[MyL5] Received my Librem 5 (Evergreen)

By the way, what modem make/model did you choose?

The North America version of the Broadmobi (-A1).


Switching between portrait/landscape is done manually in the notifications area.

Yes, I did, and it sounded normal. I was talking to myself, though, with a different phone on each ear. I’ll call a friend later to get a “third” opinion. :wink:


Any chance you can share a picture of the box and it’s contents with or without the phone? I know you said no video but you didn’t mention pictures.

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You can install GNOME Tweaks app and set any theme you want there:

Note: GNOME Tweaks app does not yet scale nicely, but you can use Kyle’s script to change screen scaling:


The hardware should be functional, but the drivers aren’t complete yet.


2.7. How good will the Librem 5 cameras be?


What is the main contributor to the weight of phone?
Is it the battery that makes it heavy?

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The bigger battery probably added most of the extra weight over Dogwood. Birch and Chestnut with a 2000 mAh battery weighed 230 grams. Dogwood with a 3600 mAh battery weighed 240 g. and its battery weighed 62 g. I’m guessing that the bigger 4500 mAh battery added 15 extra grams to Evergreen, and the 3mm longer case added 9 extra grams.

If @amarok weighs the Evergreen battery for us, we can check those guesses.


I’ll try to organize it when I get a chance. Or maybe someone will beat me to it.

The battery weighs 2.8 ounces (78 grams).


There’s no pre-installed camera app yet.


Thanks Mladen, that’s awesome. I downloaded it from the store, and used it in landscape mode to change everything to dark. Super easy. I’ll figure out how to use Kyle’s script later.


Shucks, I was off by 1 gram. OK, the battery in Evergreen added 16 extra grams and the longer case added 8 extra grams.

@amarok, I’m updating the FAQ and need a bit of info.

The Birch batch had a USB-C Power Delivery charger that supported up to 5Vx3A (15W), 9Vx2A (18W) and 12Vx1.5A (18W). Is the charger the same in Evergreen?

Can you measure Evergreen and confirm that its dimensions are 153 x 75 x 15.5 mm?


This is exactly one month before my backer date, so there is hope and light visible at the end of the tunnel :slight_smile:


:metro: :grin:

:boom: :steam_locomotive: :railway_car: :railway_car: :railway_car: :railway_car: :railway_car: :railway_car:


That was included in the “Not many” part :wink:

MMS is still being worked on:

That is an issue with GNOME Software on Debian based installs, firefox-esr shows as the old icewaesel

From the command line install the packages: firefox-esr and firefox-esr-mobile-config the last one includes tweaks to make firefox fit better in a mobile screen.

At the moment we are missing an image viewer that is adaptive.

File manager: you can install nautilus (which is not adaptive yet) and scale it to fit the screen, not the same as adaptive, but it helps. To do that, download this script: https://source.puri.sm/Librem5/phoc/-/blob/master/helpers/scale-to-fit

And from the directory where the script is run: scale-to-fit org.gnome.nautilus on and it should look like this:

If you want to take screenshots, you can install from the command line the package: librem5-goodies it contains the application that @Kyle_Rankin made to take screenshots. After install it will show in the app tray as: Screen Shot


Also about scaling the screen: if you install the package librem5-goodies Kyle’s script to scale the screen is also there.