No apps in puri store

One list refers to one massive list. Currently you have two lists:

  • Apps
  • Games

The first either or refers to consolidating them together into one list.

As for removing tags, that refers to the second either or: if you have multiple categories, then having tags for apps becomes less useful and/or redundant, similar to the Forum category organization thread.

Regarding the Game/Apps split:
Back in the LINMOBapps days, I had to maintain it all by hand, and I then decided to split the games out, because I donā€™t care at all about (phone) gaming, and did not want to bother with keeping all these game listings up to date.

For a bit, the game list was maintained by some else, which led to it being ever so slightly different from the apps list (see content/apps/ Ā· main Ā· LinuxPhoneApps / Ā· GitLab (app) vs content/games/ Ā· main Ā· LinuxPhoneApps / Ā· GitLab (game)) which would make ā€œre-mergingā€ and additional step. Since, again, I donā€™t care about gaming, especially phone gaming, this is not something I see as a priority (contributions are very welcome though!). Additionally, I think it makes sense to have these split up. You can search them in one go, and where taxonomies (e.g. Packaged In | LinuxPhoneApps) overlap, itā€™s basically one list.

Regarding tags: I still donā€™t understand which kind of tags you are refering to, assuming you are refering to a feature of the current site as is - I think a screenshot or URL would help.

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My definition of multiple categories refers to the PureOS Store:

  • Create
  • Work
  • Play
  • Socialize
  • Learn
  • Develop
  • Codecs
  • Fonts
  • Input Sources

Whereas, my definition of tags is your definition of services, categories, frameworks, mobile compatibility, and packaged in.

So, if you started to create categories other than ā€œAppsā€ and ā€œGamesā€, in a similar manner to the PureOS Store, then these tags become less useful due to redundancy.


Okay, understood, thanks! :pray:

I fail to see how applying such a categorization makes ā€œmobile compatibilityā€ or ā€œpackaged inā€ (or even ā€œservicesā€) redundant, but I see your general point regarding categories or freedesktop categories. Iā€™ll add an issue to Issues Ā· LinuxPhoneApps / Ā· GitLab, as things like this need some thought, discussion and often also time and canā€™t be solved by acting swiftly without having thought things through.

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