Anyone with a Dogwood and the new battery and a caliper: can you measure the physical specs of it: height, width, length and placement and size of contacts? Pics? I’m looking at chargers…
Let me add to JF-Ri’s request for Dogwood owners. Please measure the weight and the dimensions of Dogwood.
Chestnut weighed 230g and measured 150 x 75 x 15.5 mm, and I would like to know if anything has changed in Dogwood for the Comparing specs of upcoming Linux phones table.
I added your cellular provider to the Community Wiki:
Please add info there if you know what bands you have tested.
Can’t find my caliper right now, but using a ruler yields “the same” measurements as for Chestnut. I’d say any changes are pretty small.
The phone weighs 240 g, out of which 62 g is the battery alone.
I will, if I get around to do more specific testing

The phone weighs 240 g, out of which 62 g is the battery alone.
Great. I added that info.
10 g more weight is the tradeoff of having a bigger battery. I love the idea of a modular phone and using separate components, but the L5 isn’t going to win any fashion awards.
Are the battery measurements somewhere? And the contacts on them?
Pssst. Measure three Triple A’s. (Humor.)

using a ruler yields “the same” measurements as for Chestnut
Caution though, it was specifically stated that Evergreen will be 3 mm longer than Dogwood: Blog Post: Librem 5 Evergreen Update: Mold and Milestones

Are the battery measurements somewhere? And the contacts on them?
As viewed from the back side of the phone:
Battery measures 57.2(w) x 51.5 x 10.5 mm.
Contacts are located centered left/right and at the bottom of the top narrow side of the battery. There are three of them and they occupy an area approx. 4 mm high and 6 mm wide. Polarity is - to the left, + to the right.
(Sorry for taking almost a month to reply.)

As viewed from the back side of the phone:
Battery measures 57.2(w) x 51.5 x 10.5 mm.
@Tracy: AAA size is 44.2 mm length, and 10.2 mm diameter. You could fit five of those, and still have a wiggle room for a contact adapter and a charger chip. Cheers!
One of us should take a pic with them duct taped together on the back and post it as if it were real. (We can wait for April Fool’s day.)
I think, 4 would be more realistic, as you need some room for a bracket to hold them (as I expect you want to be able to change them without using tape). A special back-plate could be made to allow access to the battery compartment without removing the whole back (bracket could be part of it - 3D print as one). It’s nice that the size allows it… almost like it was planned…
And about that picture… You mean like this?
Thanks @lipu - it’s not like we don’t have a month and a half to kill (at least)…
I don’t know if this has been discussed elsewhere yet, but with no voLTE capability, that means that in the U.S., the phone won’t work on T-Mobile as of January 2021, or on AT&T as of February 2022, right? Verizon already requires voLTE/HD voice, so it’s out of the picture, too.
Edit: And T-Mobile has already started disallowing any non-voLTE new activations on its network (since August).
How is that in Europe? I can’t find any mention of a voLTE capabilty being required over here.
If such a restriction would exist, this would be pretty serious - as in leaving the L5 dead in the water.
Any thoughts on this from the Purism offices?
Exactly, that’s the picture I was hoping for!

How is that in Europe?
As I understand it, this will depend on when (or if) a country’s carriers retire their 3G networks in favor of 4G, and will likely be different for each country/carrier.
Seems that here 3G shutdown is coming in a few years too (depending on service providers - some sooner some have no plans yet) but reading form the carrier web pages. 2G on the other hand is left alone since 3G is the one which frequencies are wanted to be used for 4G. A lot of IoT and stuff need the older 2G and 3G so sone of them is often still left standing.
But, since voLTE is used only if possible, and it reverts (at least here) to 2G/3G for voice and 4G for data if not, I’m not really worried - calls will work and data will flow, just not using voLTE.
Here is a list of sunsetting 2G and 3G around the world (check your carrier for more info).
If providers start banning non-voLTE phones, it will be a problem for the L5…
From my understanding, the modems used in the Librem 5 have VoLTE support to some degree but there is some software work to be done for it to be usable.
But @dos can correct me on this.