"What Librem 5 batch am I in?" – Purism

Purism could make more prototype phones for the first batches (with authentic errors and problems) and sell them for a higher price to collectors and investors in first editions … But hand made phones are not cheap so they could be quite expensive :slight_smile: . But if there is enough demand then the price must be higher - right ?

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“Selling my Birch for $1200”
“Sounds a bit much. I’ll give you $999”
“It’s not one of the ninety proper ones. It’s one of the ten that had a resistor missing and manually added by quality control.”
“Shut up and take my money!”



and because of that ONE resistor NOT THERE the usb isn’t working …

We are fortunate to have incredibly talented engineers on our team who quickly traced this error down so we could add the resistor to the remaining Birch devices, restore USB, and keep us on track to ship all Birch devices to backers without changing the Birch shipping window.

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That is not expensive compared to post marks with print errors selling for enormous sums … Possibly the phones must be old and famous with a history. Like “I got this one from Todds hand and accidentally I dropped it out of the window in the garbage container - but miraculously got it back years later from the garbage man who found it and took it home to his son to play with and then he sold it on the flea market for 1 dollar”. Or any other good story :slight_smile: .

Well, OK, back to serious considerations about the batches.

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Ah…that does make sense.

I ordered 5 days later, but no estimated batch email yet. Strange, right? I’m not upset or anything, but based on @SteveC’s post, it seemed logical that I’d get an email for Dogwood, or maybe Evergreen. That’s what I get for oversimplifying a complex system!

:beers: Ah! A couple of Shiner Bocks later, and my head is straight again. No worries – if my S3 dies before I get the L5, I’ll go to eBay and buy something that UBports or Replicant supports and I’ll figure out how to flash it. Been meaning to do that, anyway.

Edit: Sometimes I open my mouth just to change feet! Just found that email from 2 days ago, buried in my inbox. EVERGREEN! More Shiners! :beers:


Just FYI:
Received my Estimated batch Evergreen email on 11/13/2019.
States: “Evergreen” Batch - Starts March 31st

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this is just like saying “come get your socks for 0.99$” - make it 1$ dammit :joy:


I believe I will use it as my daily driver. As long as I can browse the web, listen to music, make calls and replace parts myself, it checks all my boxes.


It seems to me after reading all the posts and dates mentioned, the email sent out asking what batch you would like to be in was pointless and the TRUE launch date is March 2020. Purism should stop with the bullshit and just said this from the beginning! When i pre-ordered NOT a backer (contractual difference in Law and advertising standards) the launch date was Jan 2019, then Apr 2019, another move to Sept 2019 and lets be honest now March 2020. Its Bollocks!


I have to say being 300/350 in pledging and still being placed in Chestnut, that goes to show how few devices were actually made for the first 2 batches??? September hype for launch they must have been laughing at us :rage:


April 2020.

The problem that is they have announced Q3 2019 at the beginning of the year (2019) and only last September that first prototypes would be sent at the beginning of Q4 2019 and “final” phone in April 2020.