        min-width: 0 !important;

    /* Expand first unpinned tab */
    #tabbrowser-tabs:not([haspinnedtabs]) > #tabbrowser-arrowscrollbox > .tabbrowser-tab[first-visible-unpinned-tab] {
        max-width: 100vw !important;

    /* Expand unpinned active tab */
    .tabbrowser-tab:not([pinned])[selected] {
        min-width: calc(100vw - 40px) !important;

    /* Shorten tab content width so that tab number is more visible */
    .tabbrowser-tab[selected]:not(:hover,[pinned]) > .tab-stack > .tab-content {
        width: calc(100vw - 70px) !important;

/* Apply this customization only on smaller screens */
@media (max-width: 700px) {

    /* Hide unpinned inactive tabs */
    .tabbrowser-tab:not([pinned]):not([selected]) {
        visibility: hidden !important;
        min-width: 0 !important;

    /* Expand first unpinned tab */
    #tabbrowser-tabs:not([haspinnedtabs]) > #tabbrowser-arrowscrollbox > .tabbrowser-tab[first-visible-unpinned-tab] {
        max-width: 100vw !important;

    /* Expand unpinned active tab */
    .tabbrowser-tab:not([pinned])[selected] {
        min-width: calc(100vw - 80px) !important;

    /* Shorten tab content width so that tab number is more visible */
    .tabbrowser-tab[selected]:not(:hover,[pinned]) > .tab-stack > .tab-content {
        width: calc(100vw - 110px) !important;

/* Apply this customization only on smaller screens */
@media (max-width: 700px) {

    /* Hide unpinned inactive tabs */
    .tabbrowser-tab:not([pinned]):not([selected]) {
        visibility: hidden !important;
        min-width: 0 !important;

    /* Expand first unpinned tab */
    #tabbrowser-tabs:not([haspinnedtabs]) > #tabbrowser-arrowscrollbox > .tabbrowser-tab[first-visible-unpinned-tab] {
        max-width: 100vw !important;

    /* Expand unpinned active tab */
    .tabbrowser-tab:not([pinned])[selected] {
        min-width: calc(100vw - 120px) !important;

    /* Shorten tab content width so that tab number is more visible */
    .tabbrowser-tab[selected]:not(:hover,[pinned]) > .tab-stack > .tab-content {
        width: calc(100vw - 150px) !important;


Can a moderator please re-enable my ability to edit my original post? @dcz?

1 Like

Therefor you have to edit ~/config/gtk-3.0/gtk.css and write inside:

phosh-top-panel {
    color: ...;
phosh-home {
    color: ...;

Instead of ... you have 2 options to write color:

  1. in hex-code #12c5da or
  2. in rgba rgba(42, 107, 219, 0.3)

You can edit everything in phosh in this file, as far as I know. However, the red color is just a placeholder right now and I’m not sure if I turn it back to white or something else - depends on my overall design.

1 Like

Thank you.

I have added that to my gtk.css file, and my theme feels more complete now.

For anyone interested:

@define-color accent_color #dc8add;
@define-color accent_bg_color #dc8add;
@define-color accent_fg_color #ffffff;
@define-color destructive_color #f66151;
@define-color destructive_bg_color #f66151;
@define-color destructive_fg_color #ffffff;
@define-color success_color #8ff0a4;
@define-color success_bg_color #8ff0a4;
@define-color success_fg_color #ffffff;
@define-color warning_color #f9f06b;
@define-color warning_bg_color #f9f06b;
@define-color warning_fg_color rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8);
@define-color error_color #f66151;
@define-color error_bg_color #f66151;
@define-color error_fg_color #ffffff;
@define-color window_bg_color #241f31;
@define-color window_fg_color #ffffff;
@define-color view_bg_color #000000;
@define-color view_fg_color #ffffff;
@define-color headerbar_bg_color #241f31;
@define-color headerbar_fg_color #ffffff;
@define-color headerbar_border_color #ffffff;
@define-color headerbar_backdrop_color @window_bg_color;
@define-color headerbar_shade_color rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.36);
@define-color card_bg_color rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.08);
@define-color card_fg_color #ffffff;
@define-color card_shade_color rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.36);
@define-color dialog_bg_color #241f31;
@define-color dialog_fg_color #ffffff;
@define-color popover_bg_color #241f31;
@define-color popover_fg_color #dc8add;
@define-color shade_color rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.36);
@define-color scrollbar_outline_color rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
@define-color blue_1 #99c1f1;
@define-color blue_2 #62a0ea;
@define-color blue_3 #3584e4;
@define-color blue_4 #1c71d8;
@define-color blue_5 #1a5fb4;
@define-color green_1 #8ff0a4;
@define-color green_2 #57e389;
@define-color green_3 #33d17a;
@define-color green_4 #2ec27e;
@define-color green_5 #26a269;
@define-color yellow_1 #f9f06b;
@define-color yellow_2 #f8e45c;
@define-color yellow_3 #f6d32d;
@define-color yellow_4 #f5c211;
@define-color yellow_5 #e5a50a;
@define-color orange_1 #ffbe6f;
@define-color orange_2 #ffa348;
@define-color orange_3 #ff7800;
@define-color orange_4 #e66100;
@define-color orange_5 #c64600;
@define-color red_1 #f66151;
@define-color red_2 #ed333b;
@define-color red_3 #e01b24;
@define-color red_4 #c01c28;
@define-color red_5 #a51d2d;
@define-color purple_1 #dc8add;
@define-color purple_2 #c061cb;
@define-color purple_3 #9141ac;
@define-color purple_4 #813d9c;
@define-color purple_5 #613583;
@define-color brown_1 #cdab8f;
@define-color brown_2 #b5835a;
@define-color brown_3 #986a44;
@define-color brown_4 #865e3c;
@define-color brown_5 #63452c;
@define-color light_1 #ffffff;
@define-color light_2 #f6f5f4;
@define-color light_3 #deddda;
@define-color light_4 #c0bfbc;
@define-color light_5 #9a9996;
@define-color dark_1 #77767b;
@define-color dark_2 #5e5c64;
@define-color dark_3 #3d3846;
@define-color dark_4 #241f31;
@define-color dark_5 #000000;

    background: #000000;
    border-color: #000000;
    color: #000000;

    color: mix(@theme_fg_color, #ffffff, 1.0);
    border-color: mix(@borders, #dc8add, 1.0);
    background: mix(@theme_bg_color, #dc8add, 1.0);

    color: mix(@theme_fg_color, #ffffff, 1.0);
    border-color: mix(@borders, #dc8add, 1.0);
    background: mix(@theme_bg_color, #ff00ff, 1.0);

    color: mix(@theme_fg_color, #ffffff, 1.0);
    border-color: mix(@borders, #dc8add, 1.0);
    background: mix(@theme_bg_color, #dc8add, 1.0);

    color: mix(@theme_fg_color, #ffffff, 1.0);
    border-color: mix(@borders, #dc8add, 1.0);
    background: mix(@theme_bg_color, #ff00ff, 1.0);

    color: mix(@theme_fg_color, #ffffff, 1.0);
    border-color: mix(@borders, #dc8add, 1.0);
    background: mix(@theme_bg_color, #dc8add, 1.0);

    color: mix(@theme_fg_color, #ffffff, 1.0);
    border-color: mix(@borders, #dc8add, 1.0);
    background: mix(@theme_bg_color, #ff00ff, 1.0);

    color: mix(@theme_fg_color, #ffffff, 1.0);
    border-color: mix(@borders, #dc8add, 1.0);
    background: mix(@theme_bg_color, #dc8add, 1.0);

    color: mix(@theme_fg_color, #ffffff, 1.0);
    border-color: mix(@borders, #dc8add, 1.0);
    background: mix(@theme_bg_color, #ff00ff, 1.0);

    color: mix(@theme_fg_color, #ffffff, 1.0);
    border-color: mix(@borders, #dc8add, 1.0);
    background: mix(@theme_bg_color, #dc8add, 1.0);

    color: mix(@theme_fg_color, #ffffff, 1.0);
    border-color: mix(@borders, #dc8add, 1.0);
    background: mix(@theme_bg_color, #ff00ff, 1.0);

    color: mix(@theme_fg_color, #ffffff, 1.0);
    border-color: mix(@borders, #dc8add, 1.0);
    background: mix(@theme_bg_color, #dc8add, 1.0);

    color: mix(@theme_fg_color, #ffffff, 1.0);
    border-color: mix(@borders, #dc8add, 1.0);
    background: mix(@theme_bg_color, #ff00ff, 1.0);

    color: mix(@theme_fg_color, #ffffff, 1.0);
    border-color: mix(@borders, #dc8add, 1.0);
    background: mix(@theme_bg_color, #dc8add, 1.0);

    color: mix(@theme_fg_color, #ffffff, 1.0);
    border-color: mix(@borders, #dc8add, 1.0);
    background: mix(@theme_bg_color, #ff00ff, 1.0);

sq_button.wide {
    color: mix(@theme_fg_color, #ffffff, 1.0);
    border-color: mix(@borders, #dc8add, 1.0);
    background: mix(@theme_bg_color, #dc8add, 1.0);

sq_button.wide:active {
    color: mix(@theme_fg_color, #ffffff, 1.0);
    border-color: mix(@borders, #dc8add, 1.0);
    background: mix(@theme_bg_color, #ff00ff, 1.0);

    color: mix(@theme_fg_color, #ffffff, 1.0);
    background: mix(@theme_bg_color, #ff00ff, 1.0);

    color: mix(@theme_fg_color, #ffffff, 1.0);
    background: mix(@theme_selected_bg_color, #ff00ff, 1.0);

#Return {
    color: mix(@theme_fg_color, #ffffff, 1.0);
    border-color: mix(@borders, #dc8add, 1.0);
    background: mix(@theme_bg_color, #dc8add, 1.0);

#Return:active {
    color: mix(@theme_fg_color, #ffffff, 1.0);
    border-color: mix(@borders, #dc8add, 1.0);
    background: mix(@theme_bg_color, #ff00ff, 1.0);

phosh-top-panel {
    color: #dc8add;

phosh-home {
    color: #dc8add;

And thank you @SteveC for your Squeekboard keyboard customizations. I have edited them to fit the rest of my theme.

For anyone interested:

    default:         { width: 48,  height: 55 }
    default_punct:   { width: 48,  height: 55 }
    default_foreign: { width: 48,  height: 55 }
    default_calc:    { width: 48,  height: 55 }
    default_prgm:    { width: 48,  height: 55 }
    default_curr:    { width: 48,  height: 55 }
    default_misc:    { width: 48,  height: 55 }
    sp1_3:           { width: 16,  height: 55 }
    sp2_3:           { width: 32,  height: 55 }
    action:          { width: 64,  height: 55 }
    wide:            { width: 80,  height: 55 }
    sp5_3:           { width: 80,  height: 52 }
    action_short:    { width: 64,  height: 52 }
    altline:         { width: 80,  height: 52 }
    spaceline:       { width: 244, height: 52 }
    special:         { width: 60,  height: 52 }
    return_bsp:      { width: 64,  height: 52 }
    vert_spacer:     { width: 100, height: 0 }

        - "Shift_b_ls Ctrl Alt ↑  ↓  ←  →  BackSpace"
        - "      1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  0  -"
        - "sp1_3  q  w  e  r  t  y  u  i  o  p     sp2_3"
        - "sp2_3   a  s  d  f  g  h  j  k  l  ;    sp1_3"
        - "      '  z  x  c  v  b  n  m  ,  .  /"
        - "Shift_L preferences space  show_actions Return"
        - "vert_spacer"
        - "Shift_u_us Ctrl Alt ↑  ↓  ←  →  BackSpace"
        - "      !  @  #  $  %  ^  &  *  (  )  _"
        - "sp1_3  Q  W  E  R  T  Y  U  I  O  P     sp2_3"
        - "sp2_3   A  S  D  F  G  H  J  K  L  :    sp1_3"
        - "     \"  Z  X  C  V  B  N  M  <  >  ?"
        - "Shift_L preferences space  show_actions Return"
        - "vert_spacer"
        - "Shift_b_ls Ctrl Alt ↑  ↓  ←  →  BackSpace"
        - "      `  à  â  á  é  î  ü  ô  ö  û  ó"
        - "sp1_3  þ  ð  č  ĵ  š  ž  ǧ  ß  ʒ  ğ     sp2_3"
        - "sp2_3   θ  μ  π  σ  τ  φ  =  ·  +  minus    sp1_3"
        - "      \\ |  bang  pct  amp  caret  mulsplat  divslash  √  ×  ÷"
        - "Shift_S preferences space  show_actions Return"
        - "vert_spacer"
        - "Shift_u_us Ctrl Alt ↑  ↓  ←  →  BackSpace"
        - "      ~  À  Â  Á  É  Î  Ü  Ô  Ö  Û  Ó"
        - "sp1_3  Þ  Đ  Č  Ĵ  Š  Ž  Ǧ  ʃ  Ʒ  Ğ     sp2_3"  
        - "sp2_3   «  »  Σ  Δ  ¶  °  ®  ©  dollar  £    sp1_3"
        - "      lst  gtt  lparen  rparen  [  ]  {  }  hash  €  ¥"
        - "Shift_S preferences space  show_actions Return"
        - "vert_spacer"
        - "sp5_3     Ctrl   Alt    ↑       ↓     ←       →  BackSpace"
        - "show_lower     F1     F2     F3     F4     Insert Home   PgUp"
        - "show_upper     F5     F6     F7     F8     Del    End    PgDn"
        - "show_lsyms     F9     F10    F11    F12    Esc    Up     Pause"
        - "show_usyms     Menu   Esc    Tab    Break  Left   Down   Right"
        - "sp5_3     preferences space show_actions Return"
        - "vert_spacer"


        outline: "sp1_3"
        keysym: " "
        text: " "
        outline: "sp2_3"
        keysym: " "
        text: " "
        outline: "sp5_3"
        keysym: " "
        text: " "
        outline: "vert_spacer"
        text: " "
        keysym: " " 

                lock_view: "upper"
                unlock_view: "base"
        outline: "altline"
        icon: "key-shift"
                lock_view: "usyms"
                unlock_view: "lsyms"
        outline: "altline"
        icon: "key-shift"
                lock_view: "lsyms"
                unlock_view: "base"
        outline: "altline"
        label: "àτ÷"
                lock_view: "usyms"
                unlock_view: "upper"
        outline: "altline"
        label: "ÀΣ€"             
                lock_view: "actions"
                unlock_view: "base"
        outline: "altline"
        label: "Fn"

        action: "show_prefs"
        outline: "special"
        icon: "keyboard-mode-symbolic"
        outline: "spaceline"
        text: " "
        outline: "return_bsp"
        icon: "key-enter"
        keysym: "Return"
        outline: "return_bsp"
        icon: "edit-clear-symbolic"
        action: erase

        modifier: "Control"
        outline: "action_short"
        label: "Ctrl"
        modifier: "Alt"
        outline: "action_short"
        label: "Alt"
        outline: "action_short"
        keysym: "Up"
        outline: "action_short"
        keysym: "Down"
        outline: "action_short"
        keysym: "Left"
        outline: "action_short"
        keysym: "Right"

        outline: "default_punct"
        outline: "default_punct"
        outline: "default_punct"
        outline: "default_punct"
        outline: "default_punct"
        outline: "default_punct"

        outline: "default_punct"
        outline: "default_punct"
        outline: "default_punct"
        outline: "default_punct"
        outline: "default_punct"
        outline: "default_punct"
        outline: "default_punct"
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1 Like