Notifications for Apps

Would love this in Gnome Settings under power, good to know in the meantime.

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Awesome. Thank you very much. This has been bothering me for awhile.

You can do that from gnome-tweaks

I think I spoke too soon. I am getting no notifications from Dino - opened or with this new file to keep it running.

Is there any way to test why I am not getting notifications?

NEVER MIND. There was an error in the command you gave me on my end. Works great!

You can open a ticket in mainstream for: daemon support

How do I do that?

never mind it already there:

Thanks! I will follow and keep trying. I see that someone had it working on the Pinephone.

Now I need to figure out how make sounds when I get notifications from Dino. No notification sounds from Geary?

will be fancy for real notification app to Librem 14 featured led-notification-pwd. @francois-techene

Try adding this to the shortcut and look at this I am not sure you will find what you are looking for though. :man_shrugging:
Edit: After you add that line to the shortcut you can control the feedback through the phosh-mobile-settings

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Lying about whether an application uses feedback won’t magically make it use it. It needs to be implemented in Dino.

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I don’t see it. :thinking:

It wont do it in the background, it will do it in the foreground.
Edit: But you can edit the config file after gnome tweaks creates it.

I added that line to the shortcut and added an audio file in Phosh-Mobile-Settings for “instant messages” and “sms”. However, I am getting no sound, as of yet, when I receive Dino notifications.

I did not implement anything from your other post about audio.


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Interestingly, the sounds work for regular SMS messages through Chats but NOT for Dino.

Any thoughts on that?

There’s not much to think about it. Chatty implements notification feedback, Dino does not.

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How might I go about getting Dino to implement notification feedback? Talk to the Dino people?

I’ve connected Chatty to the same XMPP account, so I get sound notifications for incoming messages, then I read them with Dino, since frequently encrypted messages aren’t displayed on Chatty


I did that before and it created a lot of odd issues and my cellular modem had problems recognizing a cellular call versus a XMPP call. I found the headache to not be worth it. I can try again, though …

Honestly I’ve nevere tried the XMPP call.
The only problem I have is that sometimes the massage is downloaded by Chatty, so not visible with Dino (even if the Dino service is running). Sometimes it works. Anyway I never lost a message and that’s the best tweak available at the moment IMHO.

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