Also, not everyone posts their delivery information thus making that thread only somewhat accurate.
It’s been consistently pretty accurate though and provides more information than Purism themselves provide so it is still a valuable resource, but it isn’t always the most up to date nor is it the most sequentially accurate.
They are not lost. You can and will get the Librem 5 if you still wanted to. Or after requesting refund and not getting it, use one of the often mentioned possibilities to create some pressure.
Just keep in mind that the Purism staff is working really hard to deliver this phone hard- and software-wise. Many of them are working on this forum on free-will and even give support and create enormously helping posts on this forum within their free time.
Sure you do… but yo did not answer the community question. When did you placed your Order?
Before Pandemic it was a +4 Years time Scale… and now we are in time at 2023-03 instead of 2023-06. And the Process got faster and faster. However it will have some more delays when all parts are gone, and we have to wait for a US replacement or another China delivery.
Right now china is on fire. Still the pandemic status over there is unknown, and the economy is still chipped from the times before.
Month before i thought i will get my phone in December 2023 or January 2024. I am looking forward for a delivery before August this year (as a personal estimate).
When you look at chip order lead times right now March 2023 on automotive chip supplier websites i think they are still about at 28-52 weeks lead times, or at least half a year to get your chips (might be a continuing and significant attributing factor to making the phones).
My Librem 5 arrived after 3 years and 10 months of waiting. While I was waiting I was very frustrated. I was also concerned that I would never receive my L5 and I would have been ‘scammed’ by Purism. I think this is a normal human reaction when waiting almost 4 years for your device to show up. Being frustrated and even angry, in my opinion, is understandable.
All I can say, beyond I felt your pain for several years, is that my phone did eventually arrive and is pretty cool. I hope you get yours soon!
ditto that, i have used many incarnations of closed software phones including Sailfish based phones and Phones that use Android with something strapped on to them (volla OS and Version 0.0 of the open source Librem 5 phone is better in many ways that matter to me, like reliably connect to Open VPN, or simply recognizing your phone as a device when plugged into a desktop computer (Android does not allow that- conveniently for them since Android 4?), and to add flashing your phone isn’t such a pain and you can simply restore from .img file using your build in OS disk manager (i mean compared to android…)
I have no time for this thread’s guts, but I thought I would share an analogy regarding the thread title question:
Imagine you have a garden hose supplying water to a garden. Under normal circumstances the amount of water the garden needs is manageable and is no problem for the hose to supply.
Now this need by the garden is a constant. It doesn’t take a break or have a pause button.
So when the hose is stepped on, a stoppage in supplied water occurs. The garden is now going into a deficit for water supply. Just because the stoppage on the hose is removed, does not magically mean the hose can supply double, triple, etc. the water it supplied before. The hose can only supply what it phsyically can handle. The need requiring it didn’t stop. So even though the supply of water has been returned, there is a deficit to catch on, before the current demand for water can be supplied.
Without a new hose, a new faucet, and even a better source of water, the garden is going to be delayed in returning to its pre-stoppage state.
This is the reason why delays across the board are still an issue, in a very simplified manner.
I like that you make me the simile of the garden. I have an orchard and the hose with which I water what I plant has the volume to irrigate with complete peace of mind. These people have always had a small hose for the volume of orchard they had to irrigate, this is the reality. The pandemic has become the perfect excuse. Why do they continue to accept more orders if they know that they cannot supply the backordered ones? Because with the money from the new orders they can pay for the manufacturing of the backordered ones. I think it is a mistake to excuse the delay in the delivery of a product. Saying that they do not accept cancellation of the order with the refund of the amount further aggravates the situation.
Delays were there, I don’t think anyone disputes that. Then the pandemic, rather than offering an excuse, brought a double-whammy of more delays and higher component prices.
Maybe some of the plants in the garden died. And so the gardener, in addition to tending to the struggling plants, with the same existing water supply, needs to go out and source some new plants, prepare for their planting, plant them, and get them back to a state as good as the old, now dead, plants were.
So the problem is not so much the pandemic as the incompetent people who have started this. The pandemic has affected many companies and only this one has these delays. Incompetence of managers in making bad decisions, or much more serious matters.
I queried my search engine for “pandemic delays” andthisiswhatIgot on the first page. If you’re making statements like that, then I don’t believe you’re much concerned with truth.
Lol. If you ordered a new car in Germany during the pandemic you would sometimes have to wait 1 - 1 ½ years. A car. In Germany. An industry we seriously rely on and these are companies with hundreds thousands of employees making businesses for over one hundred years.