PureOS Crimson Question!

is pure os crimson its software package using debian testing main by default?

and is it true that I saw on wikipedia pure os. Pure os is said to be like hybrid stable and unstable?

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Crimson uses Bookworm; Byzantium (current release) uses Bullseye. PureOS uses its own repositories.

There is no equivalent for Trixie.

Hybrid? I doubt it. Seems far more stable than unstable to me.

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an article said on wikipedia that pure os is hybrid. example the pureos is stable but the software is base on debian testing more up todate than stable

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Cite the reference.

i dont know if this true

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Which in turn, cites this blog article:

Then, bringing it up to the present, we have this scenario:

  • Byzantium, which is stable
  • Crimson, which is rolling

The key terminology here is “hybrid point release and rolling release model”, not “hybrid stable and unstable”.

By the way, here is Crimson:



i search that point release is stable and rolling release is unstable. so it is hybrid
btw thank you for sending pureos crimson link

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Your description of hybrid is vague and suggests that PureOS is some sort of amalgamation between stable and unstable repositories, so I had to clarify all ambiguities and terminologies.

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Dear @dos i have,ad plans to start using My Librem 5 in Crimson, however i will never using my Librem 5 with Redhat-Plymouths on Booting, there are Hacks in U-boot to Hidden it or something else?



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You might want to take a look at /etc/default/flash-kernel, there are some params here that I think will disable plymouth.

I am not sure if making changes to this file alone is all that’s needed, or if there are additional steps to “flash” the kernel.

splash plymouth.ignore-serial-consoles
I have not tested this, but I think removing them will disable Plymouth.
I am using this this a reference. (sorry to link you to the Arch wiki, I know you aren’t a huge fan of that either :))


Thanks for the Info.

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Anyone know if there are ARM builds for the phone somewhere? Also, what is the difference between Gnome & Gnome OEM?
Is there an ARM KDE build too?

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The former sets up LUKS and user accounts before installation, the latter sets up LUKS and user accounts after installation.


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