List of Apps that fit and function well [Post them here.]

See: VoLTE support progress

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The firmware revision from my newly installed BM818-A1 card (that I recently purchased because I was experiencing unsolvable SMS/MMS problems, and which solved my problems) is:

firmware revision: MPSS.J0.2.0.2.c1.1-0032-9607_GENNS_PACK-1.351938.1 1 [Nov 26 2020 02:00:00]

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Probably best to transfer this discussion to the VoLTE progress thread, so as to keep this thread focused on app demos.
Thanks. :slight_smile:


This is what I have as well.

Grpn Calculator is a Reverse Polish Notation calculator for you RPN heads out there.
$ sudo apt install grpn

This is the opening screen:

Tapping on “File” at the upper left corner show a pop-up menu:

“Clear” resets the calculator so that all numbers in the stack are cleared.
“Options” brings up the calculator’s settings:

Missing from the calculator is a key-click option to give audio feedback on key presses.
The application fits without issue on the L5 screen, without need for scaling.
However, Byzantium doesn’t classify it as a mobile-friendly app, for some reason.
Apart from that, it’s a welcome addition to my L5.


Just got motivated to try LyX, and it is fully functional on mobile!

This shows selecting items off the screen on the toolbar.

This shows that selecting a footnote via touch opens the footnote edit view.

This shows that outline view might not be too usable, but note that all the text on the right is fit to the visible area. Note: I had trouble clicking the upper right corner ‘x’, but could still easily close the outline from the toolbar view menu.



Top row, 2nd from left:

Scaled using Compositor in phosh Mobile-Settings (I’ve already added several groups from a long list in various languages):

Selecting a channel (double-tap):

TV channel opens in a new window (swipe up to dismiss):

…and does not preview in the app’s main screen the way it would on a desktop computer (i.e. a quirk/bug):


Loaded channel groups:

Add new groups:

A more extensive list of free streams from Free-TV on github:

New group added:

Playing a radio station from the new group (no new window required):

Searching by keyword (exact name or an included word):

Playing TV station (opens new window):

Can I just say:


P.S. I also use FreetuxTV to stream from my Raspberry Pi 4B to my TV. Works great!

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Is this a flatpak or a regular app?

You can find it in PureOS Store:

Just installed it from command line:

root@librem5:~# apt-get install freetuxtv


Or without being logged in as root just sudo apt install. :slight_smile:


Correction: “bm818-tools” should be in lower case.

It’s nice to have it working. I had it running on different linux machines over the years. But is there anything on?!

I installed it and loaded three different playlists, but they all seem to be outdated and mostly empty.

(Besides the one mentioned above. I found two others. Check for yourselves:

Is anybody still working on these playlists?
Would it be possible to get rid of all the dross?

Why is there no decent clock/alarm app?!

The clocks app that comes with the L5 does not fit the screen very well, and - more importantly - it does not offer the possibility to pick a custom wake-up sound.
The gtk clock app that is also in the store, does offer custom ringtones, and it fits the screen better than the gnome clock app. So, it would appear to be the better option, were it not for the fact that the dialog for picking a sound does not show the file system, because the window in which it should appear is only one line high.

Does anybody know an alternative?

Clock from KDE: List of Apps that fit and function well [Post them here.] (I not tested it, only read about it here)

Check out this

Ah, thanks! I will look into that.

Specially because I ended up uninstalling and re-installing gnome clocks, and discovered that the ‘new’ version does fit the screen. This is somewhat strange because I check for updates on a daily basis, and I do remember clocks being updated not so long ago.

Probably because the pre-installed version is from the repo and your newly installed one from Flathub?

You could well be right: It is from the flatpak.

(Like a lot of apps, it still wont scroll when in landscape orientation, though.)

I’m surprised no one has mentioned Wake Mobile. It can sound an alarm even if the phone is in suspend. Not too many features but works very well as a simple alarm clock app.

It is not in Purism’s repos but might be a flatpak or have a deb file you can download.