New Post: Opportunistic Word Completion

@lo0 Byzantium or Crimson? (The version in Byzantium is somewhat older).

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I am blocked behind an account signin requirement.

@user0 you can clone the repo without any account.


Auto means the link group is in automatic mode so (the default). In that mode the OSK with the highest priority is autmoatically selected. So e.g. when someday someone writes the super-keyboard and that gets a higher priority then the switch would be automatic. In manual mode it sticks to the selection the user made even when there’s an OSK with a higher priority. (That’s not Phosh specific, it’s how Debian’s update-alternatives works)


user0 was referring to the repository hosted by gnome.

git clone
Cloning into 'phosh-osk-stub'...
Username for '':

As noted above the repo URL is: Guido Günther / phosh-osk-stub · GitLab , that clones without any credentials . /World/Phosh has the “official” things. p-o-s is my “toy project”…


Byzantium on the librem5

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Which one should we file Issues on? I have noticed a potential small bug, where the last word in my SMS is not sent.

If I want to type “Hello how are you doing” in Chatty, then hit send, the SMS is sent as “Hello how are you” and the word “doing” is left over in the textbox. The word “doing” is still underlined when I hit Send, and so it must still be determining what spelling to apply for the word rather than having it actually “in” the text message body.

Other than this though, it’s working quite well and fixing some of my splleling mitsakes :).


From my testing, the word while underlined appears to still held by the keyboard app and isn’t released to the app you’re typing into until selected or a space or other similar character is entered. Was a bit jarring for myself as well and resulted in several messages missing their final word until I figured that out.


That’s in fact not an OSK issue (how would the OSK know you hit sent?). It’s something we need to deal with on the toolkit/app side.


Yeah, that’s a bit dated. The one in crimson is more recent.


I suspect that a period ‘.’ would work. I’ve heard on a radio program that young people find that jarring, but maybe they can get used to it.

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That looks really nice. I would love to try it out on L5 and to extend this.


They’re just not yet used to how periods can be a good thing for flow. They don’t have to be a hard stop to the fun.

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I’ve backported 0.34.0 to Byzanium as well (now in byzantium-updates-proposed)


Does the one in crimson have ctrl, alt, arrows, etc in the terminal layout? Just noticed in byzantium these aren’t there.


As far as I know even the default keyboards have such keys on terminal on Byzantium. Don’t you have a >_ button?

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Not on this new keyboard that this thread is about.


Ops, missed your point.


The new keyboard is cool. Where can i find the ctrl, alt, and menu (for copy paste) keys?

I had some trouble with emojis where they will not appear in fractal.

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No, at least not like the non-stub Squeekboard.

The Terminal layout, which can be accessed by the :globe_with_meridians: icon on Squeekboard. Note that discrete keys for ‘Ctrl‘ and ‘Alt‘ keys seem to be absent on the draggable top bar for keyboard shortcuts.

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