Mobile-Friendly Firefox Customizations for Librem 5

I appreciate your patience with me and will try to answer a few of your questions now and some more when I have the time.

I don’t know what that means. I just used the L5 screen recorder and saved the clip and then shared it via a pcloud link.

Questions 3-5 above:
3. Yes
4. Flickering in the tab is there wether I touch it or not.
5. No, therefore I have now switched to desktop style which solves the issue and may even have a better tabs handling as there is only one tab button (top bar) showing the number of open tabs.

When I examine my chrome directory of my default profile, there is no file named lt-single_tab_mode-alt.css.


If you use the Firefox extension, Privacy Badger, then it points to trackers on that it has blocked, when following the pcloud link. I imagine that that is part of what was being referred to as, by implication, “unclean”.

You would have to fish through the HTML to prove that Privacy Badger is correct about that. Absent having done so, I am inclined to believe Privacy Badger.


That may be correct. I am not using Privacy Badger myself, so if it blocks pcloud I don’t know.

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It means the file hoster requires JavaScript to view the video file. From an anonymity perspective, JavaScript can be used to deanonymize individuals by obtaining more bits of entropy for a much more unique browser fingerprint, among other privacy and security reasons. gstatic is a Google-owned content delivery network (CDN) used to host static files, typically JavaScript libraries, fonts, and so on.

So, @Emma is requesting that you provide a “clean link”, which means stripping all of those extraneous code and directly accessing the file. Otherwise, upload to another file hoster, or use Nextcloud, OnionShare, etc.


Why not just attach the image to a post in this thread?

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It doesn’t block or complain about pcloud. The solution is that pcloud need to reimplement their service so as not to rely on Google (or anything else that is a tracker). Of course pcloud are very likely not interested in doing that. So that means that you would be looking for another hoster, as Frankly says. Or if the destination user can private message you a burner email address to use, you could just email the file (size permitting).


Discourse does not permit .AVI files.

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My mistake, I think of screen capture as a still image.

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When using the Mobile style, the button on the right edge of the tab is showing the tab number for the currently active tab (numbered_tabs.css). It also acts as the close button for the tab when tapped/clicked. The Tab Manager button shows the total number of tabs. If you tap/click the Tab Managerb button, you will see a popup showing the list of open tabs with the tab number to the left of each tab.

This is the file responsible for the Mobile style with Split toolbars:

  • alt-single_tab_mode-alt.css

This is the file responsible for the Mobile style with the Top toolbars:

  • single_tab_mode-alt.css

This is the file responsible for the Mobile style with the Bottom toolbars:

  • single_tab_mode.css

If you were using one of these Mobile styles, characterized by a single tab (the active tab) expanded to the full width of available space in the Tab Bar and all other tabs hidden, you were using one of these three files.

If you selected the Mobile style using the script, but you did not have this style applied as described, that would indicate a bug in the script itself that I’d need to identify.

Has anyone else been able to reproduce this behavior or experienced other unexpected behavior when using the script?

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To conserve space on my repo, I have decided to undo my image commits and instead link an image hosted on the forum.

steps to undo git commits

To undo the commits, I did the following:

git rebase -i 5db8cf03d8963b108b5008a8156465a87aeb6eb0

In the resulting text editor, I replaced pick with drop for the commits to be removed, saved the file, and exited the editor, receiving a success message:

Successfully rebased and updated refs/heads/master.

Next I continued the rebase, which was actually unnecessary:

git rebase --continue
fatal: No rebase in progress?

Finally I pushed the update:

git push --force
Repo Image


I have modified the image scale and used compression to save space, and I think I’d rather have this single image on my repo than rely on linking to the forums.

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Oh my! I’ve been dreading using my Librem 5 because of the bad UI, and with this user.css install script, it is so easy, and the difference is night and day.

There are a few small quirks i noticed with different configurations; I’ll update this post with my findings later. But overall, it is pretty close to perfection. Thanks for your hard work and making it so accessible!


I’ve tried to use the mob friendly ff cust. for the first time. For FF all is working fine. For the extension UBlock Origin it sadly does not work. In the advanced user mode of UBlock I cannot do anything. That screen is too big and scrollbars don’t work. I tried to move through the options by using my finger, but the screen is unresponsive.
Closing the option screen does work.


Okay I have some questions for @tomoqv, @magician, @shopping4purism, and everyone using my code:

  1. How long has it been since you last downloaded my code?
  2. How did you download my code? The git clone method, downloading an archive from the main page, or downloading an archive from the Releases page?
  3. Which device and operating system are you using? Librem 5? PureOS?
  4. If you are using PureOS, which version are you using? Byzantium? Crimson?
  5. Which application theme are you using? Adwaita (Default)? Something else?
  6. If you create a new browser profile and then run the script again with the same options, do you notice any difference in the new profile?

Now I’d like to specifically address this:

user shopping4purism's screenshot showing uBlock Origin

Your screenshot does not appear to be using much, if any, of my code.

I just now ran the script and selected Desktop style with Top toolbars and Dynamic Popups Pro, and I enabled the Menu Bar and Title Bar like you did. Here are some screenshots:

Unified Extensions Menu

uBlock Origin (left side)

uBlock Origin (right side)

So what is going on here?

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  1. I used this command to download the modifications:
    git clone
  2. Next step:I browsed into the folder Mobile-Friendly-Firefox
  3. Used chmod to allow to run (chmod
  4. To install the modifications I used: bash
  5. For the prompted options (as far as I can recall) I choosed:
    *Recommended Preferences
    *Desktop style
    *Default colors
    *Top toolbar
    *Default popups
    *Show new tab button
    *Show tabmanager button
    *Show back button
    *Show extensions button
    *Install? Yes

Im using my L5 with Byzantium Pure OS 10 installed.
The modded files have this week been downloaded

EDIT: Discord is messing with the URL
I’m unable to show the entered URL command.


Sorry for late answer.

I used git clone user0/Mobile-Friendly-Firefox: Mobile-Friendly Firefox Customizations for Librem 5 (relocated from -
I downloaded the latest code today (Feb 5). After that doing chmod +x Mobile-Friendly-Firefox/ and running bash Mobile-Friendly-Firefox/

Options chosen:
*Desktop style
*Default colors
*Split Toolbars
*Dynamic Popups Pro
*Hide New Tab Button
*Show Tab Manager button
*Show Back Button
*Show Extensions Button
*Install? Yes

The above configuration works fine for me.
If I use the Mobile (minimal Tab Bar) instead, my non-pinned tabs starts flickering again, but I just now tested to un-pin all but one of my pinned tabs and then the flickering went away. Hence, it seems that the available space for new tabs with two or more pinned tabs is insufficient for these tabs not to flicker.
I will stick to my above configuration for now, as it works fine without flickering.

I have also noted an annoying thing, which may not be related to Mobile Friendly Config: Closing FF with several open tabs will always prompt me to allow closing X number of tabs, even if I uncheck that options when I close FF.


Settings → General → confirm before closing multiple tabs :heavy_check_mark:


Disabling this feature in the general settings is not a solution in this case. If you use my script and select the option to “Add Recommended Preferences”, then this setting is added to a user.js file in all of your profiles (appending to existing user.js or creating a new file). If you don’t want this feature, you will need to re-run the script and select “No Recommended Preferences”, and then you need to disable the feature in the general settings.

As for the other issues, I can’t think of anything else that I can do to resolve them, since I still cannot replicate them. @ASwyD2, @tomoqv, @shopping4purism, maybe you could try creating a new profile and running the script again to see if there is something else interferring with the CSS code somehow (shot in the dark here).


I created a .desktop file and an icon to go with it (icon created using LibreOffice Draw); I call it FriendlyFox. You can secondary-click or tap & hold and then click/tap one of the available options in the resulting menu.

Items include:

  • Launch Firefox
  • Update
  • Install
  • Uninstall
  • Customize FriendlyFox

I also created a wrapper script that takes a script as an argument. It is designed to check that bash is installed and warn the user that it is required for the scripts to work. I updated the instructions on the repo to use this new wrapper, but you can still use bash commands if you prefer.


bash Mobile-Friendly-Firefox/


sh Mobile-Friendly-Firefox/

I also replaced the linked image from the forums with a compressed version of the image added directly to my repo.

After some more testing I will wrap up my latest updates into a new major release on my repo and make a post on the fediverse.


I’ve decided to do a poll to see how I should address issue #2 on my repo.

How should the URL Bar behave when tapped/clicked by the user?

  • URL Bar text enlarges when selected (current behavior)
  • URL Bar text unchanged when selected (proposed update)
  • I don’t have a strong opinion one way or the other
0 voters

I’m inclined to implement the proposed update unless there are a lot of people desiring to keep the current behavior.

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I’m not sure if I’m understanding the difference. text enlarging means you would see less of the url on the screen? I guess even though my vote was for the current behavior, I actually don’t have a strong opinion either way.

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