Status of Suspend for Librem 5

Well the debug kernel I have been using/testing for the past 2 weeks has been pretty rock solid. It has taken modem connectivity to about 90% with the remaining 10% just being the time it takes to reconnect when it does sometimes (rarely) drop.

My hope is that the effort that went into this debug kernel will continue to improve, because it really feels like Purism is on to something here. The Librem 5 is such a better Linux phone than all the others currently. That is something to be proud of.


Purism HKS.

agreed rock solid and a major improvement by itself!

In order to try out the latest debug kernel, is this the place I have to download it from?

I guess you will got that fancy-purism linux version on today or tomorrow by apt. @dos?

I have two Librem5 phones. Installed the debug kernel above on the one I am not daily driving, and it worked well. Resume from suspend was much, much faster than before and it also wakes up on incoming calls and sms.
With that experience, I installed the same kernel on my primary L5. Resume from suspend is similar although wifi is slower to connect.

I did the following tests with automatic suspend after 1 minute on both and wake up through power button press:

                            Primary L5    Secondary L5
wlan card:                  Sparclan      Redpine
screen on:                  2 secs        2 secs
modem connection:           5 secs        5 secs
wifi connection:            10 secs       5-6 secs
wakes on incoming call/sms: No            Yes

One disturbing observation is that the despite being much slower, the Redpine card establishes a wifi connection in about half the time compared to the Sparclan card. This is of course not a major issue, just slightly annoying as the Sparclan card has up to 10x the speed of the Redpine card.

However, the mysterious issue that my primary L5 still doesn’t wake up on incoming calls or sms is more disturbing. Both phones have the following:

purism@pureos:~$ hostnamectl
   Static hostname: pureos
         Icon name: computer-handset
           Chassis: handset
        Machine ID: 9b43caf3619f49f8ba467ec270970f44
           Boot ID: 65a457099581444da467424a81962cb3
  Operating System: PureOS
            Kernel: Linux 6.1.0-1-librem5
      Architecture: arm64
purism@pureos:~$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID:	PureOS
Description:	PureOS
Release:	10.0
Codename:	byzantium
purism@pureos:~$ cat /proc/cmdline
u_boot_version=2022.10-gc4960dade2 console=ttymxc0,115200 quiet security=apparmor splash plymouth.ignore-serial-consoles vt.global_cursor_default=0

What could be the difference? Anything that comes to mind that could prevent my primary phone to wake up?

Edit: Just thought of modem firmware, so I checked. Both have:
firmware revision: MPSS.JO.2.0.2.c1.1-00032-9607_GENNS_PACK-1 1 [Feb 25 2019 01:00:00]

Are you sure that same firmware? or one Librem 5 you just buy the sparklan card?

Oh, but that is the modem firmware, not the wlan firmware.

I talk about modem firmwares but on newer l5 with sparklan come with newer modem firmware, that why. So if you have same modem firmware it need to be same issues.

Ok, I understand. Both of the phones are similar in time, delivered around aug-nov 2021. I have bought and installed the new Sparclan card in my primary L5.

OK, the only thing that you may check is GSM band, put both L5 to 4G only, check that both has a volte enabled in modem firmware.

I have tested that now, both with VoLTE enabled through BM818-tools. Secondary wakes up, my primary no.

check das-uboot version in both

das-uboot? I have checked uboot as shown above, same on both.

Yes i say uboot, ok if both has same uboot version, then next step is to tell purism upgrade the firmware of the modem that does not work, if after upgrade the firmwre the issue persist, then you need to tell purism send to you a modem hardware that it work, as far i know some modem has hardware issue to wake up from suspend.

Both phones have the same modem firmware. The only difference with mmcli -m [modem], except for imei and other id numbers I have found are Bearer at the bottom:

  3GPP     |                   imei: ...305
           |          enabled locks: fixed-dialing
           |            operator id: 24001
           |          operator name: Telia
           |           registration: home
  3GPP EPS |   ue mode of operation: csps-1
           |    initial bearer path: /org/freedesktop/ModemManager1/Bearer/6
           | initial bearer ip type: ipv4v6
  SIM      |       primary sim path: /org/freedesktop/ModemManager1/SIM/2
  Bearer   |                  paths: /org/freedesktop/ModemManager1/Bearer/9
           |                         /org/freedesktop/ModemManager1/Bearer/8
           |                         /org/freedesktop/ModemManager1/Bearer/7


  3GPP     |                   imei: ...113
           |          enabled locks: fixed-dialing
           |            operator id: 24001
           |          operator name: Telia
           |           registration: home
  3GPP EPS |   ue mode of operation: csps-1
           |    initial bearer path: /org/freedesktop/ModemManager1/Bearer/6
           | initial bearer ip type: ipv4v6
  SIM      |       primary sim path: /org/freedesktop/ModemManager1/SIM/3
  Bearer   |                  paths: /org/freedesktop/ModemManager1/Bearer/7

So might be a hardware issue then. As far as I know, my primary has never woken up through incoming call or sms, not even before the Sparclan update.

@dos and/or @joao.azevedo

Could you please share your input in this matter described from here and onwards in this thread. Could this be solved by new modem firmware or is it more likely a hardware issue?

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We don’t provide support for unreleased software. If you install random kernels, you’re entirely on your own.

If it doesn’t wake up on incoming calls or messages at all on regular kernel / software, get in touch with support via e-mail to get the modem firmware updated.


Ok, will do.

I updated u-boot and now have:

$ mmcli -m /org/freedesktop/ModemManager1/Modem/1 | grep firmware
           |      firmware revision: MPSS.JO.2.0.2.c1.1-00032-9607_GENNS_PACK-1  1  [Feb 25 2019 01:00:00]

$ cat /proc/cmdline
u_boot_version=2022.10-gc4960dade2 console=ttymxc0,115200 quiet security=apparmor splash plymouth.ignore-serial-consoles vt.global_cursor_default=0

$ uname -a
Linux pureos 6.1.0-1-librem5 #1 SMP PREEMPT Wed Apr  5 15:49:00 UTC 2023 aarch64 GNU/Linux

but the phone does not wakeup on calls.