Hello all.
Please tell me what is the format of the icon? How do I find out? Nerd Fonts - Iconic font aggregator, glyphs/icons collection, & fonts patcher => <=
When I click on ICON => “copy icon to Clipboard” the icon is copied to the clipboard, then I paste it into a text editor or terminal and see hieroglyphs.
I understand that I need to download, for example, “ttf-noto-nerd” for the icon to display correctly, but I want to download a different design icon on another resource,
for this I need to understand what kind of format it is.
This is a character. I copied it to a unicode character lookup service and found that it is a unicode character with codepoint U+EF44 from Private Use Area. So, it is not assigned and can be anything.
When you visit the website where you can see the “icon” instead of some undefined “hieroglyph”, your browser follows the website’s instructions and downloads and uses the font to display the font glyph. It is not an “icon”, it is the same as text characters or emoji. The format of the font file on the website is a web font. If you want to use it in another website, you will have to figure out how to link to it or install it.
If you want to use it on a computer, you have to install the font in the format that computer understands, which may be ttf here. Missing fonts is a common problem when carrying documents to another computer. Ideally, you also carry the fonts. Freely licensed fonts have an advantage here. Some file formats, such as PDF, allow bundling of a subset of glyphs for consistent display of the document.
You could also screenshot and cut the image out in an image processing program, such as GIMP, assuming that the font’s license allows. But it is as well possible that they may be available somewhere in an image format.
Hello. Thank you very much for the detailed answer. Okay, if, for example, I need to find a similar icon (screenshot below), what do I need to do? Or a larger or smaller icon, for example? As you rightly pointed out, I’d like to use freely licensed fonts. What are these sites and sources?
I found two good sites but there is no ethernet icon…
It is unclear to me whether you really want an emoji (that is to say, a single Unicode character, in a given font) or you really want an image (that is to say, an icon, in whatever image format). There are trade-offs in the choice.
What about: https://iconduck.com/
My fist thought was to look up in /usr/share/icons/
. But it seems that I do not have an icon set installed which would contain an Ethernet outlet icon. So, I headed for Wikimedia Commons “Ethernet” category and stumbled across the following page. There are images of similar icons in the “network-wired” row of the comparison table.