New Post: Opportunistic Word Completion

Check out this alternative on screen keyboard for Phosh

  • Opportunistic Word Completion
  • Character popovers on long press to reduce the amount of layer and language switching necessary.
  • A emoji widget (pretty much based on what GTK does):
  • Cursor movement via long press on space

This Guido Gunther guy is where it is at.


makes me sleepy.

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How do I heart this post a second or even third time… new favorite blog post from purism.


I would not use this myself, but I am glad it exists as an option for others to consider.


Wow, this looks really cool!

I have some questions:

  1. Is this keyboard compatible with Squeekboard-Layouts and other themes for Squeekboard? Custom YAML and GTK styles?

  2. How can I make my own keyboard? Where do I start?

Out of all the different keyboards that I’ve used on android and iOS, I think that the MessagEase keyboard was the best, and I would like to make my own version of it for the Librem 5.

Currently, I only know how to write basic bash scripts and css code; regarding more complex projects, I don’t know where to begin.

Seeing this new keyboard by @guido.gunther that has swipe support to move the cursor gives me hope that it should be possible to make what I want with the current software available. But as I said, I don’t know where to begin. Any help would be appreciated.

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I read that, but it looks like it’s written for people that already understand how to build software. I’m not there yet. I need an abolute beginners starting point for what to read and study, as well as what software is needed to start creating something like this.


Okay, here is the resource I fetched:

Welcome to squeekboard’s documentation! — squeekboard documentation


Thank you for the link. I will need to clone the Squeekboard repo in order to read anything provided there, but that should be a good starting point for me to read. Hopefully it is beginner-friendly.


The source code for phosh-osk-stub doesn’t seem to be free. When tryng to load the repo in a web browser or when trying to clone the repo, I am blocked behind an account signin requirement. And the signup page has a google captcha requirement, so that’s out of the question.

Will the source code eventually be freely available? I would like to study it.



Use this instead:


Thank you again. You are really good with providing relevant links. Much appreciated.

It’s weird that GNOME would restrict code like this. I thought they cared about Free Software.

And thank you @guido.gunther for your work!


I can’t wait to try this. Even if I switch back to Squeekboard (I am not always crazy about text that I type automatically changing on me), having a new toy to play with on my L5 is one hell of an Xmas present!

Thank you Guido and team, this is super cool.

Question: What is the difference between manual and auto mode for Squeekboard?

  • 0 /usr/share/applications/sm.puri.Squeekboard.desktop 50 auto mode
    1 /usr/share/applications/sm.puri.Squeekboard.desktop 50 manual mode
    2 /usr/share/phosh-osk-stub/sm.puri.Phosh.OskStub.desktop 30 manual mode
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It’s GPLv3 and at Guido Günther / phosh-osk-stub · GitLab


Does anyone know what information is leaked in each direction when someone signs into gnome gitlab via github?

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No, you can find out if you want to.

Man, even without the auto completion I can type on this keyboard WAY faster and more acurate!


And maybe my millenial is showing, but I do appreciate having a much more complete emoji set :sweat_smile:


Joy was short lived… as warned with the beta status, I started having some strange issues and I had to switch back. Oh well :slight_smile:

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