Status of Suspend for Librem 5

Same here.

Work around:
If you switch off your cell from the upper toolbar, before switching off by using the hks, I discovered that you can avoid this symptom.
But it needs to be turned on again after a reboot. This is also an extra action to get things working, but it’s a (little) quicker solution.

It seems that suspend kills my mobile hotspot, even though there are devices connected to it. Is it possible to leave the hotspot working, like the modem does? Or at least automatically disable suspense when hotspot is active?

this is a known issue in upstream network manager. Network manager does not inhibit suspend when a hotspot is on. It also affects laptops/desktops;


and workaround reported based on the gitlab link joao.azevedo sent:

sudo nmcli connection modify Hotspot +connection.permissions '' and you have to download and use the linked scripts and maybe they need editing to work with PureOS Librem 5.

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I am not sure if that has been tested with PureOS, but you are more than welcome to try.


Or SSH in once the hotspot is up … and use the existing functionality to inhibit suspend: Login via SSH && suspend :wink:

Thank you for your answers. I might try out the script and post results here. Right now my workaround is simply connecting the phone to a powerbank when using the hotspot, which inhibits suspend with the added benefit of charging the phone.


I’d like to have back this warning. More then once my L5 went “off” in the middle of writing something.


Nice article. But does not match the problem of a short warning popup. Who does not need this can just ignore it. I will file an issue.

I don’t think ignoring it is the right answer. He who does not need the warning should be able to disable it / he who does need the warning should be able to enable it.

This sounds less like the need for a warning and more like the need to improve inactivity detection.

This concept leads to infinite options and at some point too many options is effectively the same as no options as it overwhelms.

The true infinite option play is to customize the source code for yourself. This functionality sounds more like a debug option than a user option, in my experience.

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No. It detects fine the touches on the screen when I’m typing. But sometimes one has to think about the words, at least I do, and then it is when the screen goes off.


Here it is:

The actual implementation violates the POLA

Agreed. Is there a way to create a proposal to kill this ticket request? The amount of self centric stupid here is astonishing.

I am ABSOLUTELY against this request and sneer in the general direction of anyone that feel this should be forced on the rest of us.

If this is to be implemented, it ought to be off by default and hidden in some dialogue that requires the user to turn on the amount bs chatter they want from their device. For me, a computer needs to be silent and only do what I tell it to do. I don’t have deep and meaningful conversations with my toaster and my phone should not dance unless I tell it to.

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That says “proposes that a component of a system should behave in a way that most users will expect it to behave”.

I would expect it to not warn me. :stuck_out_tongue: You could set the time to suspend to a higher number.

Sorry, but I disagree about how you choose your words.

Also, no matter what I think of the request, I don’t agree with you using words like “the rest of us”.
You can only speak for your self and not for “the rest of us”.

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I appreciate and respect your disagreement. You are wrong and I (obviously) disagree, but seeing free exchange of language that doesn’t fit into neat little boxes is refreshing.

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Sometimes. Infinite options also makes it hard for the developer to develop and hard for the tester to test but I think it is a poor user experience to interrupt the user with a notification that the user cannot disable. So not having this kind of control (option) leads to infinite interruptions, which is also badness.

It is not uncommon UI design to put the option on the notification itself i.e. a checkbox for “I don’t want to be interrupted by this particular notification again”. That means that it should be on by default, and the user doesn’t have to hunt through settings menus to disable it (but the user might have to hunt through settings menus to re-enable it - although I have also seen UI design where the dialog box also directs the user where to go if the user wants to re-enable in the future).

There is no one right answer.

Also, I think the real problem here is that something was taken away. If this notification had never been there, the number of complaints would be lower.

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