Where is the phone?

It keeps coming up in my feed. Yes, I know that I can mute the topic. Eventually someone might say something that does add value or ask a question where I can add value.

I do have my phone. No pretending. Not vapourware. etc. etc.

No, I can’t prove to you that I have my phone.

Some of us just want our money back per the refund policy in place when we handed our money to Purism.

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Don’t get me wrong, I am not at all for retroactively applying a new refund policy. I find that particular decision inexcusable.

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It is understandable about the return of money for people if there was a policy, it seems very extraordinary to me what Purism did in including a return policy because on community project like Librem 5 or even Librem 14, this return policy does not have to exist like either we all win or we all lose.

then it is better to

Yes this is Logical. If you have two bad choices, the less bad choice is the better one. So true.

? What’s wrong with that?

Its about that. Do you know, why you will not have Cookies, Supercookies or implemented Pixels or Social Media Buttons on every Webpage you visit? Cause its bad for Tracking. And sharing DNS-Resolving with Data Brokers, focused on your behavior. It is a nightmare.

The Web merged to some kind of how-we-can-get-more Data of our Customers… so they design Computerprograms as Apps or Web pages, that will share every click every reading time and every visit on every dust particle in your digital presence.

Its not all that bad but some Apps, Programs or Systems on Cars or Smart-Devices like light bulb, use a Company-Cloud Servers to mine Data about behavior. It still works if the System is not online. But if its always online it connect like a VPN to a company or Databrokers DNS-Resolver and likely over TLS cause its encrypted too. So kind of daily usage will be logged. This information is like money on the street and if no one complained it will be done and we will see a shift to that in future. Right now we see this in Cars, Phones, Apps for Smart Things like vaccum cleaner, light bulb apps, Ring-Bells for Doors with Video…

Just take a few seconds … what if… if you build you desktop System like that? Every Click on your Desktop, Manue-Button, every Siri or Cortana question will be transmitted…? Yes i think you get it.

And Today we live in a world where a web page do a quick computer-systems bidding on your (personalized) Webcontent for advertising and - i think this is just a question of time - for an A/B Test and what information will be showed in your Feed. Search engines and Social Media will allow third parties to sell the possibility to select your right now, “search results or message history” in real time. 3erd Party can control when you get your social Media Postings or Messages from social Media in which order - to tune you for future advertises or explicit behavior.

Back to DNS. So no, it is not just about a setting of your Name Resolving… its big business.

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I’ve tried to be patient, but 3 years… C’mon get real. People should be compensated.

Right now it need that time. You should only order - if you see the product or buy it on the used marked. Feel free to sell your Order-Position to some one else. Here on the forum are some people doing this with cooperation at purism… but right now i think it will go fast forward. You will have your phone in less then 12 month, if you not ordered 2021/22**. Cause on the market right now… are many failing companies which cancel Chip-Orders… so capacity got free and we will likely see that purism can sell faster.

This phone is a individual item. So yes you have to wait for it. Its bad, but it is worth! If you will not wait, try to buy and resemble the parts yourself ;D (its a joke not an advice).

Purism develop and share free open source. Thats why we as a community and clients have an interest to get that. The device itself need some more time and community development to craft software like camera and power-saving algorithms to reach a phone(software) that was not available out there before.

Like Android-Roms, but as you see in my post before - i am not sure how much data got lost in that open source code of that… you know. Snow White got a poisoned aPple…
I wish we have some new Browsers, Network Stacks, Algorithms to strip down Voice and Video… free from Big Tech.

**i just exclude them because i do not know that happened if 2 Million orders arrive now - and if all could be served in 12 month, for example.

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this return policy does not have to exist like either we all win or we all lose.

Its just like if you would build a house or other complex system with unpredictable risks. If you have to buy every single item before building so that every craftsman can start working, you see that you will need that kind of capitalization. Cause the other Option would be, that you have to pay a reword daily for that craftsman you can not effort to pay him/her every day waiting for that one item arrive in a 365 day lead time. That way every phone will be impossible to pay for.

Thats why we just have to pay the components and only got our money back if purism reach the produce or delivery date… the other way you would have much, much more risks and rewards. Right know you have just to pay the loan for a X hours of Working (solder, assemble all components and delivery), and prepaid the whole supply line… like the cpu manufactures… which just fu****g need 365 Days to produce that item.

P.s. i can understand too, why someone and like johnk have a sad feeling. Ordering that phone from purism is different like order from a big player or get some item on your local marked. Its just what many do not understand: You will got a really different item. Like a pizza from a restaurant with origin self cropping vegetable or flour in house powdered from organic corn. Compared to a commercial Pizza from the domestic freezer in the supermarked. Ok, purism did not build the components by itself and its not organic… but they assemble presort items.