Tutorial: Add a custom sound to Gnome-Clocks

I was exploring the file system and stumbled on this way to set a custom sound for a Gnome-Clocks Alarm.
Basically what you need to do is put a oga/ogg file in ~/.local/sounds/freedesktop/stereo/ and NAME IT alarm-clock-elapsed.oga
But if you want to change more than just the alarm you can just copy /usr/share/sounds/* to /.local/share/sounds and you can change a bunch of other sound files as well. If you do it this way though, I recommend renaming the originals with parentheses(or with _ ) so if you want to change back you stiil can.
And hopefully :pray: @guido.gunther will get this into phosh-mobile-settings like he did with calls and texts.:+1:

This is the terminal shortcut to move all the sounds to .local If you only want the one sound file, just use line 4.

cp - r /usr/share/sounds/freedesktop/* ~/.local/share/sounds
cd ~/.local/share/sounds/freedesktop/stereo
mv alarm-clock-elapsed.oga _alarm-clock-elapsed.oga_ 
mv ~/YOUR/PATH/TO/SOUND ~/.local/share/sounds/freedesktop/stereo/alarm-clock-elapsed.oga

Thats it. You should be good to go😀


And I don’t know if anyone else has figured this out but you can record ogg files gnome-sound-recorder with the Vorbis format

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This is nothing we can do upstream as gnome-clocks doesn’t yet support feedbackd. I have branch here that I’m using and if we’d have something like that upstream this we could add support in p-m-s too. (EDIT: we can work around this when v2 of the notification portal becomes more widespread and have the notification server (phosh) play the sound).

That said PureOS can easily add this option in their downstream fork. It’s a prime example where a distro can shine and improve usuability over what is possible upstream.