Much slower Librem One Chat?

Would be great. I tried rolling up my own Matrix server (Synapse) and it was a convoluted mess.

Rolling out Rocket chat, for example, was a walk in the park.

Kyle Rankin sent a message in the Librem One support channel on Matrix that they have deployed a small update today, and it already looks to have improved things a lot to me.

They still have additional fixes/improvements in the works, but no firm timeline for those yet.

Sorry to sound like a nagā€¦is Librem Chat working for anybody? Its almost a week now. Iā€™ve had a few chat apps over the years and never encountered such an outage.

Any feeddback welcome. Regrettably all of the people I lured from Signal have gone back there. As have I for the past week or more.

It is working for me, but in my case, it never fully stopped, just slowed down a bit. After whatever fix was deployed yesterday, it seems back to normal for me.

Any chance that part of the improvements was to migrate to a different host and that involved DNS changes and users who are still having problems are still using old DNS values? Perhaps @wctaylor and @Brad could each post the relevant info as they see it.

@kieran I dunno - I have stayed logged in the whole time, and now messages are just working better. I havenā€™t changed anything on my end.

I use Fractal on my laptop and RiotX on my phone, both signed into I guess for what itā€™s worth, though,

$ nslookup

Non-authoritative answer:
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I just tried as well and Iā€™m back in. Worked the way it should. Quick and responsive.

I, and those who use librem chat with me do so on tablets and mobiles. Where do I access these dns settings?

If it is the case that there is a need to manually change these and thereā€™s been no word from Purism then that is piss poor. If the other people using it with me have to do likewise they will just not come back.

What shits me is that someone from Purism was monitoring this post by posting here, and has no had the sense, or consideration to post back.

Its a weird organisation this one.

Just a small one where itā€™s hard to keep track of everything all the time :wink:

But we did some fixes over the previous weekend and again mid week. Most people within chat are reporting that its running better now but wondering if you folks in the forum have anything different to report.

Yeh, Librem Chat has not worked for me and my four friends attached to it for a week. Nothing. No send, no receive, just an endless blue line going across the top of the screen. Messages go blue when you try to send and go red with an option to ā€™ resend allā€™ after a while.

I had a window of an hour maybe today when this worked. Now its stopped again. Thinking for itself?

Iā€™m also still experiencing nonstop loading or connecting attempts. Unfortunately everyone I had talked into using Librem One switched back to Signal again. I mean Iā€™m happy they use Signal, but I really want Purism and the L5 to succeed. I understand the task lying in front of Purism. Nevertheless, I hope I can get everyone back to Chat at some point, but will halt the persuading work till thereā€™s more stability, perhaps even a more user friendly design. Another minor issue Iā€™m annoyed by is that recently Tunnel seems super slow. I find myself manually switching servers several times a day, sometimes just giving up not using VPN at all.
Iā€™m sure the Purism team is working hard. Keep up the good work. More transparency about whatā€™s going on concerning Librem One/5 would be appreciated though.

Ive held off contacting support over this, hoping that it may resolve itself, but now I have some people in my chat groups getting things, but not other people. It really is unsatisfactory. And this is over a week now.
Iā€™ll give this support angle a bit of a go, but if it proves to be too hard Iā€™ll just let this Librem suite go when up for renewal. Iā€™ve already given up on email which was the reason for me subscribing.
Iā€™m still in for the L5, but the silence around this combined with the stories I hear here about Purism in general makes this tenuous now.
I get the small company bit, but it seriously takes fuck all to post a few lines.

Once you have your L5 then you would just use the exact command given above. This is not a DNS setting as such, just checking for basic sanity. Noone is expecting you to change DNS settings.

What device and OS are you using? If you are using a spiPhone with iOS then the ā€œMocha Ping Liteā€ app is a free app that allows you to do very basic network troubleshooting. It is not designed to do DNS lookups but just pinging from that app has the effect of a) doing the DNS lookup, and b) confirming that the host is responsive on the network. So it is a good start. (If you are using Android, maybe someone else can help you.)

Based on subsequent information posted above this probably isnā€™t a DNS problem though.

However it would be important to understand whether you are using the mobile phone connecting to the internet via WiFi or via the mobile network. If using the mobile via WiFi then you can do some basic troubleshooting from another (normal) computer on the same network e.g. does Librem One Chat work from the other computer?

Iā€™ve yet to contact support but I intend to.

So this is the setup. All of my friends and I have Android devices. Mobile and tablet. At home it is wi fi. Outside the house is mobile connection. To make it weirder one librem chat channel works intermittently. For example, messages will come through on two mobiles and one tablet but not on the other tablet for hours (we have a mobile and a tablet each at home). But, its not peculiar to a device. I can have all messages on all devices except say a mobile, if you follow me. But, this is on one channel only. Apart from that I have three other Librem Chat channels that are, for the most part just dead. Most of errors are ā€œunknown network errorā€ that crops up. The other thing is asking to re-verify devices endlessly.

I want to contact support but Iā€™m wary of getting on some tedious troublshooting that, if past experience is anything to go by, could last weeks. I just donā€™t have the willpower at the moment. The only advantage of Librem over Signal I see at the moment is that Librem Chat will operate on tablets whereas Signal needs a phone number. But I use Riot elsewhere and that is looking more likely.

This is where getting the error to occur on a normal computer would help. It may be possible to get a real error message because obviously the above error is unhelpful in the extreme.

Are you running an app on the Android phone or is it possible to use a vanilla web site? Assuming the former (an app) it would be reasonable to ask Purism to provide a better diagnostic error - or the possibility of enabling a log file that will contain more detailed information. ā€œUnknown errorā€ is more what I would expect from Microsoft Windows.

For those who requested it, an initial status page is now online:

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Also we have been doing more updates today on Librem Chat to try to address the existing issues.

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