List of Apps that fit and function well [Post them here.]

Or without being logged in as root just sudo apt install. :slight_smile:


Correction: “bm818-tools” should be in lower case.

It’s nice to have it working. I had it running on different linux machines over the years. But is there anything on?!

I installed it and loaded three different playlists, but they all seem to be outdated and mostly empty.

(Besides the one mentioned above. I found two others. Check for yourselves:

Is anybody still working on these playlists?
Would it be possible to get rid of all the dross?

Why is there no decent clock/alarm app?!

The clocks app that comes with the L5 does not fit the screen very well, and - more importantly - it does not offer the possibility to pick a custom wake-up sound.
The gtk clock app that is also in the store, does offer custom ringtones, and it fits the screen better than the gnome clock app. So, it would appear to be the better option, were it not for the fact that the dialog for picking a sound does not show the file system, because the window in which it should appear is only one line high.

Does anybody know an alternative?

Clock from KDE: List of Apps that fit and function well [Post them here.] (I not tested it, only read about it here)

Check out this

Ah, thanks! I will look into that.

Specially because I ended up uninstalling and re-installing gnome clocks, and discovered that the ‘new’ version does fit the screen. This is somewhat strange because I check for updates on a daily basis, and I do remember clocks being updated not so long ago.

Probably because the pre-installed version is from the repo and your newly installed one from Flathub?

You could well be right: It is from the flatpak.

(Like a lot of apps, it still wont scroll when in landscape orientation, though.)

I’m surprised no one has mentioned Wake Mobile. It can sound an alarm even if the phone is in suspend. Not too many features but works very well as a simple alarm clock app.

It is not in Purism’s repos but might be a flatpak or have a deb file you can download.


Best to do any related discussions in other dedicated threads. Thanks.


The Matrix client Element for Debian works well with actually two downsides.

On desktop I can reduce the size of room list to a minimum. On Librem 5 it seems not to recognize touch input on drag&drop to change this size. It takes 50% of screen and it may can be changed with mouse input (have no docking station yet). This way the chat is a bit too small. On landscape view it is much better.
It also takes a lot of RAM (close to 300MB in my case).

So what is the point? Chatty works nice for simple messages (and I wouldn’t use anything else just for that). For all other functionalities we need other clients and Element is definitely an alternative. However, I haven’t done any call yet. But I also don’t see any reason why it shouldn’t work.

So in another words it doesn’t work well.


As an obligatory thing, tried Doom :smiley: The flatpak ChocolateDoom to be precise.

Graphics and game work great. Controls… swipes simultaneously move and shoot, which is bad for ammo. The default/US layout of touchkeyboard maps s forwards, v and u to turn and x back. Some other keys on other layouts do other stuff. An added difficulty level, “insanity” :wink:

Somewhat of a milestone, playable although not perfect. Maybe we need a gaming layout for Sqeek?


Jellyfin by adding flatpak repo works great. Though I don’t understand why other apps don’t work when installing like discord.

flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub

Your opinion. But in fact: there is no other matrix client yet (that I have viewed) that has as much functionality as the original Element and except that little problem everything works fine. And I got an idea what’s the problem. I’m already trying to find a solution and will share my results.
By the way: using “Bubble” design gives a bit more horizontal space. Scaling resolution also helps (just don’t make it too little, scaling back seems not to work with Squeekboard yet - also looking for solution).

The high RAM usage is okay so far, since it is a glossy client (and L5 has still enough space to do a lot of other tasks). Firefox also eats RAM and also had some (even worse) issues before manual fixes are applied. There are some other projects like Fractal or NeoChat that will fit even better on mobile, but they’re not stable and they’re with less functionality (yet) as far as I see.

I already created mine for Gnome 2024. :smile: Huge arrow keys. That game works much better with key-input than with touch input (even if you can play with touch). I also want to layer it for different games as soon as there are new requirements. If you want, we could work together (in a new thread) to make a community gaming layout (with multiple layers for different usage).


Please could you explain how you installed “Element for Debian”? Thanks

If I’m not wrong, I should have used the official way. On Git there is also a way to build it by your own. But that looks a bit more complicated than just download things via apt in terminal.

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Last days I tried to fix that problem with horizontal space issue of desktop Element. Now I’m sure what’s going on and it is more a PureOS “fault” then from Element (even if they could fix this). To drag and drop the inner window size you need the left click hold down. PureOS interprets the finger touch as left click and the “hold down” as right click hold down. This way Element doesn’t know what you want to do.

The room-list on the left always will always fill 50% of the space if there is not enough horizontal space, as long as it’s size would be >=50% of horizontal space. That means, that the default size is just above 50% screenspace and will be fixed as soon as we’re able to resize it with mouse or simulated left click hold down. But it works perfectly with little screens and every other touch input.

I tried to fix it via setting files and found the file where this setting is stored. Usually I would be happy and able to fix this. Unfortunately not in this case. It is a file where also other account datas are stored - half encrypted (few sings can be read, others not). As soon as I change something, everything will be replaced. It has to do with account security (you also have to log in and verify device again). I don’t see any way to manipulate this.

Now we have 2 choices:

  1. Report it back to Element on Git (I may do later) that they alternatively allow resizing with right click hold down like on other sliders.
  2. To find a way to simulate left click on Squeekboard. I already was looking for a keysym to do so. On one change I broke my keyboard totally (a keysym broke it). An app appeared that said “something got broken and cannot be fixed” with a button to restart phosh. I also found a way to fix this with touch input only, but I stopped looking further for now.

As I said above, you can downscale the resolution. With terminal keyboard Ctrl + - you can do it inside the app. So this app is also usable with default 200% OS resolution scale. In Options you can upscale letters ab to 20px (15 is default, for me 18 fits perfect). Because you can’t upscale, but you can downscale to unreadable size, you can get problems to reset the size.
For that I found a solution: delete the file ~/.config/Element/Preferences (will be created again automatically) or edit the entry of {"vector":-1.5}. -1.5 is the value that fits perfectly for me and my OS 150% screen scale. You should edit it while app is closed (check task manager!).

While I was writing this post I realized that I got what I tried and I don’t know how I solved it. Could be a shortcut or something while I was playing with files. I wish I could tell you how I fixed this, but I don’t want to mess it up. However, here are the screenshots how it fits for me right now:
Bubble view (has more space on half horizontal screen space; letters had 15px size, that’s why they’re a bit smaller)

Modern view (has already more space on my horizontal pixel count)

Modern view + right panel file view

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Sorry for double posting, but this is brand new information:

Okay, a lot of study and so much work and now I think I got the solution very very very easy. Enable auto rotation and rotate to landscape and back. I don’t know why it didn’t work before (maybe because of that Element scaling I wrote above), but there is no issue anymore. Every time I close the app completely it gets default 50/50 layout again, but rotating fixes it for me.

If someone test that app, please give a feedback if Ctrl + - and rotating also works for you.

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