Please Stop Crimson Dev and Fix Byzantium bugs first

First, when updates/grade tell us they are ready to install, what happens if I don’t do it? Do they upgrade/date anyway later?

I again have the “No WWAN Adapter Found”. This should be fixed before leaving Byzantium and jumping into more beta testing the Crimson. Fix the beta on Byz first.

Second, I read through 35 posts regarding this way-to-long issue. None have a fix.


  1. Let phone sleep over night by pressing the power button once.
  2. Turned L5 on by tapping Power button once.
  3. Noted there was no WiFi. Pulled down notification screen.
    1. Tapped the WiFi button - nothing
    2. Went to main screen Tapped Settings
    3. Waited 8 seconds this time.
    4. Blue screen showed up
    5. waited 26 seconds this time.
    6. tapped Mobile" and got
    7. No WWAN Adapater Found...
    8. backed up and tapped Network and got
    9. Oops, something went wrong. Please contact your software vendor.
      Network manager   needs   to   be   running
    10. Pulled Notifications window down, pressed Power the n Power off. Screen blanked out to that infernal Librem(?) ad. Stared at the ad for more than 6 minutes and held Power button in until the ad disappeared.
    Note: There were no lights on during the above shutdown.

  4. Removed back cover, then pulled battery out. Waited 30 seconds, put battery back in. Pressed Power Button on till boot started.
  5. noted a orange light was on.
  6. Nothing improved. Still takes almost 30 seconds from click Settings to get to the menu.
    No WWAN, told to talk to that software vendor we all have at home.
    No Mobile.
    "Network manager needs to be running". Maybe the network manager was one of those that jumped ship.
Oh! Just found that Contacts is also as sick as the rest of things. Tap Contacts, a 10 second wait, that (bleep) blue screen shows up that is seriously very boring to watch for 20 seconds, and a mico-word I mean very, very small word "Loading"l with the snake above eating it's own tail (Purisnake?) and has been now for 6 minutes. I gather it's not going to do anything either. So I choked it off (held power button in until it sighed and disappeared)

Unfortunately, sliding the kill switches doesn’t change anything, this thing is still alive.
Another 3 hours I’ll never get back.

What’s the fix this time?


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No, they do not upgrade automatically.
How long has it been since you upgraded?

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2 days ago I noticed that upgrade or update was ready to download and install.
I ignored it because I was dining with friends and left it for today. But it’s gone. I know, I can sudo do it somehow but would rather the device was in working order first.

[My kind of update]
This morning, the notice has vanished. But then so has the ability to send/receive texts, use mobile, no WiFi any more, apps long load times and between loads, have to wait for the Debian(?) blue screen to waste time before apps to show up. Even Power Power Off doesn’t shutdown.
My cardiologist told me to slow down, not the phone.
One of the duopolies spyphones are looking pretty good. I watch friends with them, and my friendly border and ask myself, which is worse, a device that can’t b depended on to send a text, or a perv looking over my shoulder at all I do.

This paragraph has been
by OP

Thanks for your time,

EDIT to fix typos and redact.

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Only Purism-related products can be sold, bought, and/or traded within a separate topic using the marketplace tag.

LOL Crimson already stopped from more than one year. = (
I know Purism it need me for money support for Crimson : ( however i not going supporting Purism on Opensource manner. I just not. I not going to permit that Opensource gaming with me as Ubuntu, Fedora, ArchLinux does.

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Regarding updating. I highly recommend to do this always via the command line in a terminal. PureOS Store (GNOME Software) is not reliable.

Instructions to update (make your phone is enough charged or connected to power):

  1. Open Terminal
  2. In the terminal type:
    sudo apt update
    hit the enter button
  3. You are asked for your password. Type the password (you do not see anything) and hit enter again
  4. Wait until the command finishes. You will see the blinking cursor again when it is ready.
  5. You will see a message stating if there are updates or not.
  6. If there are updates type this in the same terminal (note that if there are no updates, the following command will not hurt, so you can always do it, also if you do not understand the messages):
    sudo apt full-upgrade
    hit the enter button
  7. Not tested, because there were no updates for me: If there are updates, it is asked if you want to install them. The default answer is Yes Y. To install the updates just hit the enter button
  8. If there are updates, they will now be installed.

I am curious if there were any updates pending for you.

Note that I left updating flatpak apps out of the instructions above.

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If I’d have to choose between resuscitating Byzantium and (finally) advancing to Crimson, I’d choose the latter. As I see it, Crimson is a fix for Byzantium. I hope we (finally, punctually) will get an update report on that - one which has something tangible about timeline and work.


No. When doing a “sudo” you are asked for that user’s password, not the root password. This is a common misconception (… and is a confusion with what “su” does).


Thanks, fixed.

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Given the circumstances, we will use the August funds in September to advance Crimson toward release.


I bought this two years ago. It hasn’t worked right since. I need a phone that works NOW!!! Not wait two or 4 years for Crimson to be patched, beta tested, fixed, beta tested, fixed and patching fixes. Doing a great job of mimicking M$.

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I need a network, WiFi and Mobile to first.

Once I find out how to fix it so there is a Network, Mobile and WiFi again, and it works, I’ll keep your instructions handy.
I don’t get paid to beta test updates. Others can do it for grief.

If as I’m told updates don’t auto install, then where did the notice that updates wear ready go to? Does it stop notifying after so many hours.
This already went back on a RMA. Nothing changed. Worse now than before if was ‘fixed’ - whatever fixed means.

This piece of       is as reliable as a politicians promise - worse if you can imagine that.

Totally unreliable.

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OK, Ill start over with a simple new ‘Topic’ (post). Hope to read you all there.


For some reason, notifications don’t stick around if the phone gets powered off or dies. So, yeah, they vanish. Hopefully this will get fixed eventually.


I’d try the updates then but without L5, I can’t connect to anything.
Didn’t power off, just sleep. AFAIK it didn’t die. Now, several apps just produce a animated ouroboros for too long, and if I wait long enough the Debian background appears, and stays there.
The background has hijacked the apps.

This is really getting old which I am confident that this received the oldest, driest, useless hardware bits and OS bytes. Why else would be the poster-child for the son of Satan?

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Regarding the topic in title, no, don’t stop Crimson work! The more we wait, the longer it will take to catch up with the next release, and the more effort will be wasted back-porting stuff like security issues to the outdated Byzantium environment, and all work like bug fixes done in top of outdated applications and libraries have to be ported forward to the new versions. Moreover, the more we lag behind, the bigger the differences, and the harder and trickier the porting effort becomes.
But I’m sure the devs working on Crimson are aware of that, as they are doing all that back-and-forth porting work. We want to get out of this situation as fast as possible.


I’d rather skip the Crimson development, at this rate by the time it’s done the debian base used will be oldstable. I’d rather see the focus be on whatever the name for the current Debian testing fork will be. I’ve seen the name “dawn” thrown around by users but don’t recall seeing anything from Purism.

At some point the project is so far behind it’s better to cut your losses and move on, rather than try to limp along and have that hold back future projects.


Sorry. But history dictates that even Crimson will have the same if not worse growing pains. And we’ll have to wait years before the next kick at the can for Super Duper ‘Buzz Name’ .
If Puri wants to sell these things, they should make them work first, and in a way people won’t need to lean basic geekinese, Linux commands, and skip using icons when it works better from the command stuff.

I want to see Librem 5 to sell good reliable phones, I want them to succeed so I can get to use THIS L5 with Byzantium - not wait while hobbyists press ahead with Crimson. It is a long way off and in the meantime, lets make a device that works for the average cell user.


That statement only makes sense if a user never intends to use the Librem 5 as a computer (which it is).

But, yeah, this also needs to happen:


Which is a totally reasonable use case based on Purisms marketing and many peoples usage of their phones.