Librem 5 Tutorial: Easy E-book Reading

I wrote up a quick tutorial describing how I am reading e-books on my Librem 5. My previous tutorial was posted in this thread. You can read my e-book tutorial at this address:

Please let me know if you have any suggestions or any different solutions for e-books on the Librem 5!


Why don’t you just use “Foliate”?


Not OP but I never really got Foliate to work on my L5.

It refuses to launch unless I run it with WEBKIT_DISABLE_COMPOSITING_MODE=1.

And once it launches, it always opens two windows at the same time. Then the phone becomes unresponsive and Foliate refuses to quit unless I kill it over an SSH session. This has been going on for a couple of months. It’s unfortunate, because it used to work fine before, and I really liked it.

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I have e-books (from on my Librem5 and Foliate works perfectly.
Of course, the small screen might not be the ideal size for reading but the software simply works.

I guess all of us struggling with different needs and quirks on our Librem5s have in the course of “tuning” our devices ended up with each of us having a slightly to largely different variation of the original PureOS.
So our experiences differ and attempts to help others often may not end up helping.

And that is again a call for finally releasing Crimson, so we can all again have a common base to move forward.


Unlikely. Foliate comes as a Flatpak, which brings its own userspace and runtime and thus is isolated from large parts of the system. There’s only so much effect that „tinkering“ with the original PureOS can exert on Foliate and on whether it works or not.

Judging from my experience, it seems more likely that I must have used Foliate in some particular way that it triggered an obscure bug, which in turn may have corrupted some persistent state of Foliate so the app is now broken. That would explain more plausibly why it’s working for most people but not for me.

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